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    Like Most Misery, It Started With Apparent Happiness [Kanix & Jaeger]


    Like Most Misery, It Started With Apparent Happiness [Kanix & Jaeger] Empty Like Most Misery, It Started With Apparent Happiness [Kanix & Jaeger]

    Post by Guest 22nd October 2016, 6:18 am

    you said they make fun of your body
    humiliation in your eyes when you told me
    well i'm going to find them don't you worry

    ### words

    Kanix typically wasn’t one to simply walk away from the guild and enter back into Earthland territory without, at least, a bodyguard. However, this day, she had woken up and took a step outside of the guild and left without a single word to any of her guild members. She entrusted her guild to them the moment her feet clambered onto Ancalagon’s saddle and he took off at a moment’s notice. Fairy Tail had enough strong magi inside that if they were threatened by something, those magi could easily handle the issue. Besides, of all things to happen, she needed a single day in her life where she didn’t have to stress and worry about someone or something. Many days and weeks had passed by where Kanix had locked herself up in Heero’s office and sat at his desk, staring into space, trying not to cry. No longer was she able to handle those days and at long last, she had thought to herself a day in Hosenka Town wouldn’t hurt a bit.

    Settled comfortably on Ancalagon’s back, the woman held tightly onto the horn of the saddle as the bird swooped and dove through the clouds. She closed her eye and lifted her face to the sky, enjoying the cool breeze that washed over her face in an exhilarating and refreshing way. Breathing in deeply, the blind shamaness opened her eye again and lowered her head back to its natural position, then reached forward and petted Ancalagon’s neck feathers. A lot of the times, she simply needed a ride on his back to get her old self again, and just like always, his rides were nothing but exciting. Finding a bit of her old self the woman stood up in her saddle and leaned forward, pushing her weight downward on Ancalagon in order to force him to go faster. As a bird of thunder, he was expected to reach speeds as close as lightning itself; what else were these majestic birds capable of doing? Before long, however, the duo would reach the city limits of Hosenka Town and Ancalagon would draw himself downward to land.

    Hosenka Town was a small village just west of Magnolia Town, but it was exceptionally well-known for the spas all over its territory. With an oriental-styled architecture to the buildings, this place wasn’t anything but beautiful if only she was able to see it. She would have if not for having thrown out the single gift from Mashyuu that had blessed her with the ability to see. Yet, she didn’t want anything that reminded her of him, not even that tiny gift of sight that she held near and dear to her heart. With him having left her at the altar, only for him to disappear to knows where, she had complete and utter resentment not only to him, but to Sabertooth as well. The day she found that scoundrel, well, she would make sure the beast of a man wouldn’t ever see the light of day again. Her fingers curled into fists, but she breathed harshly in through her nose to calm herself down before entering into Hosenka.

    Her first stop would be at a tiny inn located just at the border of the village itself, opening the door and walking into the small building. The blind woman felt around for something to hold onto, something to guide her through the place that she wasn’t familiar with. Because of the unfamiliar place, the woman’s senses had gone haywire trying to pick up everything all at once and overwhelming her. A hand would grab hold of hers and place it on a railing quietly, as if not wanting to say anything to her, not even a hello. She turned her head slightly anyway and gave the person a thankful nod, then moved inward of the building and toward the bar. Silently, the woman sat down on one of the stools facing the bar and clasped her hands together on the countertop without saying anything to the barkeeper. As much as she wanted to relax, getting trashed at a place like this wasn’t the best of ideas, especially since Ancalagon wasn’t around to take her home.
    Pellentesque sed dolor tellus. Quisque pharetra erat sit amet lacus accumsan mollis a eu justo. Sed eget nisl at neque dapibus faucibus vel non nibh. Nullam pulvinar, eros sed rutrum aliquet, elit arcu fringilla eros, nec viverra est est in turpis.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Sinful Horseman
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 19,840

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Great Tree Ark
    Second Skill: Extraplanar Force
    Third Skill:

    Like Most Misery, It Started With Apparent Happiness [Kanix & Jaeger] Empty Re: Like Most Misery, It Started With Apparent Happiness [Kanix & Jaeger]

    Post by Nekros 25th October 2016, 5:16 am

    It had been months since the young man had really been with anyone. No real romance or extended lust filled adventures for him. There was no companionship outside of his pet Nava, Sleeping forest mages were spread out or join the Garuo Knights, even his son had been missing and nowhere to be found. The only comfort he found was in that very journey and just getting away from life. These travels had eventually led him to Hosenka, a beautiful city with a very relaxing undertone. What else do you expect from a place based on leisure, relaxation, and spa’s? The man had taken quite a liking to this place, despite his hassle of arresting Jade Knighthunter or the attempt at least, to killing a man in his hotel room, to now.

    At the inn he was staying at, his day was to take an unexpected turn. A woman was to walk back into his life after all this time, after all the pain and heartache. It was a scenario that he truly never expected to happen, for her to return. Jaeger started his day out with a soak in the rooms private spa, a luxury that he was glad to have had. While he relaxed, staff brought in a plate of breakfast. It was filled with freshly cooked sausage, homemade biscuits, scrambled eggs and a bit of syrup to drizzle over the meat. Simply amazing! Once finished, he spent the rest of his time, until midday, out walking among the town. Nava was with him, strolling right beside the horned man. Today, he felt off and that his suit wasn’t the thing to wear. He donned his druidic robes, a natural based attire with trim of feathers and jewelry. All to accent and enhance the appearance of it all.

    Almost like clockwork, on the dot, as usual! The mage got himself looks of a questioning manner. The adults, specifically, gave him this looks of fear, wariness, and uncertainty. It was understandable, to a point. The man did have quite the look to him, horns were typically constructs on demons and beasts a like. Jaeger clearly wasn’t a beast, so a demon he could be taken for. Luckily for them, he would cut his walk short for a midday drink. Yes, that is right. Jaeger is acting as if he was a Housewife to some wealthy fool and this is where the day went weird.

    Sitting at the bar of the Inn he was staying at was a Raven haired beauty. A woman so stunning, any man would have done anything to be with, even for a night. The woman had a curvy body, a seductive figure that lured many men to try their hands at corralling her for a night. Unfortunately, she came with an all too familiar feeling. The woman that wrecked his life. She came in swiftly, stole his heart and ran away with it. A life that was once there with her, but now gone and lost to the sands of time. He had heard Fairy Tail had went missing and underground, being called a dark guild by the Magic Council.

    The man was unsure of how to actually handle the situation. He should be furious, highly upset, and hurt. Which, the latter, he was. They had a child together but that life was torn from him but her own actions and that of a greedy man. Jaeger didn’t have it in him, to fall into that hatred for a woman, despite what’s happened, despite where his life had led him, he still had manners and his politeness towards women. The man came up and sat on the stool next to hers.

    “Hello Beautiful. What brings you into into a place such as this?”

    Jaegers tone wasn’t really happy, or sad. It was almost emotionless, or as much as he could make it. He then looked up to the bartender and ordered a couple glasses of sake.

    Spell(s) Used: -
    Total MP: 100%.
    Remaining MP: 100%.
    Nava Air Walking: 2/2 posts.
    Shots Left in Trinity: 6/6 Shots Remaining.
    Damage Taken: -
    Health Points: 200/200 HP.
    Job Link: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t5193-wedding-crashers
    Post Word Count: 665 Words.

    Like Most Misery, It Started With Apparent Happiness [Kanix & Jaeger] Empty Re: Like Most Misery, It Started With Apparent Happiness [Kanix & Jaeger]

    Post by Guest 30th October 2016, 11:03 am

    you said they make fun of your body
    humiliation in your eyes when you told me
    well i'm going to find them don't you worry

    ### words

    Where Kanix sat at the bar, the woman did not budge or move in anyway that would give herself away to the public. She sat at the bar with her back turned to the partying customers and her head lowered to never look in the eye of the bartender. Whether this was to keep her identity hidden from the public or not was simply unknown to those around her. Neither did anyone simply waltz up to her and try to woo her into a room for the night, she merely kept to herself. It was strange to be in a bar and never once conversing with a person who had passed by her or to the bartender. On occasion, the bartender would even slip her a look to see if she was all right, but the woman never paid him mind. He never once bothered her, however, he kept cleaning away at his glasses and giving orders out to those who wanted something to drink.

    From far away, she may have looked like the Grudge, her raven hair cascading around her to hide away her facial features. Her hands were clasped together on the counter top, her body rigid and nearly stick straight in her seat where she sat. The only indication of her being alive was the soft rise and fall of her hunched back as she breathed in air and let it out. No words ever left her lips, she simply sat there without even a drink to down the sorrows that she currently felt. She had come to Hosenka in order to relax, but she felt that no matter where she was, relaxation was not possible for her. Hosenka was a place best known for its spas and restaurants, yet none of it appealed to her in the least bit. What she had wanted most was her lover back, the one who had taught her that not all men were evil and out to get her.

    It was as if misery encased her and that was the only emotion she was capable of feeling as of the current situation. Neither was her mind all at ease, unable to focus on one thing at a time and causing her a headache of surmounting levels. Kanix stretched out her torso around the counter top and wrapped her arms around her head, hiding her face even more. Her hair splayed out around her in a river-like motion, swirling and sliding down her body and across the bar's top. People would begin to throw her wary looks, concerned for her well-being, but continued to remain their distance. Perhaps she was only sad and need a bit of time alone and that is why they did not try to comfort her at this moment. The bartender would set a glass of water next to her, but again, never once said a word to the tired woman's fallen body.

    Eventually, Kanix would straighten her posture again and glance down in the direction of the glass of water, reaching her hand forward. Her fingers glided across the slick surface of the bar top until they had tapped lightly against the shape of the glass. She felt around the small object to understand its shape before her hand wrapped around it and guided it up to her lips. The water slid down her throat in a satisfactory manner, igniting her magic to flare up as she consumed the natural element of her slayer magic. To those who were magi in the room, it could easily be felt forty feet all around her in any direction it so pleased to expand. Soon, she set the glass down and turned away from the counter top, her back now resting against the edge of it. It was only when the door opened and a rush of magic flooded a small vicinity of the room did Kanix slightly turn her head in its direction.

    That same scarred and blinded face familiar to Jaeger would stare him dead on as he looked in the room and entered. She could sense his footsteps slowly making their way toward her until at long last, the man sat down in a stool beside her. While the two sat there next to each other, never once did the other speak a word to each other for the longest of times. Kanix stared straight at the door that he had come from, while it was possible Jaeger stared back at her face. When she thought that he would not say a word to her and she was bound to get up to leave the awkward aura, he did. It was then that her sightless eye shifted to stare eerily directly at him, listening to what he had to say to her. To what means did she have to answer him for her reason being her? She could easily ask him the same thing.

    "Trying to get away from the stress of life, I suppose," she finally answered Jaeger, a small shrug of her shoulders to follow after. "What brings you here as well is the same I could say of you; I don't think I've seen your presence in a bar before..." Her sentencing was very nearly awkward, unsure of how to handle the situation of being reintroduced to an ex. Hesitation could very nearly be felt encompassing her and while silence passed between the two, she took in a deep breath. "I want to apologize, be the bigger man here, and say that I'm sorry for simply up and leaving you for another man. I was wrong to when I had everything right before me, but I had been too caught up in the wooing of the one I had been with. Now, it's led me to here, once again alone in my life and wishing that I could somehow restart everything that's ever happened."

    She bit her lips and twisted her fingers in her hand for a moment, hesitating on saying anything else to him. "Do you think we could do that? Start over, I mean," she inquired, eyebrows slightly scrunched together in worry.
    Pellentesque sed dolor tellus. Quisque pharetra erat sit amet lacus accumsan mollis a eu justo. Sed eget nisl at neque dapibus faucibus vel non nibh. Nullam pulvinar, eros sed rutrum aliquet, elit arcu fringilla eros, nec viverra est est in turpis.

      Current date/time is 26th January 2025, 8:17 am