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    First chapter of many

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    First chapter of many Empty First chapter of many

    Post by Leila Vergious 30th March 2017, 10:44 am

    Leila Vergious • Golden Phoenix • D Rank

    Apparently receiving letters was still quite common these days. So at least that didn't change while the poor Eden's mage was dead and buried. While minding her own business and enjoying the beautiful park in Talonia the other day, a white sheet of paper managed to find it's way into her hands. She thought it would be a little bit longer till she would be receiving job contracts again, but she was clearly mistaken. Someone named Lexa wanted her help clearing out hostile beings inside of this fallen apart place. Yes... these ruins again. Leila remembered them very well. She was here once before and it was not exactly the most pleasant of days. It was the very first time she killed someone inside of here... a man who essentially made sure she existed in the form she was in right now. A man who wished to gain control over the Gardens of Eden for himself. A sinful act and in order to fulfill it, he wanted control over her body. And in blind rage, consumed by Aurora's wrath, the girl tore his body into pieces. It has been a while since then. And honestly, she had no desire returning her. But work was still work and she would not avoid helping others just because of these bad memories.

    So here she was, in front of the entrance. Or at least once of the many entrances that this place had. Dressed in the usual armor, colored in midnight blue and standing out in this place that was overtaken by the nature. In a sense, she felt like at home here with all the greenery. But her connection to the Gardens was still weak, leaving her mostly dependant on the bow that was adorning her back. It was why she actually asked another someone for help with this specific contract, as it was obvious that there would be combat. That someone was Noheme, her sister. Unfortunately, she was far too busy with her own work to come here and actually help. However, she apparently informed a teammate of hers, someone named Cirven. This man was to help her with this job, make sure the little sister would not get hurt while hunting down whatever was inside of this place. Well, something like that was fine too. After all, she loved meeting new people. And this one would be something special indeed, befriending someone like the moon goddess. In all honestly, she couldn't wait to meet him already!

    But she did try her best to be patient, patting the horse that was tied to a nearby half-collapsed column. If there was any bonus to the girl not being able to use most of her magic right now, it was that she had to depend on horses to go around again instead of growing out flowery wings and just soaring in the sky. While something like that felt very refreshing and gave her a big sense of freedom, there was a nostalgic value in riding these majestic beasts. After all, that was how she got around when she was just starting her career as magician in this world, freshly separated from her foster father and alone for everything. With a sigh, she smiled and stretched. It was about time he would show up now.

    Word Count: 551 / 3125
    Tags: @Cirven
    OOC: -
    Template (c) Izayuki



    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    First chapter of many Empty Re: First chapter of many

    Post by Cirven 31st March 2017, 7:49 pm

    The demon soared through the air using his own control over his magic to do so wearing his typical black clothing as well as the nodachi, Date on his back. He had recently started to fly around himself so that he could get used to it more over always relying on Zinnath to take him around. He knew that she did not mind at all and probably wanted to help him where she could but he did not want to risk losing her suddenly. She was one of the very few things he had left as a reminder of his sister and because of that he wanted to protect her as much as he could do so. He knew that she would eventually follow him to help him but he wanted to make sure he would be ready to use his magic well enough then to protect her just in case anything happened. He didn't have the best past so he probably had enemies around just waiting to find a way to get to him and he did not want Zinnath to be that target.

    He flew over the area of ancient ruins and scoped it out a bit. He had not exactly met the woman who would be his partner in this job but he wanted to make sure he met her. Her name was Leila and she was somehow the sister of Noheme and that was enough alone to get him to want to meet her. The goddess having a sibling was interesting to him because she never spoke about it until recently. It wasn't too weird for her not to talk about herself but it still intrigued him a lot to be able to meet someone who happened to share blood with Noheme. He hoped they would be easier to get along with though because his first encounter with Noheme was not the best at all. The two almost took each other's heads off due to the situation they were in and only reluctantly worked together. That job ended with them gaining respect for each other but it still took time before they would finally consider themselves as friends and teammates. He wondered if Leila could be someone similar as to what Noheme was to him also.

    He used his sense of smell to pick up on any scents that stood out and then followed it to where he found a girl in armor standing in front of a entrance into one of the ruins. He waved his hand as he dropped to the ground and started to slowly move towards her. "Yo. Leila, right? Got to make sure who you are before we talk more." He questioned her a bit to make sure she was who he was after. From the scent alone he could slightly tell it was her from the similarity it had to Noheme's but with the life the goddess had it was hard to just assume everything was the way it looked out to be. If she was an enemy in any sort of way he would have to figure it out quick especially with someone like Lilith being around to pull strings.

    Word Count:


    First chapter of many LxcTBIi
    Character Info:
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1599
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    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Age : 27
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    First chapter of many Empty Re: First chapter of many

    Post by Leila Vergious 1st April 2017, 10:43 am

    Leila Vergious • Golden Phoenix • D Rank

    It was quite easy to tell someone was coming considering Leila was indeed capable of sensing magical energies and Cirven's power was radiating for miles as he wasn't even trying to hide it. So this was the level at which Noheme and her friends were, huh? It was honestly rather impressive, even from outside like this. The girl never quite reached that amount of power, though she did have quite a bit of it. As soon as he appeared in front of her, she hopped right in front of him as well in position of salutations. "Leila Vergious in flesh! Pleasure to meet you Cirven~" A playful and teasing tone to show that she was a free unchained soul that tried to see the better side of life at all times. This man on the other hand appeared to be somewhat more serious, especially with the way he 'introduced' himself. It was probably understandable, as she imagined that those with this amount of power had quite the target painted on their backs at times. But this Eden's mage was nothing in comparison to him, especially now that her magical power was still in state of recovering after her revival. It was taking a while, but it seemed that these jobs were helping her gain more power again over time.

    That was the introductions between these two, soon to be interrupted by a girl creeping out of the dark corridor leading into the ancient ruins. "Leila Vergious...?" A cute and young voice repeating the name she clearly heard a moment ago. Without any warning, a young looking girl jumped out of the shadows similarly to how Leila did before, now standing tall, despite her small height, in front of the two mages. Her attire didn't quite match what one would wear to a place like this, although the same could be said about the other girl's light armor as well. "You're... Lexa?" The girl in front of them would nod and pull out a strange sheet of metal from one of her skirt pockets with a mischievous small slapped on her face. Clearly there was more to this job than the Eden's mage originally knew, as the letter only mentioned hostile creatures and their clean up. Well, maybe that would make it even better and not so boring? Looking behind her, she would also make sure that her new partner wasn't suspicious of her employer and mistaking her for one of said enemies, for something like that would probably be rather problematic. "She's the one who arranged this contract and wants to explore this place, for which she needs our help." Or at least that was how she herself understood this situation. Lexa would probably explain further as they would go in.

    Word Count: 1012 / 3125
    Tags: @Cirven
    OOC: -
    Template (c) Izayuki



    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    First chapter of many Empty Re: First chapter of many

    Post by Cirven 3rd April 2017, 1:25 pm

    Cirven let up his guard a bit upon hearing the girl call out that she was the person he was looking for and teaming up with. He was surprised to see how happy she was especially from with who her sister was and with the complications that came with her coming into this world. He did not know much about her but knew that she had only recently been created or something similar from her scent being similar to the a small green ball that he saw Noheme get on one of their past jobs from Lilith, her creator/father and the man who was in the center of the reason why she was the way she was.

    He didn't know even if Leila knew what was going on with Lilith but with how she was acting he was not going to bring it up and make her feel differently. He just felt like it was not his place to bring up something like that and would simply be there to support the girl with the job she had chosen to be a part of. "Nice to meet you, Leila. I'm Cirven Mizune but I'm pretty sure your sister has told you that already." His face broke into a smile towards the girl. "Kind of surprised to see you are pretty much the opposite to your sister. Maybe you can help the gloomy fox with being a bit more upbeat at some point?" He teased at Noheme who was probably somewhere off sneezing from her being talked about by him.

    Before they could continue talking much more a voice called out to Leila. A young girl who was shorter than Cirven came out from the shadows nearby which made the demon get on guard even though he did not look it. He made it a tendency to look as though he was full of holes when fighting when he was actually not at all and was only baiting someone to attack him in some way. His guard only dropped a little again when Leila explained that she was the one who contacted Leila about the job. "So I take it you don't know how to introduce yourself in a way that won't get you killed on sight?" He joked with Lexa then smiled. "Hopefully we can get this over with quickly or at least this ends up being fun in some way. What is that rock you have and what do you have us here for anyways?" He questioned the girl while staring at the rock and then back at her face. The situation gave him a weird feeling like there was something else do this that they might have to do some digging to get the answer to. He did not trust the randomness of how the girl approached them at all and did not exactly trust the job details she would give them. Something was fishy to him about it all.

    Word Count:


    First chapter of many LxcTBIi
    Character Info:
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1599
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    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Age : 27
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    First chapter of many Empty Re: First chapter of many

    Post by Leila Vergious 12th April 2017, 6:43 am

    Leila Vergious • Golden Phoenix • D Rank

    A somewhat snarky smile would run across Leila's face as she heard the introduction and phrase " but I'm pretty sure your sister has told you that already". Indeed Noheme did inform her of several things, this man being one of them. After all, they were to take on this little contract together, so they had to know at least a little bit about one another. Though she herself was unsure if that sister of hers told this man anything about her, or not. "Yes. A dog demon who loves to show off I was told." She spoke out, teasing the man in front of her a bit. Though that disappeared pretty fast when Noheme was mentioned once more. The Eden's mage continued smiling, but it was different from before. Almost a melancholic smile adorned her face now as the saddening truth hanged in the air. "She actually appeared rather lively and happy when we were together. I have very little knowledge of how she is outside of our interactions, so... so that's how she normally is, huh." Her gaze was directed at the ground for a moment, as if she didn't know how to look at Cirven. This was obviously no one's fault, but the atmosphere weighed heavy on the silver haired maiden who was always somewhat awkward with overly serious topics.

    Thankfully Lexa managed to fix that situation right quick when she appeared out of the shadows, somewhat startling both of the mages without really intending to. Upon hearing the man's comment, her head just titled to the side in questioning matter as if she was asking "what are you even talking about". In the end, this place was one of the more pleasant parts of these ruins and it was uncommon for dangerous beings to roam around. She was probably completely relax and not paying attention to anything that could go bad right now. But the expression quickly changed back to a smile as the metallic strip in her hand started somewhat glowing, along with her whole body. "You're not exactly the most knowledgeable in magic-infused items, huh? It's alright, you two just have to worry about clearing the way! I have reasons to believe there is something inside that I need, but the path in there is riddled with hostiles and I can't quite get past them on my own." That was the contract alright. Though it was always a bit concerning when even the employer didn't exactly know what was going on or what they should expect. Then again, unknown was always way more fun than the known and rushing on ahead into the darkness should prove to be entertaining enough for now.

    Word Count: 1460 / 3125
    Tags: @Cirven
    OOC: Feel free to start rolling
    Template (c) Izayuki



    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    First chapter of many Empty Re: First chapter of many

    Post by Cirven 12th April 2017, 1:23 pm



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    First chapter of many Empty Re: First chapter of many

    Post by NPC 12th April 2017, 1:23 pm

    The member 'Cirven' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    First chapter of many WeakMonster First chapter of many StrongMonster First chapter of many WeakMonster First chapter of many NormalMonster First chapter of many StrongMonster

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    First chapter of many Empty Re: First chapter of many

    Post by Cirven 15th April 2017, 8:27 am

    The demon could tell that it would be easier to get along with Leila than he thought initially. Noheme was similar to that at first even though they both almost ripped each other's heads off on the first time they met but somehow their respect for the power that each had formed a friendship that lead to them trusting each other enough to be partners. It was something that took Cirven a lot to do in this world that he had lived through countless turmoils with. Leila did not know the struggles her sister was going through mentally that Cirven picked up on because Noheme probably did not let her in hopes of not disrupting the happiness her sister felt with her life. Cirven was going to try and fix what he said to her and try to get her to believe that maybe he was wrong in what he saw or felt but before he could he was cut off by Lexa.

    They had a job to do here and he had to make sure Leila got through this job alive even though something bothered him about it all. It was almost like there was something in the air that kept nagging at him to find out what was really going on but he could only figure that out by continuing the job he was brought into. "So just clearing the way is our jobs? I only hope it stays that easy. Can't say I completely trust you here, Lexa." He gave the woman a glare and then made his way into the ruined temple first. "Let's get this over with." He spoke out as he made his way in.

    The room they were brought into looked like it was some sort of hidden tech lab for a group. Multiple machines lined the walls with equipment next to them as well as counters with more equipment on them. there was even beds near the machines that looked like there were some experiments done that would not have been approved in many places. This gave Cirven the returning memory of Cor Torva and how they experimented on person after person in order to gain power. They had no remorse for anyone and only cared about their own pursuits and their goals. A death or more was only a slight set back to them and they just continued to ruin lives over and over.

    Right upon he walked in he was welcomed by multiple scents from all around him. Metallic smells swarmed into his nose from all around him. There was something else mixed into the smell though. The smell of ripped through flesh and blood. The mix of scents bothered him slightly at first but he dealt with it. He had a job to do after all and he would be thrust into things because two giant spiders swiped their legs at him forcing him to jump back. The past him had a fear of insects and would have flipped out over the fact of these spiders being that big but he was different now. Three more enemies, two 'enhanced' scientists and a dog stood with the spiders and all of them looked to be morphed into something different with some type of circuits throughout their bodies making them look like some cyber zombies. "Stand back. I'm not in the mood to play around much here at all so.." Cirven took a deep breath of air while leaning his head back until his cheeks puffed out and black electricity sparked out from his mouth. He then leaned his head forward and fired a massive blast of black electricity that engulfed all of his enemies and instantly defeated them besides the two scientists. "You two are a bit tougher than I thought." The scientist did not respond back and seemed to be running off of some type of instinct as they both put their hands out and fired off a combined blast of electricity similar to Cirven's earlier attack aiming to engulf him and his allies in it. "That's kind of cool but you did it wrong." Cirven put his hand out and absorbed the redirected attack into his own body then sent the blast back out at the two scientists who were hit by the attack. After the attack hit them they laid out on the floor accompanied by the other creatures that were their allies and were done in by the first attack. "I don't think they will die from that but they really are not living to begin with. I can see it from here that they are all working off of some sort of instinct to attack anyone who comes in here. The scientists not talking and looking as if they were some circuit obsessed zombies shows that. Be ready to deal with some company or go wait outside. I can hear multiple more enemies around us." The God Slayer's dual colored eyes looked around the dark interior they were in as he tried to find where the enemies could come from next.

    Word Count:


    First chapter of many LxcTBIi
    Character Info:
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1599
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,806,570

    First chapter of many Empty Re: First chapter of many

    Post by Leila Vergious 22nd April 2017, 3:37 am

    Leila Vergious • Golden Phoenix • D Rank

    Lexa actually managed to burst out into laughter the moment she heard Cirven's words. So much that she actually started tearing up even. But in few moments, she managed to regain her composure, clearing up the small tears from her eyes as she struggled to breath properly while looking at the dog demon. "Well, now I'm glad to have you here! A mage that does not trust his employer from the moment one, that's the first for me. The job is clearing the way for now, but if we run into something else I would require help with, I'll be sure to properly pay you for your extra efforts, so no worries there." Leila too watched that show with a warm smile on her face. Ah, so this was another thing she truly missed when her soul shattered into the void. The human contact... not even her own where she would communicate with other people, but simply watching humans interact with one another. When done like this, in a friendly manner, it was truly a sight to behold for a girl that was once a goddess, born from the infinite void. But those days when she was nothing more than an entity wandering the Abyss, content with her own existence and devoid of any feelings at all, were completely gone now. She was part of Earthland as far as she was concerned, something she would not throw away again!

    "I think we're safe to believe Miss Lexa over here, Cirven. I've been in these ruins before and while they can be filled with traps, there is no way someone could actually use them to their own advantage properly."

    They were build by whoever created this temple after all. Some sort of ancient civilization properly. One with completely unknown goals, as no one really knew what was hiding in the depths of this temple yet. But now was time to enter the temple and see what exactly was hiding in this one specific section. Cirven was in the lead while Leila and Lexa walked side by side behind him. For a while, they were going through a messy corridor that was perfectly common for a place like this.  "Huh... by this point, I already encountered some resistance before. Guess everything's scared of your rather impressive mana, dear~" The young employer would try to start a teasing conversation with the demon on lead, but the enemy finally showed up and ready to tear them apart. The Eden's mage would prepare her bow and a smug smile while Lexa readied herself in a stance common for specific martial arts fighting style. They were reading to conquer the enemy, but were not really allowed to do so. The purple haired man seemed somewhat irritated during this whole time and was not playing around when he decided to end the entire encounter in handful of strikes. Well, something like that was probably befitting a mage of S-rank. The two females could only stand back with comical stares gazing forth. "As I said, pretty impressive mana. Though I would not be opposed to the idea of holding back a little. I'm not exactly sure what this place is, but it looks mighty interesting. Would be useless if we manage to bury it in rubble though, so try to be careful please."

    After saying those words, the girl would sigh and start laughing again, gaining Leila's attention rather easily. "This is certainly not how I imagined this if I'm being honest. I wrote a letter for Leila Vergious, a great mage of Golden Phoenix who managed to prove her power many times in the past. But now we're just kinda sitting here and letting the tough guy do all the work. Not that I mind~" Truly, those words did make the Eden's mage smile as well. This was meant to be her job, but Cirven managed to steal the spotlight with extreme ease. But the same as Lexa, she did not mind. "So my sister managed to find a teammate this powerful. Yup, that seems just like her! Kinda makes me jealous, the only team I ever had fell apart before it could properly start because of what happened to me." Her tone fell onto a sad note towards the end, but the girl was also quickly interrupted. Everyone could surely feel it now. A rather large amount of magical power, just like the dog demon said. There were enemies incoming, a pretty great amount of them too. It was time to fight then! Both of the girls readied themselves, as they could not expect the boy to protect them forever, especially if the enemy's numbers were larger than before.

    Word Count: 2243 / 3125
    Tags: @Cirven
    OOC: -
    Template (c) Izayuki



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    First chapter of many Empty Re: First chapter of many

    Post by NPC 22nd April 2017, 3:37 am

    The member 'Leila Vergious' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
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    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Age : 35
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    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    First chapter of many Empty Re: First chapter of many

    Post by Cirven 26th April 2017, 6:37 pm

    Lexa and Leila would comment on most of the things going on while they made their way through the temple, most of which only got slight scoffs from Cirven. He was not really in the mood to be in some temple fighting things that made no sense being there in the first place. Especially things that were enhanced by some type of circuits going through their bodies. The mood was caused because he did not trust Lexa much at all even though she said if anything extra happened she'd pay them more and all they had to do was clear the way. This caused him to quickly defeat a group of enemies and just shrug to the comment Lexa spoke out about wrecking the place. "You said you would pay extra for something like that,
    right? I can't just hold back when there are multiple enemies in front of us that I know nothing about. Maybe you can fill us in on what is going on here like a good employer would do?
    " He questioned her and gave her a glare from over his own shoulder with his red left eye.

    He wasn't given much time to really respond though as more enemies all appeared where the others had fallen. They had doubled their numbers too which caused the demon to let out a sigh. "Looks like we have more work to do. Be on your guard. I took those earlier enemies out just quick enough so that we didn't have to deal with any of their abilities but this time we will all have to try more than that." He spoke and then turned his head side ways causing a cracking sound to be heard coming from his body. He then did it again the other way and cracked his knuckles. "I needed a bit of a work out anyways." Black electricity sparked to life more around his arms and formed the electrified claws he used to fight with.

    Cirven eyed over the enemies who had entered the room, all of which looked similar to the earlier ones showing a sort of trend. There were five circuit cover dog, two large circuit covered spiders and a circuit covered scientist who looked similar to the ones earlier and like a cybernetic zombie. The demon then ran forward towards the enemies near them and quickly struck one of the spider creature's legs causing it to yelp out in pain. One of the dogs ran towards him and jumped through the air at him but he ducked under it an struck it with his electrified claws causing the dog to yelp through the air and land on the ground with a slight limp. The other spider joined into the fray and shot out some of its webbing from its mouth in order to try and trap Cirven but the demon saw it coming and before it could hit him he was in the air above the sticky substance. This left him vulnerable though as the circuit covered scientist found his mark and launched himself into the air at the demon while wielding a bone saw that he swiped through the air. Cirven had planned a bit ahead and hoped that he would be close enough to all the enemies he could get near when he leapt into the air. The only issue was he was now forced to use his idea now instead of when more of the enemies were closer to him.

    Cirven quickly let out a black electric barrier out around his body which covered the spiders, scientist and some of the dogs quickly shocking them each and frying their bodies. Cirven landed on the ground after his successful attack to see that the scientist was still standing. The zombie-like man smiled at the demon and lifted his hand out which fired off a blast of electricity back at Cirven. A blast that the demon instantly knew was his own magical power coming back at him. The scientist was too close for him to be able to dodge it so he had to simply take the hit and he did. The blast sent him rolling across the floor and into one of the machines nearby.

    The scientist and the surviving enemies all then turned their focus on the girls while another enemy approached herself who looked exactly like Lexa. The enemies were weakened from their fight with Cirven besides the new female addition and seemingly the leader of the group but that did not mean they were not all a threat.

    Word Count:


    First chapter of many LxcTBIi
    Character Info:
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    First chapter of many Empty Re: First chapter of many

    Post by Leila Vergious 27th April 2017, 5:59 am

    Leila Vergious • Golden Phoenix • D Rank

    Lexa's eyes were wondering all over the place, seemingly trying to figure out just what it was as much as the rest of the group. Though her gaze would also return back to Cirven quite often seeing how he directed his speech to her. "Are you from Fairy Tail by any chance? Sounds like something those guys would do - take the job and then demand extra pay for not destroying the place completely. Though I guess they are more known for actually destroying everything regardless so maybe not. I would tell you more if I actually knew where we were going. I never said that I have the knowledge of what this place is. Just got the info that I should check it out, so here we are." She would reply to him while placing her hands behind her head in nonchalant manner. It was quite apparent that she was not bothered by the fact that the dog demon was most likely ready to strike her down if he saw anything suspicious going down. That said, it would be rather bad idea to do so as then there would be no one left to pay for this at al.

    And just as Lexa said, this place really was crawling with enemy forces. No wonder the girl wasn't capable of progressing through here on her own and requested Leila's help. Though to be honest, she was glad that Cirven was here with them, as even he and his power wasn't able to properly deal with all of them, much the two girls alone. Thankfully the man of this particular group was capable enough to take most of them down in the process of getting himself tired. The was a problem, however. Two more scientists emerged from the shadows and joined the party. Now the enemy count made two dogs and three still standing zombies of circuits. With a tight grip on her bow, Leila prepared herself for the combat while Lexa resumed her fighting stance. But there was much more going down then just this, something that would make this encounter all the much worse in mere moments.

    Further into the moss-covered lab, hidden in the shadows, something clicked. A giant pod filled with strange green liquid. As if through some automated process, light inside of the container turned on to reveal a small female figure inside of it. Not that they could properly see it at this distance, but it certainly affected Lexa who suddenly froze. Before the fight could even start, the figure disappeared from the container and reappeared outside of it. A girl that seemed... rather familiar. A clone of Lexa? The girl that employed them moved into sprint without any heads up, merely punching one of the dogs to the side as it tried to intercept. Driven by feelings she could not quite describe, she stopped right in front of the new girl, breathing heavily and unsure of what to say.

    On the other side of the room, the remaining enemy forces still lingered and started to surround Leila. Well, this was a bit troublesome, wasn't it? Creating several magical arrows at once, she would do her best to shoot them all, but only managing to strike the dogs and one of the scientists in the process. Not even defeating them, she cursed her own lack of power right now, wishing that death of hers would have never happened. Incapable of properly defending, she had to try and at least diminish the impact a bit with her bow as one of the scientists managed to get close, striking with his fist. It easily deflected the bow out of the way and his other hand moved in, holding a rather sharp looking scalpel. In the very last moment, the girl managed to block it with her own hand, her palm now pierced through by the blade. But at least it prevented one of her eyes being poked out.

    Word Count: 2904 / 3125
    Tags: @Cirven
    OOC: -
    Template (c) Izayuki



    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    First chapter of many Empty Re: First chapter of many

    Post by Cirven 7th May 2017, 8:46 pm

    The landscape of the battle quickly was shifting into the favor of the enemies around the mages with Cirven out of commission for a short time. They started to attack the two girls as if the demon was completely defeated by them in the single attack that was redirected at him. What they did not know was the demon was not anything common in this world at all. "So you think one of my own attacks will do me in like that...?" Cirven's voice spoke out in a light tone from inside the debris of the machines he had been sent through. A loud sparking noise suddenly was let out coming from where he was and with it black electricity shot out from that area and around the destroyed machines. "You are all idiots if you think that." Cirven walked out with a few scratches and bruises on his body at first but they all suddenly disappeared due to his regenerative abilities.

    One of the circuit filled scientist noticed this and quickly reacted by throwing his scalpel towards Cirven. The demon didn't waste time dodging as the sharp blade pierced through his head and sent it bending backwards. His head remained head up, looking towards the ceiling as he stood there. The black electricity coming from his body increased in its surging and sparking. "You don't listen well, do you?" Cirven grabbed the scalpel in his skull and ripped it out without even a sound to show it hurt him. The scalpel surged with the black electricity the demon could create and control while in his hands as well as a new purple aura. Cirven then threw the scalpel back towards the scientist but the circuit zombie man was able to move out of the way of it. The problem was he did not avoid the attack heading towards him and before he could react a bolt of black electricity flew through him and shocked him intensely. The bolt then formed into Cirven and he grabbed the scalpel from out of the air as the scientist was about to absorb the attack and send it back at him. Cirven then jammed the scalpel into the side of the man's skull. "Not this time."

    He then noticed that the person he was supposed to protect was in danger while fighting one of the other enemies and threw the scalpel at what was left of the man attacking her. It dug into his back and he let out a rage filled groan from the pain as he reached back to pull it out from his flesh. Just like last time Cirven took the form of a bolt of black electricity and traveled through another of the scientists and the remaining dogs to the metal scalpel that was dug into the scientists back. "Don't worry. I got it for you." He spoke out as he quickly ripped the scalpel out from the man's body and stabbed it into his skull like he did to the man earlier this time surging with electricity over and over again. The last scientist growled out as he managed to absorb the damage he had sustained from being shocked by Cirven's electric form and was about to send it back towards him and Leila but before he could the scalpel was ripped out from the head of the scientist Cirven had just dealt with and thrown to its new target in the last surviving one. It soared through the air covered in black electricity and the purple aura where it met its mark inside of the head of the scientist. "Push overs." Cirven spoke out under his breathe. "Leila, I know you are stronger than that. you are Noheme's sister after all." He spoke out to his partner. "Just one more left so stay strong,
    " He looked towards her and gave off a smile at her before changing into his electric form again and dashing towards the scalpel that was now lodged into the head of the dead scientist.

    He stared down the Lexa and her clone that were now fighting back and forth and knew he was needed because their employer seemed to be somewhat outclassed by her circuit covered clone. Cirven threw his scalpel at the clone when he saw and opening and dashed behind it in his electric form like his earlier attacks. This time though both attacks were dodged by the last enemy. Cirven caught the scalpel and twirled it around his fingers. "You are of a different breed, huh? You still reek of being an experiment though which pisses me off." He hinted towards why he was so uptight about the job to his partners. He disliked any place that reminded him of his past as an experiment just like the one they were in. "I'll put you out of your misery." He dashed forward at the clone and slashed the small blade around which were dodged by the clone but he managed to throw a kick up into the legs of the circuit covered woman to stop her dodging and slash the scalpel across her chest as she lost her balance. She let out a short yell of pain from the attack and managed to throw a kick up towards him while she was on the ground. Cirven caught the kick attempt with his free hand and slashed her leg causing her to yell out again from the pain. He then was about to stab the scalpel into the woman but she snapped her fingers and caused two dimensional portals to appear above and below him and with it a barrage of blades were sent out. Cirven let go of the Lexa clone and jumped up to avoid the blades from above but had little room before the other blades would hit him. He quickly let out a black sphere of electricity around him that blocked the blades from hitting him as well as hit the Lexa clone and damaged her from her prone state. The attacks stopped and with it Cirven dropped to the floor to look over the fallen clone. "Pretty sure she is dead. I'm not hearing her breathe or her heartbeat. Does this mean the job is over?"

    Word Count Completed:


    First chapter of many LxcTBIi
    Character Info:
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1599
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    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Age : 27
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    First chapter of many Empty Re: First chapter of many

    Post by Leila Vergious 8th May 2017, 6:24 am

    Leila Vergious • Golden Phoenix • D Rank

    It was little embarrassing, but Cirven was wrong. Even if she was sister to the mad goddess who held incredible power, she herself was pathetically weak. At least right now she was. Her connection to Gardens of Eden was far from being restored and because of that, she had to rely solely on her bow and nothing more. In all honesty, she would probably be a dead meat if not for him, so she only averted her eyes in respose without verbally communicating anything at all. All that was left was the wish she could finally regain her powers and be strong once more. But she had this rather unpleasant feeling that she would remain like this for quite a while. A feeling she disliked a great deal. In the meantime, two girls were staring each other down on the other end of the room until Lexa herself broke the silence. "Who are you? And why do you look exactly like me?!" There was a very clear frustration in her voice that could be heard even by the most ignorant of people.


    She did not finish as Cirven interrupted. The two started fighting and Leila caught up with their employer who could only blankly stare it at all. But as they finished, that neutral expression transformed into one of great anger as she suddenly started yelling at the only man in the group. "What the hell do you think you're doing, you imbecile?! She wasn't even trying to attack me, you damn murderer!" Indeed, it did look like that. While she fought back, she was only staring at the real Lexa until now. And now if she really was dead, there would be never any answers at all that could explain all of this. But at the very last moment, the clone stood up. Looking rather beat up, she gave them all but one simply look.

    "I guess little sisters are not made as strong..."

    And with those words, she vanished. A teleportation magic that was far too quick to be stopped, only accompanied by desparate "Wait-!" by Lexa. But it was too late for anything now. Grinding her teeth together, she produced a small sachel of jewels and threw it at Leila who caught the leather pouch. "Take your reward and get out." She said simply, clearly angry from everything that had just transpired. Refusing any further conversation, she moved further into the lab and started examining the equipment that surrounded the clone before. Well, this job didn't exactly have a happy ending... but it paid in the end. Leila herself just gave Cirven somewhat disappointed look and decided to leave these tombs as well. Seemed like they never gave anything but bitter feeling in her mouth.

    Word Count: 3363 / 3125 (WC achieved)
    Tags: @Cirven
    OOC: -
    Template (c) Izayuki


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