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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki


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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Pandora 16th February 2017, 9:21 am

    310 of 4500

    Whatever servant had set out her clothing for today was an absolute idiot and she really wished she had bothered remembering which one it was because she did not want them making such a drastic mistake as this one again! The little princess was staring down at the shoes which had been set out for her and wondering how anyone thought it was a good idea to give her heels when she was going on a mission today. Reluctantly she walked over to her closet in the somewhat fancy dress she wore and grabbed a pair of black combat boots instead. Honestly anyone should have more sense than to consider high heels some sort of combat gear, she would trip if she wore what had been laid out for her, and considering she did not have anything against the person she was doing today’s task with, the little girl did not want to cause that much trouble for him so she made the choice to shamefully pick out her own pair of shoes before heading out. “Come on Silver, we have to get to Motor City quickly.” they were already going to be a bit late, but it didn’t much matter as she mounted the wolf and he started running, they would get there when they arrived.

    A few hours later they slowed as they reached the outskirts of Motor City, being very silent she chewed on an earth cookie. Shouting out for her job partner? Was not an option due to the birds being sensitive to hearing and she would rather be with the lighting mage when she fought them, not alone. Frey knew she was strong, but these things were supposed to show up in massive mobs, so it was always good to have back up even if she could take them, encase more uninvited guests showed up.



    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Tumblr_n7wtu3Hg4w1tfft79o1_500
    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Backed by Prophecy
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    Posts : 336
    Guild : Black Rose
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    First Skill: 3rd Gen Thunder Demon Slayer
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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 16th February 2017, 8:54 pm

    Yazuki had been in the area for a little bit, having first been contacted a few days prior. He knew that he could easily make the jewel on his own, as he had been collecting for a while now from Motor City, keeping them at bay for a few days. The birds had metal on them, making them a natural lightning rod, so naturally, they had called him in on recommendation of one of the townspeople who had once ventured through Mysterious Canyon. No one ever knew what guild he was in anymore, because he never advertised it, and he was always dressed in his armor unless he had need to wash it or wash himself. He was doing so at the moment in a small tarn, washing himself for the day, having finally witnessed his dharma charge down. He loved his gifts from Raijin, they really helped him be a more versatile assailant against his enemies. He scrubbed his body down with a rag he had carried over, the towel laying beside his robes, dharma and shoulder pads.

    He looked down at the tattoos that he rarely saw anymore and lightly laughed at himself. Now that he was covered, he didn't have to worry about them as much. His body was still just as toned, his six pack glistening with droplets of water. He started washing his hair. he had finally gotten used to how long it was. the color still reminded him of his friend Michael's hair, which he had done on purpose. Michael usually helped him let loose and just chill, and it was a small but soothing sentiment. His scar across the bridge of his nose was still there, him finally having given up on it ever healing, he was starting to embrace it. Miva stood watch as he was bathing, too embarassed to even talk to Yazuki. While she respected Yazuki and had instantly grown attached to him because of him saving her, she still couldn't stand the simple things like this.

    Miva saw Frey show up and start looking around for Yazuki. She had been told what the girl looked like, and strolled up to her slowly, as flying tended to bring the birds out. She didn't even tell Yazuki that she was leaving, she simply walked over to Frey strutting her stuff. When she reached the wolf and Frey she spoke.

    "You the little earth brat? Reijin's been waiting for you! Why did you take so long!" she gave Frey a scowl that could curdle milk to Frey, sticking her nose in the air and closing her eyes with a hmmph. She looked with one eye at Frey open and pointed with her thumb like digit towards the direction of the tarn. "He is over there waiting for you, you should hurry up and get to work."


    Last edited by Yazuki Yoshino on 17th February 2017, 6:29 pm; edited 2 times in total


    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Asmpgx10

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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Pandora 17th February 2017, 10:10 am

    720 words of 4500

    Sharp fangs bit into the softness of a cookie made out of the earth, several more stored safely within the confines of a saddle bag across Silver’s back, within reach but also easier to carry than if she chose to use a backpack or something like that. Why would royalty carry around a pack on their back when they could easily get someone else to do it for them? The response was simple, it just wouldn’t really ever happen. Beside’s Silver did not mind doing thing’s to aid his mistress so the wolf was quite happy to have the minor addition of weight on him, the cookies were not happy and they helped Frey keep her strength up, which made him even happier because it decreased the amount of danger she could be placed in.

    A voice entered the child’s ears and she glanced down at the black cat who was speaking, wondering for a second how this was possible. Where she had grown up most of her life, the village, well monsters did not speak except for the dragons! If they could learn humanoid speech she would have taught it to Silver already, while they could understand each other just fine without it, the Princess often wondered what it would be like to hear his voice for once. “It’s not Brat, It’s Princess.” she spoke after she had finished another one of her cookies, single hand on her hip as her feet kicked in on silver’s sides slightly while he growled at the exceed for disrespecting the child. Frey knew he was getting aggressive but she saw no reason to correct her wolf as he bared his fangs at the little feline, since he was not yet lunging, if she wasn’t focused on the mission she would have gotten moody herself.

    “Waiting for me when he’s not even ready himself?” it was a slight snort as she slid off Silver’s back when they arrived at Yazuki’s location, the child rolled her eyes slightly chuckling as she placed her hand on top of Silver’s head. The little girl pressed her head against her companion’s, not too concerned with the fact Yazu was not ready. Honestly since she had been late as well it was not much of an issue. “Sorry for taking a bit, some idiot set out high heels for me so I had to find different shoes.” heels just did not work for fighting, especially for a child.



    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Tumblr_n7wtu3Hg4w1tfft79o1_500
    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Backed by Prophecy
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    First Skill: 3rd Gen Thunder Demon Slayer
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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 18th February 2017, 6:29 pm

    Yazuki had just finished washing and reached for his towel when he heard Princess talk. As she spoke he froze for a moment. The girl was acting like him bathing was no big deal, which shocked him, but he really had no idea how to deal with her just standing there as he was going to get out and get dressed. He looked over at his equipment, thinking for a moment. Then he sat in the water, staring blankly at her for a moment before he relied, ass the awkwardness level had risen because she was just a little girl and he was a grown man.

    "Hey, yeah i decided to take a bath since we were waiting for a while. These birds aren't too hard. They are all metal plated," He laughed for a minute, sitting back against the rocky ledge, hoping she would catch that he needed to get out. This oriented him in such a way his guild tattoo was visibile, and by the time he had readjusted, he was sure she had seen it. He was the only one in Fairy Tail with this colored mark in this location, and he didn't know Princess well enough to let her know unless she asked. He wasn't ashamed of it, he just didn't associate with the guild enough, and he knew some people were out for them. Though she was just a child, he didn't know who all she was associated with, except that she was a member of Savage Skull.

    Yazuki had somewhat of a run in with them at one time, but Frey had been taken by her mother to live with her. Yazuki had actually encouraged this and left, as it was not his battle to fight. He couldn't separate family no matter the guild they were in. Blood ran deeper than any guild tattoo, and to him, no matter what happened in the future, his brother was still his brother, and he would fight to protect him if someone tried to do something to him. He looked back up at Frey who was still standing there, Miva as well with a sly smile on her face, and it dawned on him.

    "You know Miva, its best to WARN me when someone is coming? What if i had stepped out and she saw me naked? Are you trying to traumatize the poor kid?" he growled at his little companion.

    "You said when she showed up to let you know, you never said how," she said with the grin growing broader. While she cared for Yazuki, she still had a knack for putting him in strange situations for her own amusement. How else was she supposed to get to know Yazuki?



    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Asmpgx10

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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Pandora 18th February 2017, 9:45 pm

    1405 of 4500

    Frey could clearly note how the male seemed to freeze when he heard her voice coming from close to the water’s edge. Children reacted to situations based on the way they were raised, and the girl had not been raised to be ashamed of seeing someone. While she occasionally tended to be quite modest herself when she was the only one bared? Bathing was not a thing she saw as a reason to be embarrassed about one not having their clothing on. In spite of the way she looked, the way her brain matured quicker due to her ability to process things she encounter, the truth was that it had not been horribly long since a time when she was incapable of bathing herself. However, she was not going to think too hard on that because when she lived in the village the person who had helped her bath, the priest who was charged with her care until he died a year prior to her getting lost, she now found out was her father. If Rune thought about any of that she would recall how he had stood by her for three years without telling anyone, even her, that she was his daughter, almost as if he had not really wanted her. At least Marceline wanted her in spite of the fact they didn’t do normal things like going to the movies over the weekend.

    “Oh yeah you would have a significant advantage against metal enemies, they must go down like right away.” the child giggled a bit as she kept her eyes on him as if the situation were perfectly normal, innocent and content smile on her small face. Pink optics glinting at the thought of the damage to their enemies. The sight of the electrical yellow Fairy Tail Guild Mark on his shoulder was the only thing about this whole encounter that seemed to shock the child. He turned quickly enough, taking the mark out of her gaze once more, but it did not change the fact Frey and her companion had seen it. Apparently Silver was very happy about this new development, a high pitched happy bark emitting from him, glad that Frey was socializing with the place he had once deemed safe for her. “Fairy Tail then”  the little girl made the comment idly, clearly thinking about something she decided not to speak of, likely related to seeing the brown haired males mark. “Easy to see why Silver likes you so much now.” the wolf always did seem to have a soft spot for Fairy Tail mages for some reason, she wondered why he could not accept Savage Skull mages as easily as he did the other groups wizards. Honestly, sometimes it hurt when he rejected her family.

    “Situational it wouldn’t have mattered.” her comment came right after he talked about traumatizing her poor childish self because she saw nothing to be traumatized over. With that comment the child walked the rest of the way over, reaching down to pick up a stone and plop it into her mouth for consumption, swallowing after she chewed. Something was still bothering her as she glanced at him once more, but the child brushed it off once more, recalling his mark briefly. “I’m from Savage Skull.” she quite clearly knew his guild now, so it only made sense that she would offer up that little piece of information about herself. If someone had too much taken from them? It could be hard to work with someone else, so she wanted to give one small thing back to ensure their relation remained smooth since he had not intended to reveal his guild to her. This situation had all been thanks to his companion who had the shit eaten grin, thus had apparently wanted things to go this way. “Even?” the child glanced up at him once more, sitting at the edge of the water and waiting for him to say they were ready to go or whatever. Honestly, since the birds were not attacking she could care less about getting started, eventually the avian’s would come.



    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Tumblr_n7wtu3Hg4w1tfft79o1_500
    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Backed by Prophecy
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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 18th February 2017, 10:38 pm

    Yazuki, still leaning against the rock's surface, felt uncomfortable with getting out of the water, thus remained for the moment. He knew that she was ok with it at this moment, but he didn't want to show her the tattoos if he got out of the water. Silver seemed overexcited about the fact of Yazuki being a Fairy Tail wizard, which confused him at first. The wolf and him had gotten along well thus far, which really pleased Yazuki as he enjoyed the love from the wolf, but now it seemed more so happy. This perplexed him, but he could not understand why. He dismissed it as the wolf just being silly, but something seemed a little off for this. He listened as she stated her guild, his eyes widening. He looked off into space as he remembered what had happened a while back, when he forsook Fairy Tail and left a battle that was not suited for him. Yazuki was all about family. He felt that everyone should be the same, as family means everything. This caused him some inner turmoil about asking her a question he very much wanted to ask, but he was having a bit of a problem as tears lined his eyes, not wanting to let them fall. He stood up, his lower have still submerged in the water and his tattoos very much visible now, but he wasn't in the right frame of mind to worry about such a problem, in fact he didn't even notice.

    He walked over to his robes, shaking, which was something he was not used to doing this bad, it had never been this bad of anxiety for him. He clumsily shuffled through his his robes, almost dropping them in the water as he searched for his case of lightning charred sticks, his vice that at the moment, he didn't know if it would even help. A tear streaked down his face as he finally pulled out the case and fumbled it into the water. He quickly retrieved it, the sticks barely getting wet. He knew the reason most of Fairy Tail thought differently of him, was because of one little girl that they couldn't bear to lose because of the family atmosphere in the guild, but she needed to be with her mother.

    He pulled out one of his signature lightning charred sticks and shoved it half way into his mouth, lips quivering. This shouldn't cause him so much trouble, so why was it? He started to chew aggressively, pulling out the second stick he knew he would need in only a small space of time and set the pack down. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I apologize, I need a moment, but I do have a question." His voice cracked a few times as he spoke, making his anxiety that much more noticable. This didn't help the situation at all, as he didn't want to appear weak before her, as they had just met, but his mind was shattered. within seconds he was to his next stick, some of the first remaining in his mouth as he came over to the edge of the tarn, beckoning to Silver, such a happy would, to come over to him. He ruffled his fur a bit as the wolf came to him, making it a little easier to calm down. He smiled widely at the wolf.

    "Thank you silver, I needed that." he told the wolf. "Princess," he said, his voice still cracking from all the emotions that were tearing his body apart, part joy, part fear, and yet another part dread, as she had stated the name Savage Skull and affiliation with a dark guild that he needed to know something from. "I need to know, is Frey alright? Are you guys taking care of her?" The tears weren't able to hold back, as they streamed down his face. He had hoped nothing had happened to her, since that was one of the things that happened right before his mission with Nightken, before the guild thought him dead. He should have taken Frey to Savage Skull himself. He should have made sure she arrived safe and sound. He should have ensured what he held as his value at his very core, but the conflict with him being part of Fairy Tail and his brother being a part of it as well, he had wanted to stay with his brother. All of these emotions and all of the anxiety he was feeling, were directly related to the the fact that he felt guilty about being selfish.

    Miva stood there, the smug look on her face disappearing as Yazuki fell apart before her. There was a look of worry that replaced it as she looked at Princess and Silver. Seeing the wolf happy was one thing, but Yazuki never broke down like this. She had never seen the man cry in the short time she was with him, and it hurt her a bit inside. She walked over to the edge when he reached for his robes, wanting to help, but at a glance in his eyes, her arms fell heavy to her side, not like her usual crossed arms. A look of shock took her as he was shaking and crying, a sight she had never wanted to see the man that had saved her in, as in this state, he was weak. As Yazuki had leaned onto the side of the tarn to pet Silver, she walked over to him, a worried expression on her face. Then he spoke and asked the question and she thought she understood. He walked over to him, his arms laid across each other on the rock in front of him as he was leaning, and hugged his arm. She wanted whoever this Frey was to be safe for his sake, as she couldn't stand seeing much more of him being in this state. She pondered as to why she meant so much to him.



    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Asmpgx10

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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Pandora 18th February 2017, 11:36 pm

    3079 of 4500

    Sometimes she would be liable to think that his hesitance to raise from the water and go about getting ready with the additive of her presence was a sign of unworthy weakness, an inability to function efficiently as the company of a princess should. Other days she might have more sympathy and mourn his discomfort, maybe offer some words that would be an attempt to make him more comfortable with things. In every option the event that she was not going anywhere for the sake of anyone remained, the child was stubborn and did as she pleased, never marched to the beat of someone else’s drum unless they carried her blood. Today was a day where she fell somewhere in the middle, she was kind of ticked he was cutting into the socialization and mission time by lolly gagging in the mostly still water hiding himself and avoiding the matter at hand. Yet this was also a nice little piece of peace that one might not expect to encounter in their day to day lives. Right now neither of them had reason to rush anything that was going on, each thing could be taken at their own pace and was kind of beautiful, serene. Frey averted her gaze for a second to look at the patterns in the ground from cracks along the stone she stood on, the little sight entertaining her large optics for a second or two before she looked back at the male to see something about what was transpiring had suddenly changed when she tried to offer some olive branch to compensate for her discovering things she should not have yet been made aware of. What had she done that had suddenly made his sharp and stern eyes become so rimmed with moisture she had not yet seen on him, a thing that to her screamed a very uncharacteristic shift in emotion from this man. Rune checked back in her head and half hoped it was not because he was so modest her staring had upset him, but due to timing she deduced it was more likely something about her being from savage skull. He was having inner turmoil about asking the little girl a question that was important to him, and in turn, he was unintentionally sowing the seeds of worry within her small brain. Frey was not best at dealing with strangers, sure she acted confident and unbreakable, behaved as a princess should. However, the fact remained she had been raised in a village that was very small, close knit and away from any other civilizations. The social skills most children her age would have coping wise, well these were less present on the child for the time being as time went on she would develop in that field but for now, she was left wondering and pondering. If he was becoming upset due to her guild affiliation there could soon be a problem and that would really suck because she had been enjoying time with him. The best part was that they both sowed the seeds of unrest, and watered them into bloom, when that weed could have been prevented if one of them asked a question right away, but that was never how emotion functioned.

    The eyes of both beast and young child observed as the brown haired male started moving, water dripping from his skin and hair slightly catching sunlight causing the droplets to glint painfully. With all focus on the lightning mage it was impossible to miss the slight shiver, the subtle tremble of his powerful form and this only made the child both more curious and more frightened of what was going on, though she never let her fear show. Instead of letting the feeling of fear take over? She chose something to focus on letting something catch her eyes, whatever small detail drew them in first; Eventually, this lead her to focusing on his newly revealed tattoo. Pink optics traced over the black marking which laid beneath his rib cage close to his tight intently, seeming to attempt memorizing it because she could not run from him. Frey could stand her ground and not fear he was getting ready to attack her because he knew where she came from, so long as she had something to keep her focus on, the child was determined after all, so she kept taking in the lines which started to remind her of a gorgeous butterfly, but some  it seemed reminiscent of a beetle or a demonic face. Honestly, the child did not care what it was, the mark was enough for her. Reijin reached for something and she watched the small box as it fell into the water, part of her considering this a chance to run as he fumbled for the case which logically contained something important. Mild shock filled her as she noticed it was sticks, but that wasn’t important right now.

    Against the instincts, every child had when they believed someone might have reason to threaten? Frey remained rooted, tongue skating the fang’s inside her mouth without giving any outside indication it had happened, remaining static as if his behavior was not affecting her whatsoever. Inside thought she was wondering if she was capable of defending herself should he attack her, if Silver would be able to save her this time if something went wrong. Actually? Would silver even want to save her since he was so displeased with her life choices right now. Pink hair bounced as she jolted when he sat down and took a deep breath. In spite of her flaws, Frey knew visually when someone was trying to calm themselves so she sat with her knees beneath her, one hand smoothing down the wave pattern cut in the middle of her dress, gaze peering up to remain locked on him. As he spoke the child seemed to let event’s catch up with her, curiosity over taking her expressions like some wild untamed beast that could not be contained for anything or anyone. Why should she contain herself, especially for someone beneath her! Only the girl knew she was not being so callous as normal or she would have mocked him for his tears already because she tried her very best not to cry and it upset her when other people tried to make that weakness seem alright. Frey knew her family was powerful, her mother was one of the most feared existences around. It wouldn’t do it she was ever caught crying, it just would not cut it. Reijin had a question and she was letting any thoughts of him having been a threat for a second just drift to the winds as her innocent gaze locked with his distressed form her own posture taking on some of the traits miming as children were known to do.

    Worry returned when Silver padded over to the tall male and nuzzled him, leaving her side for a moment. Yet? This also quickly had the effect of proving there was no danger here because the second Silver returned to her arms the girl remembered he would never leave her side when he suspected danger, even if the danger was not real. Ever since she had switched guilds, moved into her mother's castle, her companion refused to leave her considering everyone she was surrounded by and exposed to some sort of threat. “Yes.” she leaned forward slightly one foot coming to lift her knelt position to only slightly so, body rising slowly as she started approaching again, seeing clearly he was ready to ask whatever they had all this stress for. If this ended up being some silly thing that was unimportant, then she would be upset. However? She had yet to find that the thing they both considered most important was the same thing, just different people.

    The revelation slammed into the child like bricks as he spoke, watching the tears fall as she stood there shell-shocked about what he had asked. What was she suppose to say to that? Frey did not want to break the fact he called her princess, but she also knew she had to tell him! The child had never seen anyone cry for her really, of course, there were obvious exceptions but apart from such events she had never experienced something spontaneous like this before. Reijin scared her but the child did not feel sick about it, instead, her chest felt somewhat warm like the anticipation she had when she first saved silver from starving and was waiting for the unconscious hound to rise for the first time. “About that.” now she was the one tossing unnecessary seeds of worry onto the field between them and she stayed paused for a little bit longer than he had, a slight fidget going through her as she thought about how best to word this. With the memories of meeting her mother for the first time, discovering she had two elder siblings who she could love, such things replayed in her head making it so hard to form words to explain what he needed to know. Suddenly Silver barked breaking through her head and causing the girl to give off a nervous chortle, putting one hand behind her head to grip her pink locks at the back of her skull, doing a slight shrug motion with that. “My mother, brother, sister and the guild take very good of me alongside Silver.” the female spoke up with a small voice taking a single step back with a nervous laugh. However the longer Frey thought about what she said the more she thought someone in an emotional state of mind may not get what she had tried to convey. “In other words I am alright, my appearance changed shortly I joined Savage Skull I am Frey.” hopefully he believed her because she did not really have proof, expect if he had prior knowledge of her bleeding black, then she could cut herself to prove it cause that had not changed.



    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Tumblr_n7wtu3Hg4w1tfft79o1_500
    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 20th February 2017, 6:48 pm

    As he stood in the water, waiting for his answer, the darkness in him started to grow. If something had happened to her, he didn't know if he had the fortitude to keep himself from going into a fit of rage. He regretted his actions and not staying true to himself. Even with all the people he had met in the canyon, it was the nagging in the back of his head that never left. Travelers had come and gone, and maybe save one, he had pretty much dismissed. It was not until she said About that though that he found out just how much his regret would kill him inside, as he took steps back from Frey, curving backwards towards where there was a small cliff at his back. His eyes were wide and he blinked several times, a look of utter horror and shock on his face as he stood there paralyzed. He should of.... he didn't... if only... It felt as if something inside him was grabbing ahold of his heart and ripping it towards the ground as his heart sank deeper than ever in his life. As he blinked, tears cascaded down, large and noticeable in a constant stream. He had let her down. He had let her mother down. Worst of all, he left, and didn't do a damn thing to save them, he ran because his anxiety got the best of him. His hands went to his head as he grabbed full handfuls of hair, yanking them in despair as he looked down at his own reflection, shaking more violently and now sobbing. Finally it happened.

    He lowered one fist and infused it with lightning, swinging around and punching the wall behind him, crushing it and sending rubble flying from the impact. He couldn't believe that such a sweet little girl could go like that. He collapsed to his knees heavily, not able to take the weight of his heart anymore and cried allowed, his hands against his face, his face against what was left of the small cliff. He had failed once again. Only his head and hands were above the water now, and he lay against the wall, wishing he hadn't heard the two most harmful words he thought he could ever hear. Three failures in the past year, he was better than this, but this one was by far worse than anything he could have ever imagined. Finally she spoke again but he could barely understand her through all of his tears until he heard only one thing. This pissed him off even more, but he couldn't take it out on this poor girl, so he hit the rock wall a second time as he spoke from the three words he made out. I am Frey.

    "Stop lying to me! You look nothing like Frey!," his crying started to go out of control as he slowly was spiraling down into a pit of sorrow and guilt. Nothing he could do would ever make him feel he could attune for this, no deed great enough. "Why didn't I take her to Savage Skull myself, for fuck sake! Why didn't her mother listen and get her out of there!" He looked back over to the girl with a scowl on his face. "Frey looks nothing like you. I didn't fight you in Magnolia, I left as Frey was holding her mother. I asked her why she was doing what she was doing. I couldn't take her from that." His tears fell even harder as he confessed what he had done.

    His mind flipped back to the first time he had met Frey, it was when he was hanging around with other Fairy Tail guild mates. They were in the East Forest in Magnolia, where many of them still ventured to due to their ties. He had watched her for a bit, but paid not much mind. She looked completely different than this girl who claimed to be her acted, and she acted quite different. He walked over, not caring anymore about anything. He got out of the water and started to dry off, his muscles tense and his body aching from the state he was in. He dried of slowly, his body like lead visibly causing him strain. He dried his hair and put his hair tie in, separating out into two ponies like usual, though this time it looked sloppy. He slowly started getting his clothes on, tears still falling rapidly. He placed his shoulder pads, dharma and gloves on, along with all his other gear, preparing for the battle to come, then looked at Princess and spoke.

    "You aren't her," he said, his body still showing obvious signs of deep anxiety and weight. His arms hung at his side as though they were dead as he leaned against the rest of the cliff, which was away from the water. He was facing the Princess but not raising his head until after a short pause. His eyes locked with whoever this Princess was, his face the most scornful look a person could witness."i won't do a mission with you after this, and you better stay out of my way. I owe you for killing the demolition expert instead of knocking him out, after this we are even. Frey... looked nothing like you."

    He had stopped crying, his voice eerily threatening, as if something had snapped inside him and he was holding back what he could. His eyes bore a hatred that could make the best feel fear. This Princess, he thought, would know her place if she continued to lie.

    Miva watched as Yazuki fell into a deep dark state beyond measure and she despaired. Miva had heard about what had happened and had held Yazuki already for it, but at the time she had been cold and hard. Now seeing the man in such a sorry state, all she could do is sit down cross legged and look down, too ashamed to do anything or say a single thing. She heard Frey as she spoke and glared at her. She was lying, Miva was sure of it. Yazuki had described her previous looks, and someone doesn't just change that much over night. "Stop hurting him more than he already is!" She screamed at the top of her little lungs. She looked down at the ground, tears welling as he voice started to shake. "Yazuki is already gone. You broke him, and now you are trying to lie to him! And all he ever did is care about how he failed to help Frey! Stop MOCKING him, I don't care if you say 'you changed your appearance,' you have no proof. You broke him!"

    She watched as he rose up and got dressed. Then the threat came and she froze paralyzed in fear.

    "Yazuki.. what... please, don't lose yourself," she said as she ran and held his leg bawling. This wasn't him, he had broken inside, and she couldn't bear this.



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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Pandora 23rd February 2017, 7:40 pm

    rolling to get the job going.



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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by NPC 23rd February 2017, 7:40 pm

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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Pandora 23rd February 2017, 8:16 pm

    3515 of 4500

    Frey was still rather young sometimes, she was a strange existence since her “age” as it mattered in interacting with others was not defined so thickly as it was with a normal person. According to the norm? She should have only recently become able to walk straight and gotten out of diapers, but instead she was much more advanced and even possibly held some knowledge more commonly known by adults. Yet not all of Frey’s brain was matured as other portions of it were, and the sections needed to process this, were not as developed. Everything was spiraling out of her control and she really did not know what was going on per say, part of her struggled to understand while the other part of her wanted to state this as the male simply being foolish. Could she brush him off as a pointless exist at this point? Well for now none of the thoughts going on within their heads mattered, instead it was the screech of birds drawn by the things going on at the ground. While they had intended to eventually face the enemy detailed in the job flyer they had been drawn here with? Frey doubted either of them ever wanted to be faced with the enemy like this, so off guard. SIlver barked at the sky, being one of the first to realize that all the commotion had drawn in new predators set on making food out of the mages sent here to take care of them. Seven avians appeared above them, five of them resembling ravens while the remaining pair looked kind of like eagles. “Earth Dragon's Sword!” she called for the blade as Silver made his first lunge at an eagle that had swooped down on them. Frey’s sword rose just in time for her to protect herself from the second avian’s attack on her. At the moment it looked as if her and the brown haired male would have to sort out their issues later because at the moment they had blood thirsty birds ready to tear them to shreds! “Raven’s Incoming!” the little girl shouted it out watching the flock of five headed for the sobbing pair, slayer and feline, seeming to think the two weaker or believing the eagles had Frey and Silver under control. The little girl wished she could do more then just shout to her job partner, considering his distress might prevent him from hearing the shout, but honestly she was struggling enough with her eagle, slashing at it as it swooped in again and again, Silver dealing with the same situation with his.



    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Tumblr_n7wtu3Hg4w1tfft79o1_500
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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 23rd February 2017, 9:12 pm

    Yazuki stood as a statue, the birds almost seeming to ignore him for a moment as Frey and Silver started to fight, but soon enough, after Princess had Dealt her damage, He had them incoming. Without a second thought for the little girl's safety, he walked over with Lightning rippling down his arms as he aimed directly at the Princess. He could care less at this moment but Miva flew up and slapped his face, turning quickly to warn her. Miva new at this moment he didn't care about Princess's life, and that Savage Skull had warranted his rage, but Princess hadn't done any thing wrong to him.

    "Princess, you say you are Frey! SHOW HIM, SOMEHOW! If you don't, he will no longer care about your safety. You might not make it out of here. Puppy, get her away from the birds, please!" Miva extended her arm, a purple clinging mist of static electricity clinging to Princess to protect her. She knew Yazuki was not able to be understood at the moment, and nothing would prevent him from killing these birds... not even taking. as the birds converged on Miva as she waived around and hooted and hollered to get the bird's attention to get them over to Yazuki. The whites of his eyes turned black. two tribal horns appearing on either side of his head. Tribals crossed around his neck and up to his chin. He looked more demonic than ever before, now seeming to have a lust for the death of everything in his path, but she was not out of the blast radius in time, nor was Silver, and Miva could only hope they would dodge in Time. She knew her barrier should hold up to the full force of his attack, but it might still get a little bit through, but just barely. He crossed his arms in front of him as all the birds were in range, exploding all within the area around him with lightning, not seeming to care anymore. His failure had broke him...



    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki CF9ovLk
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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 23rd February 2017, 9:13 pm



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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by NPC 23rd February 2017, 9:13 pm

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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Pandora 24th February 2017, 6:25 pm

    3994 of 4500

    Eight brand new enemies showed up on the field swiftly drawn in by the commotion created by the four job partners with a fissure forming between them. The new opponent swooping towards the group? Were much bigger issues than the other adversaries had been because these one’s were much larger, massive compared to the other birds standing almost as tall as a short person at four feet tall, they sported gigantic forty foot wing spans and the damaging things seemed to be made of some sort of black metal. Clearly? These avian’s would be more difficult to tackle then the one’s that had already fallen to the ground twitching from lightning or slash and bite marks, the incoming birds were bigger and nastier than the one’s the trio had been dealing with up until now. However they would have to face them because the hoard seemed as if it had a one track mind, the death of whatever they set their gaze upon and the eight condor like beasts had already seem all four of them, no one would get away until these guys were taken down. “Why are you so big!” she was kind of ticked off about the birds, her sword slashing at one to fend it off as Silver tossed another weakly unable to throw it far from them due to the sheer size of them. Frey and Silver were both pretty well out sized by these massive birds.

    Frey was too busy fighting to hear the words of anyone, but Silver he was more even minded and much more intelligent than he was given credit for. Right now? He simply had a language barrier, but he was going to go out on a limb today “Clear me a path I can teleport her away!” it would sound like normal barking to everyone, expect that is for the exceed with purple lightning sparking from her. Everything else he barked this whole time? Had been nonsense as if he was a normal unintellegent wolf, now he was proving to be playing the idiot so to speak. However if Frey was in danger as the ebony kitty proclaimed, then he was done with games. Silver always entertained the child and did his best to be exactly what she thought he was, a normal young rune wolf who she had saved. While most of it was true? He was actually older than most of his species, old and powerful enough to have another form he kept himself from due his love for the child who saved his life. At the moment though, if he had to go that far to save her, he would. At the moment he had to rely on Miva being able to understand the general animal tongue and know she had to get the bird keeping him away from the pink haired girl, otherwise engaged.



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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by NPC 24th February 2017, 6:25 pm

    The member 'Frey Rune' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 24th February 2017, 6:59 pm

    Yazuki watched as these new, huge birds started to attack, and called their attention. As the all arrived at him, clawing at him, the lightning rippling from his arms once again as he gathered lightning in his mouth. He let loose the explosive wing much in the fashion of normal, but this time it seemed much much more intense, causing all the birds to fall down to the ground, stunned as he let loose his rage on them, the breath weapon leveling them. His eyes were cold, heartless, and still had a rage about them that couldn't be dismissed. He wanted to kill everything. Everything must perish. He had lost control, and the demon in him was getting loose, more and more by the moment, and he didn't know if he could stop himself from even killing this impostor. He glanced at her and forced himself to look away, as she had been fighting like normal, but he could care less about her prowess at this moment. He wanted to see Frey's smiling face, he wanted it all to be okay, and the fact her couldn't pissed him off beyond anything he could have ever imagined. He was ready to light this world up, let the storm rage, and never hold back, until either he was dead or everyone else was. Tears streamed down his face once again, his black and green eyes softening for a moment as the rage buckled and he fell to one knee, steadying himself with his hand.

    Miva had understood the wolf perfectly, but Yazuki was one step ahead of her. As all the birds fell she would yell out to Silver, as she had understood him entirely. "Now is your chance, puppy! Go while you can, PLEASE! Find Frey if she is still alive or find a way to show him this is Frey. I don't believe you are , but if you are then you need to show him. I can't say what he will do if this continues." Her eyes brimmed with more tears as she saw her companion break down again, just as another group of birds was coming in. "Go now, Yazuki can take care of the rest, just get her as far away as possible. And if you aren't Frey then stay away if you know whats good for you, but if you are then prove it damn it!"

    Get her out of here then, she is your child, and Fairy Tail will attack her for her betrayal, don't you care about her safety. He clutched his head as the words reverberated in his head. Raijin tried to say something mentally to him, but was even shut out as the emotions began to build again. The god would have to watch his avatar break further, unable to reach him and be his voice of reason. She is my mother, Yazuki, and I am going home! Rage filled his blood, worse than before, he started yelling out as his sanity left him. He couldn't hold in the frustration any longer, and he started to look and his personality started to become the same: demonic, with a touch of psycho. He was prepared to watch the world burn, as Miva flew off to avoid this situation. She knew this wasn't him, and she knew it was best to stay away. His yelling attracted the attention of the remaining flocks of birds, who aimed directly for him. He looked up to see them dive, and he was ready to make each of them wish they had never had a spark of life in them...



    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki CF9ovLk
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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Pandora 24th February 2017, 7:59 pm

    wc complete.

    Silver heard Miva as she spoke, seeing the path that had opened up with his golden optics, taking a single breath before he gunned it on the running. Right now? He was reliving every single time he had ever needed to save the little girl’s life and the day she rescued him from starvation, right now Yazuki was not the only threat! Instead? The wolf was also motivated by a raiding mass of monsters, instead of Frey fighting and holding a sword she was capable of wielding his optics perceived her passed out on the ground with one of the towns knights fighting to protect her prone four year old form. Swiftly the wolf collided with her small form his large jaws grabbing the back of her dress and yanking her onto his back swiftly, shaking off anything metal he had on him and continuing to run. “Silver!” Frey shouted at him proof to the wolf that she did not understand what was going on yet, she had turned her brain off to fight the birds so they could emerge victorious, but right now he wished she would realize that they needed to get out of here. Silver was working against the wishes of his mistress this time, but he knew that he had to do this so he kept running feeling the sensation of teleportation fizzling through them as he leaped and finally vanished with the child, away from the threat to her life. Rune was going to be upset that he had acted without her consent, but Silver knew he had done the right thing. Now the wolf only wished that Miva could find a way to safe near that fool who was falling apart.

    Now that she was away from the combat situation? Miva’s words echoed in her ears, the cato prove who she was to Raijin. However the child was stubborn and while part of her knew that she would be hurting the male if she waited to prove it, she did not think that she should have to prove her own identity! It was not her fault that she did not believe something as simple as someone being themselves, he was flawed for not believing she was Frey everything going on was his fault. Raijin was a foolish and rather useless man, hysterical for no reason whatsoever, losing himself against logic and necessity. Rune huffed slightly as she slumped down against a tree, crossing her little arms and glaring ahead at nothing “It’s not my job to fix someone else, especially someone who chose to break themselves.” she spoke the words and gave a slightly pouted expression as she shifted her gaze to stare at Silver for a few moments before looking away. The child was not used to caring about other’s, maybe this was inaccurate but it was what it felt like for her at the moment, because she had no idea why her chest was so tight when she thought back to him shouting and tears starting to rain down. Everything that had just happened? Should not matter to her at all, yet she felt rotten over it and it was making her angry, he was making her angry and she was wondering why he had the audacity to even exist! “It’s not my fault.” even though it kind of was.



    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Tumblr_n7wtu3Hg4w1tfft79o1_500
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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 24th February 2017, 8:16 pm

    Yazuki's arms rippled with lightning as the birds approached him, but instead of bringing them down in front of them, they were still clutching his head. He was still screaming, the agony of his soul burning like the bright heat of the sun. He wanted to exact his revenge and find out who had done this to Frey. Who had killed her. His mind was still racing as one of the birds connected, causing him to explode. The birds fell down from the sheer force of his lightning, all of them acting as lightning rods as he let a torrent of lightning out around him as he screamed. He couldn't hold this rage back enough to even use his electric transport, he just screamed in despair, dropping to his knees and crying. This was not a fair thing for him, as all he wanted was to see her ok. He just wanted to know that she was safe somewhere, instead the child had said those words that made him ignore all else. Those words still rung through his head, the whole event replaying as his eyes shimmered in the light due to their glossiness.

    After minutes of agony, his arms finally dropped, his anger now nothing but guilt and despair. He turned himself into a bolt and returned to the cave and slouched against the wall, having to use it to keep him from falling as his crying fit continued. He wished to see Marceline at this moment, to have her just take him away, but he didn't think his friend would. Little did he know her connection with the girl either, as he sat there, moping and wondering when he would be able to finally end this pain. He didn't remember Marceline from that day, simply because he saw her face once, and the anxiety attack that had ensued had removed his memory of her face. Little did he know that it was the same woman, and at this moment, that would have just hurt him all the more. He walked over to the fire, barely able to make a bolt to start the fire. He couldn't sleep, as he was too upset. Food looked disgusting. Nothing seemed to matter anymore, as he slowly started his way to wasting away. Miva eventually returned later, forcing him to eat a fish as he lie there motionless, the tears still not ending. She had to force it down his throat, which was not her favorite thing to do, but she could not get him to eat otherwise. She looked at him tenderly as he lie there.

    "Yazuki, please, you will be ok," the normally tough hearted exceed said while her voice cracked. To be honest, she had no clue if he would ever be ok again.

    WC Met


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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Pandora 25th February 2017, 11:22 am

    wc complete 4800

    A few days could have gone by since the birds were brought down from the sky, honestly Frey didn’t really know since Silver had been the one to go collect their part of the reward because she couldn’t really bring herself to walk back in the direction of motor city. The wolf had been gone for at least a day when he went to collect the jewel they got for clearing the birds and saving that miserable place, so it had at least been one day since she last saw Raijin take on his role as an idiot, the absolute king of idiots. Seriously? Who did he think that he was, shouting out that she was not Frey, that there was no way she could be Frey and no way she could prove she was Frey and that he wouldn’t believe her even if she did prove it! The little girl's hand moved through the air her blade following it’s path and slicing through whatever had been in front of her, she honestly didn’t know what was there because she was definitely not paying attention for once. “Who the! Who Does He Think He Is!” she really got madder the more time she let slip by, but taking out her rage on innocent tree’s was quite effective at aiding her in sorting this whole thing out. Runes only solution was that the brown haired man was too foolish to ever be reasoned with and had not needed the small amount of respect she had given to him. Of course Silver though different as he watched Frey stab innocent tree’s to redirect anything she might be feeling that was beyond her understanding. The wolf seemed to sigh as he padded forward and picked up another branch that she had brutally chopped down, tossing it out of the path and wishing he had some way to take that stupid obsidian sword away from her.



    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Tumblr_n7wtu3Hg4w1tfft79o1_500
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    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Empty Re: The Birds, Frey/Yazuki

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 25th February 2017, 5:34 pm

    The next morning, Miva had to force feed her companion, since he refused to eat or do anything. He just laid there, having given up. She never knew the man to be this depressed, he was always serious, or loving and caring. She had even tried to get him to flirt with others to no avail. It was frustrating her that he was like this, as it was not something she could cope with without it affecting her too. She stoked the fire and did the chores for Yazuki, as he wasn't in the appropriate stage in his recovery, and she didn't know how long she was going to last. Yazuki would pass out from time to time, the same dream reoccuring in his head:

    The city of Magnolia was in turmoil when he had arrived, this time something feeling different. Why was he reliving this, was it not enough he had already had to live with his failure. He dropped to the ground on his hands and knees as he realized he was dreaming in the worst possible way, just wishing to wake up. It didn't matter if he was awake or asleep though, he would feel this pain. A small foot kicked him as he looked up to see Frey, a pissed look on her face. "You failed me. You don't deserve life." He voice came through to him, as his heart sunk further into despair. "You failed me. So you deserve your punishment," she stated as she walked away. A figure of a man with demonic looking eyes was silouetted behind her as she stabbed her, her scream ringing through his ears. He sat on his knees, paralyzed in fear, not able to move with tears streaking down his face. "FREY NOO! FREY!" he yelled, still unable to even fathom moving.

    Every time he would awaken, screaming her name, not able to stop the tears that would streak down his face. His life had become nothing but horror.


    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    The Birds, Frey/Yazuki Asmpgx10

      Current date/time is 9th October 2024, 10:01 am