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    Luard Sinhiert


    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Completed Luard Sinhiert

    Post by Luard 27th November 2016, 1:01 pm

    Name: Luard Sinhiert
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Birthday: October 13th
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Special Characteristics: A vertical six-inch scar on the back of his head, hidden without adjusting his hair.

    Personality: The easiest way to describe Luard would be complex to a tee. From an outward perspective, he is energetic, laidback, and a jolly guy to be around. While he isn't the kind to be the life of the party or often stand out, for those that do know him would say well on his behalf. He is calm and carefree with a rather soothing tone and manner that he speaks in, almost like it was taken from literature. He is very open about things other than himself and is not afraid to speak his mind in any sense of the word, he lacks a moral sense of judgement letting his instinct take the wheel. Luard prefers larger groups of people to keep up with as much as he can, spectating is something he finds enjoyable and eavesdropping is a skill that just came along the way, in a useful manner.

    Luard finds himself a rather comical individual, often remarking with humor or taking actions for others enjoyment along with his own. A very child like aura can be seen around him in most of those occasions. All but the calm and collectives he holds really sets him apart from having that childlike personality. But he is in no shape or form a fool, he is very well aware of his actions and does so accordingly to a situation. Even with the lack of companionship, he does genuinely care and concern for others but rather doesn't quite understand how to respond to those feelings.

    Deep down however is a void of questions with few answers, he doesn't understand who he is or what he necessarily wants.  Luard's outlook upon the world is still rather hopeful. Losing everything to obtain what he has today is most certainly despairful, but it gave the young boy a fresh start. Deep down is his aching soul-searching for what it is he wants while the core is mimicking as a place holder. The only attribute that he has continued within himself is adaptability, going from shell to shell to fit in what clothing he needs to. In whole he is one that lives for feelings, being somewhat jaded, whenever emotions peak for him he hungers for more and seeks the understanding of what it is that gave it to him.

    With a majority of things, he is fairly up front and tactfully instinctual, thinking isn't something he tries to let keep him held up. On that note, he is fairly intellectual and quick on his feet allowing him to sense his intuition and react upon it. This poses up especially in his combat prowess, for reasons he doesn't quite remember he has grown quite a knack for it, whether he wants it or not. However fighting and physical conflict aren't his initial approach to situations, he finds battle a bit lackluster and shows his more hollow side if he has the need to interact in such violence.

    As a result of all of this, Luard has become more emotionally numb and he is rarely openly angry or scared. He often lacks appropriate emotions in situations where most people would be afraid, like acts of violence or threats. Even so, a large portion of himself has fear all the time for unspeakable reasons. he can't help having frequent goosebumps from the thoughts that come into his mind. He can't quite explain it but they are haunting decryption, from what he cannot recall. With blank memory but a strong will to continue onward, he teeters on the edge of madness on a daily basis, leaving his facade the only to keep him sane till he truly finds what this will is.


    • Winter - A very odd enjoyment but it reminds Luard of a simpler time that he can't put a finger on, it ironically warms him inside seeing all the white and cold around.
    • Adventure - Searching for that thrill of course means going out into the world and experiencing it. A sure-fire way to get something out of it, right?
    • Fish Cuisine - The aquatic musk and simply interesting taste are ones that Luard finds intriguing, if he is asked for food it will 9 times out of 10 have some form of fish.
    • History - It is most definitely fascinating about what has led the events to today, from something simple as the landscape and agriculture to the stories of long past explaining great events and discoveries. Truly a vastly wonderous thing to learn.


    • Monetary Possessions - A luxury that Luard finds to just be unnecessary. For what would you need for such expenses that you cannot obtain from your own self. That is one of the true factors of emotion he feels is the sense of accomplishment.
    • Messes - While he isn't a clean freak it does bother Luard when messes are about, it gives him faint memories of ruins and that goes far to in-depth to not try to fix as soon as possible.
    • Thinking - For Luard, he feels it takes too much time. Having to stop and think allows you to fall behind, but if your intuition is strong enough then you'll know what to do already. Or so he believes.
    • loneliness - For a similar reason as thinking, he is constantly curious of other interactions and how "normal" people act in certain environments. With that being the case, being alone has nothing for him to gain and leaves an aching feeling in his chest.


    • A Purpose - This is especially important for Luard since he has no general direction, the only thing he knows is he wants to feel and quench the thirst for emotion in himself. He feels as though there is much more, and without it he knows he'll fall to the cusp of death.
    • Emotion - His only true hunger in life is gaining what he does not have, specifically the old feeling that has escaped him since from long ago. What is it about himself that makes him void of emotion.  
    • Magic - Specifically, the only possession left in his care and the most mysterious of everything he has found so far. An odd set of masks he is able to conjure, but the fact of it being in some of his random decriptions adds much curiosity but the same amount of fear.


    • Deletion - Simply being moved to the side and losing all ambition it something that is in the dark void of his mind. With no recolection is it possible that he could very well not remember any of this as well? Luard is petrifyed of disappearing without knowing what all happened.
    • Opening up - Let alone really having a ton of interactions in general, letting someone know how he truly is, when he himself doesn't even understand? That sends shivers down his spine in even allowing someone to get near that door to darkness.
    • The Dark - Now this one gets a bit deep, when you've seen everything in darkness it has grown an immeasurable amount of fear to the actuality of darkness. As if he glances into himself at what it is he is trying to escape from, what a cruel ordeal.

    General Appearance

    Luard Sinhiert XR23U5w

    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 138 lbs
    Hair: Medium length below his eyes and unkept, laurel green
    Eyes: Green
    Skin Tone: Pale
    Appearance: Luard has a rather lacking figure and presence, with a slim figure  and long limbs giving him a fairly lanky appearance. His facial features are soft and more effeminate than most typical gentleman, with long eyelashes following a smaller nose. His deep green eyes are his most noticeable feature, they are large and full of mystery speaking that he has seen which should not have been. Luard gives off a warm smile with protruding dimples to match, pulling it all together. Even with his more slender figure, his shoulder are strong to carry the weight of heavy burdens.

    Luard's choice of clothing is more often than not baggy very comfortable, being fond of sweaters and long-sleeved shirts. Cargo pants and anything to lounge around in are very suited for his nature, wrapping it altogether with sneakers more often than not shows how casual and simplistic he is. As for coloring, he has a taste for less bright options, brown and navy blue are his favorites with clothing. Besides that, Luard is fond of accessories of little to no monetary value, it is a rather peculiar interest but he finds dinky necklaces and bracelets to be much more delightful than extravagant possessions.


    Guild: Blue Pegasus
    Tattoo: Left side of lower neck with teal color
    Rank: D

    Last edited by Luard on 27th November 2016, 4:30 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Completed Re: Luard Sinhiert

    Post by Guest 27th November 2016, 2:36 pm

    Hello :D I am Salrynn and I will be looking over your app today :)

    I can see everything being nicely sorted :) However, your word count isn't 500 for personality :( You have placed 467 words total instead of 500 :)

    Please, if you can sort this out as soon as possible, then I can approve this faster then you will even be able to say the word 'supercalifragilisticexpealidocious'

    :D Yes, that is a hard word to spell on my own. No, I don't know how I remember it.

    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 23
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Completed Re: Luard Sinhiert

    Post by Luard 27th November 2016, 3:25 pm

    Should add it up, my apologies


    Character||Magic||Theme||Battle Theme

    Completed Re: Luard Sinhiert

    Post by Guest 27th November 2016, 4:45 pm

    Luard Sinhiert RwhSA4C

      Current date/time is 16th January 2025, 1:10 am