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    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)


    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Guest 12th January 2017, 5:11 pm

    You can breathe

    In clear blue water

    Aerwyna entered the spa house as she tugged along Gala, the man she has been living with for some time now. She was very excited and happy as she was going here today for free. A letter popped in the mail earlier that morning with free tickets to a day in the spa house. Of course, Aerwyna didn’t know what the hell a spa house was but she was very excited regardless. It was a time for them to relax and be happy with themselves and she was sure that she was going to spend her time doing that indeed.

    Smiling softly, she looked to Gala and bit her lower lip “I so cannot wait!” The mermaid princess declared as she stopped dragging him in and twirled around. The only thing she can hope for is if nobody walked in on her if she was a mermaid, she doesn’t mind Gala looking at her in her mermaid form… but nobody else, it was already quite awkward performing jobs while in her mermaid form.

    HP: 100
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    TAG: @user | WORDS: 564 | NOTES: none

    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Yuudai 13th January 2017, 2:08 am

    Gala couldn’t believe his luck when the two of them had received the tickets to a privet hot spring in Hosenka, the town was famous for their hot springs and the fact that they had won such a prize was amazing. The train ride over to the town had been rather peaceful which was a surprise to the Tanuki considering he had heard that dragon slayers had crippling motion sickness but Aerwyna had managed to handle the ride just fine, as they entered the building with the mermaid dragging the tanuki thru the town so fast he left skid marks, the attendent smiled at the two of them”how can I help you two today?” she asked before Gala pulled out their tickets.

    we won these recently and would like to use them please” he said as the woman took the tickets and studies them for a moment before she nodded and motioned for the two to follow her. She led them to a room before she motioned for them to enter.”Please enjoy the spa, this is reserved for you two for as long as you like” she explained before she left them to their devices. Gala glance at the room before he looked out the window and saw the natural hot spring steaming slightly and the tanuki relized that there was only one spring, he blushed brightly relizing that they were both going to be naked with nothing but towels in the spring.


    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) GSvDExK

    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Guest 13th January 2017, 4:31 pm

    You can breathe

    In clear blue water

    Aerwyna was going to admit… the journey there wasn’t exactly that bad. She did kind of feel sick, but that might be because her power as a dragonslayer hasn’t gone all uppity yet. She may be a C ranked mage, but she wasn’t used to any of the things humans do whatsoever. This included all forms of travel, she has heard from Kinopio once that all slayers suffer severe form of travel sickness. But she didn’t know why it didn’t affect her all that much since she was a dragonslayer herself, in all honesty she knows she may find out sooner or later but it was just a matter of time before she will find out the true reason for this resistance to the travel sickness that all the other slayers have to typically endure.

    Watching Gala book the two in and then look at the spring through the window made the female rather curious herself, she wondered just how well things were going to go. Luckily Aerwyna knew that she would be wearing a towel so not everything will go wrong, will it?

    “We should go, Gala. I cannot wait to get ready!” The female declared as she ran through the doors. She really was excited to enjoy some time off.

    HP: 200
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    TAG: @user | WORDS: | NOTES: Pulling off a Gajeel with the travel sickness.

    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Posts : 276
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Yuudai 14th January 2017, 12:33 am

    Gala nodded when she mentioned that they should get ready.”yeah your right lets ready I haven’t been in a hot springs in a long time” he said as he waited for her to turn around before he turned as well and started to get undressed while making sure he had a towel nearby so he could quickly wrap it around his waist so he was covered, while Gala was focused on changing he didn’t notice that nearby Aerwyna was a plate with a few small vegetables, they consisted of a bright red core surrounded by many petal like leaves. The leaves looked slightly wet and gave off juice along with an extremely enticing scent.

    The item was something called a wrapping vegetable and it was considered demon produce, the wrapping vegetable was the only one that Gala had heard off but he knew they were strange yet oddly enough not dangerous. In fact many couples chose to partake in them for some reason.


    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) GSvDExK

    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Guest 14th January 2017, 7:39 am

    You can breathe

    In clear blue water

    Getting into her towels wasn’t that hard, in reality, she still had her underwear on underneath but she didn’t dare tell Gala such a thing. She would just feel uncomfortable if she was just in a towel in front of Gala, besides, he was used to seeing her in her underwear which is a-okay!

    While Gala was getting ready for the spa himself, Aerwyna noticed a plate with some food on it… this seemed to have enticed the mermaids nose and she couldn’t help but take a good look at what she was seeing. One of the food articles seemed to be a vegetable… the vegetable had a rather suspicious core in it’s centre and it just looked… so tasty. In fact, it looked so tasty that Aerwyna just had to pick up the vegetable and look to Gala grinning wildly… she took the centre out from the vegetable and then proceeded to get Gala’s attention.

    While Gala was getting “Gala, Gala!” Aerwyna exclaimed. While Gala was getting “Look! There’s food offered to us! There’s grapes, and this weird thing!” Aerwyna spoke like herself as she then placed the centre of the vegetable in her mouth and then chewed before swallowing, that was actually… very unusual...

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    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Yuudai 14th January 2017, 11:01 am

    Gala had just finished getting his towel around his waist when Aerwyna got his attention, she mentioned that the attendants had left them food and he turned to look before he quickly caught sight of the wrapping vegetable before he blinked and saw that the mermaid had one of the cores in her hand before she placed it into her mouth.”Wait Wyna that’s not a good” he wasent able to finish before she swallowed it”Idea” he said too late as he knew this was going to be an experience since Demon produce was more focused on women then men though their were a few types for males as well.

    Gala knew he would just have to ride this out since the effects couldn’t be counteracted and had to wear off on their own, he focused on how to handle this since he had little experience in demon produce, perhaps the spa offered it to couples.


    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) GSvDExK

    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Guest 14th January 2017, 4:51 pm

    You can breathe

    In clear blue water

    Something was happening to the princesses fragile looking body… her body started to itch and she couldn’t help but feel like she was burning inside… maybe she shouldn’t have eaten the centre immediately after all… it was definitely going to cause some issues for her and Gala indeed. She didn’t know what to do apart from itch her skin… “G-gala… I don’t think I will eat this ever again…” She retorted as she started to itch her skin… it was starting to burn now and the female didn’t know what to do anymore… “What do I do?!?!” She was confused, there was so many things rolling around in her mind…

    ”Gala…” She grunted as she cuddled her own body, trying to contain her needs and wants from escalating but she finally snapped… She walked up to Gala and then hugged his body tightly. “H-help me… I-i don’t know what to do with this…” Aerwyna cuddled into him tighter and tighter in complete denial… The female slipped off the towel off her to see if the burning sensation will stop, but it didn’t.

    “I’m too hoootttt!” The princess complained as she looked to the floor, the female then bit her lip playfully as she tried to not itch her burning skin… she was feeling hot and bothered, she just wanted to have a ton of fun now by cuddling and teasing him.
    HP: 200||MP: 100%
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    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Posts : 276
    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    Experience : 3,356

    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Yuudai 14th January 2017, 5:03 pm

    Gala sighed as he saw his companion feeling the effects of the Wrapping Vegetable and he knew it was going to cause her problems, he didn’t know much about the vegetable other then its name and supposably its taste but from what he could tell the mermaid was in a great amount of discomfort apparently feeling like she was hot and she started to itch her skin, she asked what she should do and Gala thought for a moment before he spoke”I don’t know much about what you eat other then that its something called a wrapping vegetable unfortunately you can’t get rid of the effects and you have to ride them out I tried to warn you” he said with a apologetic look on his face.

    His face went atomic red as the woman removed her towel and cuddled into him but not before he gained a glimpse of her body and he tried not be a pervert and leer at her.”uh Wyna p..perhaps we should go into the springs now maybe it w..will help” he stuttered trying to keep his focus and not lose his cool over the woman cuddling into him with barely anything on. He knew this was going to be tough but he might have underestimated the effect of demon produce."i..is there anything that can help you cool off?" he asked trying to be helpful


    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) GSvDExK

    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Guest 14th January 2017, 6:22 pm

    You can breathe

    In clear blue water

    She didn’t want to ride it out, but she didn’t want to continue it either… it seemed that her behaviour was drastically changing from the innocent girl who knew absolutely nothing to a woman who is going completely out of control. It was obvious that she has never experienced such a thing in a lifetime so it was clearly having a serious effect on her. She felt bad that he tried to warn her, but there was absolutely nothing the two could do now apart from waiting it out.

    “Yes, the spa is probably a good idea!” The mermaid princess grinned as she took his hand and grinned, dragging him into the spa waters forcefully yet mischievously. The female finally emerged into the waters, taking the pink-haired tanuki with her until they were fully submerged into the springs… Gala asked if there was anything he could do to cool her off, but Aerwyna didn’t answer at all… instead the mermaid princess resorted to hug him once more before she kissed him on the chest, giggling profoundly. “No no… there's nothing you need to do…” she answered before she tip toed and pressed her lips against his.
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    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Yuudai 14th January 2017, 6:39 pm

    Gala was in quite a predicament with Aerwyna under the effects of the demon veggie, he was not used to this at all, feeling her drag him into the spa the tanuki was glad that he had a towel on even If his lovely companion did not and he sat down in the water beside Aerwyna while hoping the hot water would help her out and perhaps him as well since his face was going to turn red forever at the rate he was going, she told him that there was nothing he needed to do before she hugged him again and kissed his chest which made the pink haired man bleed from the nose a bit and he quickly wiped it away before she then moved up higher and kissed him.

    He was surprised but he didn’t fight the kiss, after a few moments he gently broke the kiss before he looked at her with his blush still on his face.”Wyna are you ok I..I” he stutterd with a stunned look on his face, he couldn’t find the words to speak much less think at the moment with her so close to him and her under the effects of the vegetable he was trying so hard to be a gentleman but the feeling he felt were driving him nuts and the mermaid beside him was causing them to swell more and more as time went on.


    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) GSvDExK

    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Guest 14th January 2017, 8:09 pm

    You can breathe

    In clear blue water
    Gala didn’t seem to fight the very thing that had their lips interlocked with each other, instead he broke off the kiss, looking absolutely speechless towards the young female… it seemed that he wasn’t coping with it, considering she seen some blood that seemed to be wiped off by his very own hands. She really has done a number on him… maybe even made him clueless as to what to do next… She doesn’t want to stop it either.

    “G-gala…” She bit her lower lip as she then sat down on his lap… the water wasn’t helping her cool down, she then sat down on his lap while cuddling into him, holding some article of clothing that she was keeping a secret… suddenly, Aerwyna spotted more food on the plate and she just managed to grab some and grinned before she placed it into her mouth, she then kissed his lips once more... when she broke off the kiss, she breathed heavily.

    “I love you… Gala…” She admitted, she felt this feeling rising up more and more than ever, it was the same feeling that she had when Gala first taught her to cook. It must have been love… She just knew it was.
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    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Yuudai 14th January 2017, 11:25 pm

    Gala couldn’t really think before he heard her call his name and she sat in his lap holding something he couldn’t really see before she saw something and grabbed it before she put the item in her mouth and then kissed him again, he then tasted something almost akin to red wine in his mouth along with sweetness, sourness and some bitterness all combined in perfect balace. It made him feel fuzzy mentally and rather good but not as good as when the mermaid in his lap confessed that she loved him, the Tanuki was supristed to say the least but the feeling in his chest swelled up even more as she confessed to him.

    Gala couldn’t focus on anything but Aerwyna after she said she loved him, he had been alive for two hundred years and he had never had anyone tell him those words and he had looked for a mate for all his life. Somehow the perfect woman had been drawn to him and he felt nothing but love for Aerwyna. "I love you too Aerwyna” he said softly admitting his feelings as well as he pulled her close before he pulled her into a passionate kiss


    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) GSvDExK

    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Guest 15th January 2017, 3:05 pm

    You can breathe

    In clear blue water
    For some strange reason, Aerwyna found it great that she was teasing Gala with the way that she was now, it was strange that she found this ability to do so out of nowhere, but she also felt great about it. For a long time now, them feelings she harboured because she didn’t know what it was, was indeed the power of love… this was the feeling she was lacking when her father tried to force her into all those marriages and made her absolutely bored within the palace walls. She knew she would find many things in the human world but she didn’t think she would find a lover…

    Smiling softly, Aerwyna found his lips intoxicating, she couldn’t help but want more from him, she was taught to never be selfish but for some strange reason… she wanted to be selfish with Gala, she wanted nobody else to have him except for her, she wanted more… she didn’t know how to express the fact that she simply wanted more, but she did… Breaking away from the kiss, Aerwyna placed her lips right next to his ear and then chuckled to him while she whispered in his ear…

    “I want you…”

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    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Yuudai 15th January 2017, 4:18 pm

    4 hours later.

    Gala was tired but very content as he had Aerwyna in his arms and he was  cuddling her into his chest, after four hours the effects of the demon produce had worn off for both of them but the feeling of love didn’t leave in fact it was still just as strong as before. A knock was heard on the door of the room leading to the hot spring. “excuse me we are about to close in a hour” one of the attendents said thru the door before Gala sighed .”why does the hot spring have to close I don’t want to move” he grumbled lightly  as he held the mermaid a bit closer.

    Gala was a bit surprised as how fast they had moved emotionally but he was happy and knew he wanted to spend his life with this woman.


    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) GSvDExK

    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Guest 15th January 2017, 5:22 pm

    You can breathe

    In clear blue water
    Them four hours were pretty emotional, the fun that they both experienced seemed to be a first for both of them, but there was one thing that was confirmed now… they both seriously loved each other. There was no point in separating the two from their feelings anymore… Gala loved her, and she loved Gala till the end of time… There was only one thing that concerned her now though… her father…

    Her father, her father was a very powerful king of atlantis. She doesn’t want to be found, but she doesn’t want to lose Gala if she was found either. How would she explain to her own father?? She was pretty sure that he would deny the relationship the moment he finds out because Gala isn’t a mermaid like her… No matter, she didn’t care anymore. Fuck being a princess, if Gala was the very reason that she would have to give up her title then she very well would, Gala would be her prince regardless if she was a princess or not.

    Cuddling into her prince, she kissed his chest once more while whispering a small thank you for helping her… the burning sensation and all the adrenaline has just died out now, she was excited too, but she was also very tired from all the excitement that she just had with Gala…

    Suddenly, the door was knocked on, announcing that they were closing in an hour, that was worrying… the two had to get dressed quickly, but Aerwyna was so comfortable in Gala’s arms as he huggled her closely to his chest, she really didn’t want to do anything… it was probably a good idea to get out though, the burning feeling probably counteracted her reaction to turn into a mermaid and she can’t swim as a human since she wasn’t used to the waters as a human… besides, if she turned to mermaid now, she would miss the 1 hour mark to get the hell out the springs.

    Groaning slightly, the female gave a quick peck to Gala’s lips once more before she got off him and used the towel to dry off as quick as possible… she was really tired though so she did so slowly.

    “Gala, that was… amazing.” She commented under her breath, she didn’t want him to know what she was saying anymore… “You treat me like a true princess…” She muttered under her breath once more.
    HP: 200||MP: 100%
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    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Yuudai 15th January 2017, 5:55 pm

    Gala gave a very tired grin as she kissed him and then got off him to dry off and he stood before he gave a very small hiss from soreness. His body had been put to the test and it wasn’t even a battle that did it though he had no doubt Aerwyna was in the same postion. He got up and followed her grabbing a towel as well even though their was no real reason to cover up they had seen each other so no real reason to be embarrassed. He quickly toweled off and got dressed before he caught what she was saying under her breath though bearly with his enhanced hearing.”I agree it was amazing I have never felt something so thrilling in all my life” he said softly wrapping his arms around her from behind and placing a kiss on her neck.

    Princess hmm that is a rather cute nickname for you Wyna” he snickered as he let go of her for a moment before he caught sight of a piece of paper near the wrapping veggies on the table. It read “I hope you two enjoyed these as well as each other, cherish her my student - Pair-” with a small chibi drawing of the lizard at the bottom.”Pair I don’t know if I should kick you or hug you” he grumbled as he should have known his mentor was the one that put the food here, however it did get them to confess to each other.” I guess I’ll let him off the hook it was useful” he said quietly with a small smile on his face.


    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) GSvDExK

    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Guest 16th January 2017, 1:52 pm

    You can breathe

    In clear blue water
    Aerwyna was happy that she had the best time of her life, she very much needed it at this time and what just happened was the cherry on the cake, she felt happy, secure and felt plain wonderful. She just finished getting into her clothes when she heard Gala’s sweet voice and his arms wrapped around her, she felt so warm and fuzzy inside, and not in the sense of that burning sensation that she experienced much earlier. Being kissed on the neck by him finished up that warm feeling, transforming that very same feeling to one of excitement and pure pleasure.

    “Cute nickname…” Aerwyna repeated them words, letting them slip out of her rosy lips as she then touched her chest to feel her heartbeat… it seemed to be slowing down now thankfully to it’s normal pace. She just had to keep it going at a normal rate and then hopefully she won’t act upon her instincts like the fruit eventually forced her to.

    Aerwyna looked to Gala the moment he grumbled something, but she didn’t quite understand what he was saying, maybe he was grumbling about his pain?? She hoped she didn’t give him too much pain to deal with…

    Walking over to him, she stood beside him and looked at the very same note… so that must be why he was grumbling… The female couldn’t help but chuckle, Pair did all of these shenanigans?? How the hell did Pair find that kind of stuff??

    “Gala… we… we should go.” The mermaid princess stated as she smiled softly “We haven’t got long left before the spa closes… besides… I am hungry, we need to get dinner… can you teach me to cook something?? I would very much love that.” Aerwyna stated as she hugged into him once more.

    HP: 200||MP: 100%
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    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,356

    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) Empty Re: Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna)

    Post by Yuudai 16th January 2017, 4:02 pm

    Gala smiled and nodded as he put an arm around Aerwyna “sure but I think by the time we get home it will be too late to cook, how about we go out to eat here in Hosenka and then we can catch a train home I promise I‘ll teach you something tomorrow ok” he suggested as the two headed out of the room, the tanuki had to admit the hot springs crew would have a fun time cleaning up since the two of them had gotten carried away with their time in the springs but the two were happy and they would enjoy the train ride home.


    Free trip to the spa! (Gala x Aerwyna) GSvDExK

      Current date/time is 26th January 2025, 8:07 am