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    Planting the seeds {Evi / Zoey} {Mission}


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Experience : 37.5

    Planting the seeds {Evi / Zoey} {Mission} Empty Planting the seeds {Evi / Zoey} {Mission}

    Post by Kusanagi 3rd March 2017, 10:55 pm

    Mission link: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t26798-planting-the-seeds

    Mr. Elwood bent over on the farm land, The soil had already been tilled and prepared for seeding but the elderly farmer had hurt his back pretty badly, so he was paying the nearby guild to help him out. The guildmaster apparently thought Mr. Elwood was the most qualified for the job along with someone else, because they both had experience with plants. Mr. Elwood went ahead of this other person early to avoid having to walk through a crowd and confront his fear of them and social situations and had already started sowing the seeds. The situation was perfect so there was no need to do anything other than plant the seeds into the ground. Holes had already been prepared for the seeds, the farmer gave him a brief explanation on how to sow the seeds and Mr. Elwood caught on fairly quickly. He was a genius after all.

    All he had to do was place the seeds in the holes though so it would be farfetched to call what he was doing the work of a genius. The only thing Mr. Elwood had to be careful of was making sure the seeds were the proper depth down. If they didn't go deep enough, the seed could get washed away, resulting in a waste of crop. That was something Mr. Elwood hoped to avoid.

    Word count: 225
    Total words: 225


    E's Dialogue
    E's Thoughts
    Ella Elwes
    Ella Elwes

    Lineage : Pride of Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 163
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    Planting the seeds {Evi / Zoey} {Mission} Empty Re: Planting the seeds {Evi / Zoey} {Mission}

    Post by Ella Elwes 7th March 2017, 10:33 am

    With a yawn the young wizard made her way to the farmer's farm. At the guild she was told that there already was another wizard set out on the same job only a bit earlier. The reason was that they had a similar magic which was perfect for the current job. At which case Zoey certainly wouldn't pass out on a job that seems like it was made for her. As the farm was rather close to Hargeon Town it didn't take long for Zoey to reach the place. Alone Zoey arrived at the farm.

    Once she arrived Zoey could see two older men talking to each other. Zoey approached them, and listened to the conversation as well. It wasn't really hard to see who was the farmer due to their different clothing style. She was pretty certain farmers didn't wear lab coats. Then again she never met a wizard in a lab coat either, so maybe it was a weird hargeon town thingy.

    She showed them her guild mark on her left shoulder. Hoping that was an explanation enough. To show who she was. As the other person started to work, Zoey grabbed some seeds as well. Putting them deep and placing them inside their little holes before filling it with the right type of ground.



    Unless stated otherwise: I always do my jobs by word count.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 256
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 37.5

    Planting the seeds {Evi / Zoey} {Mission} Empty Re: Planting the seeds {Evi / Zoey} {Mission}

    Post by Kusanagi 7th March 2017, 7:33 pm

    shiiiiiiit! Evi's mind screamed in his head as he kept his back to his recently arrived partner. Evi wasn't a social person and never learned to properly associate with others. Especially people of the opposite sex. No experience equates to a lack of understanding which equates to panicking and having zero ability to start a conversation, much less be involved in one.

    At the very least, Mr. Elwood kept himself composed and didn't allow himself to panic and lose his mind and also his facial expression. On the contrary, Evi also kept quiet and his back turned to the girl, avoiding eye contact and hoping she didn't try to start a conversation herself that was more than a single sentence as he continued to slowly but surely sow the seeds that would later become the harvest.

    It was going to be a long day. Even though Evi started very early in the morning, the amount of work Evi had done paled in comparison to the labor that had yet to be completed. Even with the two of them, this was going to be an all day job. Farmer's really don't get the credit they deserve, doing stuff like this twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, Evi thought as he wiped some sweat off of his forehead with his forearm. Evi stretched his arms out and walked away to a water spigot the elderly farmer told Evi they could use as much as they wanted. Evi figured he was going to be getting water quite frequently as he turned on the water, bent over to the stream of water pouring out and slurped up some water nonstop for a good minute or so.

    Word count: 284
    Total Word count: 509


    E's Dialogue
    E's Thoughts
    Ella Elwes
    Ella Elwes

    Lineage : Pride of Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 163
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    Planting the seeds {Evi / Zoey} {Mission} Empty Re: Planting the seeds {Evi / Zoey} {Mission}

    Post by Ella Elwes 15th March 2017, 12:39 pm

    Her companion seemed to be the quiet type. Zoey wasn't really quiet, but she was shy. She wouldn't seek contact with others no matter who they were. Once she knew someone a little better it tended to be a little easier to engage in a conversation with them. Yet with this guild mate she hadn't really spoken yet, let alone know him a little. She wondered if she should say anything, but decided against it yet. Maybe later in the day.

    Zoey couldn't see anyone doing this through the whole year, especially if one had to memorize the different procedures for raising plants in the different seasons. Though winter probably didn't have a lot in comparison to the other three. Luckily plants didn't grow in one day, imagine you had to do everything from planting to general care every day in the year. This work certainly was tiring. She wondered if her magic could be used on this, but planting in general would be difficult, and even then they would have to check if it was done right, so she decided against it.

    She saw her guild mate moving towards some sort of device to get water from. Just as she saw that she noticed that after removing her sweat multiple times it wasn't just her head that had become sweaty. As such she moved to the same faucet to get some water. She waited patiently until the guy was done until she would turn it on.



    Unless stated otherwise: I always do my jobs by word count.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 256
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 37.5

    Planting the seeds {Evi / Zoey} {Mission} Empty Re: Planting the seeds {Evi / Zoey} {Mission}

    Post by Kusanagi 27th March 2017, 8:52 pm

    Hm? Evi looked up from his drink and noticed his female partner in this job behind him. Evi never even noticed her approach and the sudden shorting of the distance between them gave Evi a shock as he made a weird grunt and fell backwards on his ass and hitting his head on the water spigot . Once his rear end his the ground, a stem sprout forth from the top of his head and a gladiolus flower was given life in full bloom, in all its purple beauty as beneath it, Evi was red as a rose in embarrassment and discomfort from being so close to a person of the opposing gender. He was also red because he was bleeding from where he hit his head on the spigot.

    Evi grabbed the back of his head in pain underneath the curved spigot. This was a little more than unpleasant. Not only was he unable to speak a coherent sentence to a girl he most certainly looked like an inept fool for tripping over something so minor. Evi didn’t even realize how bad it really was with a purple flower sprouting from his head. Evi immediately had a thought of how bad things would turn out if the girl extended her hand to help Evi, since Evi definitely wouldn’t be able to take that hand he would look rude as well as inept and tried to hurry to his feet only to hit his head on the spigot yet again and fall to his knees this time with his second bleeding welt of the day on his head, grabbing his new welt with both hands and folding up into a fetal position on the ground with a loud shout of pain. It was a simple job yet purely avoidable and stupid mistakes got Evi injured twice, with need to see a doctor once it was all over. This was going to be a long and unpleasant day for Evi.

    Word count: 329
    Total Words: 838


    E's Dialogue
    E's Thoughts
    Ella Elwes
    Ella Elwes

    Lineage : Pride of Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 163
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    Planting the seeds {Evi / Zoey} {Mission} Empty Re: Planting the seeds {Evi / Zoey} {Mission}

    Post by Ella Elwes 1st April 2017, 2:23 am

    Just as Zoey arrived the man suddenly made the man fall and hit his head. That seemed to be rather painful. Maybe she should try to help him. Zoey tried to get closer, but before she make one step towards the man he tried to stand up quickly and hit his head again. Well this was starting to get awkward especially since he started to cry out. Still for Zoey this wasn't so important. She didn't stop going closer to the injured person. If anything he might need medical help, or at least something to prevent the wounds from getting worse. She didn't pay much attention to the flower on the head of the man right now, since helping was a little more important right now.

    "Are you alright?" A rather unnecessary question since the man was screaming from pain. Zoey sat down on her knees aside the man and examined the wounds without touching the man, since she didn't knew what state he was in and she didn't know how he would react if she touched him suddenly. She noticed earlier that he did so only when he noticed her, so maybe she had something to do with this. Still she can't remember meeting this man before so it probably wasn't personal.

    "Wait up, I'll go get some bandages. Try not to move to harshly." She said after confirming that the man was alright, but still wounded. This was dirty work and we wouldn't want to get some dirt get into the wound and make it worse than it already is. She stood up from her position and went toward the house to get some bandages or whatever could be used to cover up the wound. She thought about using leafs she could create, but those were unreliable for this purpose.

    WC: 302
    Total: 766


    Unless stated otherwise: I always do my jobs by word count.

      Current date/time is 12th September 2024, 1:23 am