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    Savage Blockade![Zoey/Merrilee/Itazura]

    Ella Elwes
    Ella Elwes

    Lineage : Pride of Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 163
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    Savage Blockade![Zoey/Merrilee/Itazura] Empty Savage Blockade![Zoey/Merrilee/Itazura]

    Post by Ella Elwes 11th October 2016, 5:44 am

    Job: Get Rid Of That Pesky Blockade!
    Job Location:Train Station, Clover Town
    Rank: C
    Player Requirements: At least 15 posts long. Posts must be 200 words minimum.
    Job Requirements:C-rank mage or two D-rank mages minimum, maximum four mages on this job. To remove the blockade and fight off the goblin and the vulcan.
    Job Description: "We been having some trouble by these pair of annoying whipper-snappers, a goblin and a vulcan who keep terrosing and being a general nuiscence at our train tracks, but now they just went ahead and blocked the tracks with a great old tree! They say we give 'em 100 pies and 100 tubs of sherbert or they'll never move the tree! Those rascals are holding up the trains and closed our station! Go over there and teach 'em a lesson, so we can get things moving again!"- Station Controller Albert.
    Weak: Goblin
    Medium: Vulcan
    Reward: 1,500 jewels
    Ella Elwes
    Ella Elwes

    Lineage : Pride of Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 163
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    Savage Blockade![Zoey/Merrilee/Itazura] Empty Re: Savage Blockade![Zoey/Merrilee/Itazura]

    Post by Ella Elwes 11th October 2016, 6:06 am

    The day was young as the sun was rising over clover town. Normally Zoey would have taken the train to arrive here, but that was not an option right now. Why? Because a goblin and a vulcan had set up shop on the railroads, blockading any incoming or leaving trains. Not to mention that she wouldn't come to this town in the first place if the trains were riding.

    Alone this would be difficult task, but maybe she can find some other mages here or who knew maybe find some other mages in here. She doubted that she was the only one trying to get rid of the blockade. As such a blockade wasn't only bad for the people inside the town it also was disastrous for a town's economy. This did made her wonder why the town guard hadn't done anything. But still she wouldn't sit by quietly while she could help them with this predicament.

    After finally arriving at clover lake it was only a small boat trip to the other side. Communications with the ferry man aside everything went well and she found herself sailing into the town very fast. The town looked very much the same as other's Zoey had been to already, with only one big difference. People lived much further away from each other. In Magnolia and Era most houses were build in rows against each other. That style was nearly nowhere to be seen in Clover town.

    word count:244

      Current date/time is 15th September 2024, 8:36 pm