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    [JOB] Where's My Goldfish?


    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Zeus' Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 123
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Curse
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    [JOB] Where's My Goldfish? Empty [JOB] Where's My Goldfish?

    Post by Invidia 17th August 2016, 7:59 pm

    Job Information:


    [JOB] Where's My Goldfish? Invidia_signature_by_jayooni-daenx92
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    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Zeus' Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 123
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Curse
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    [JOB] Where's My Goldfish? Empty Re: [JOB] Where's My Goldfish?

    Post by Invidia 17th August 2016, 8:00 pm

    An interesting week unfolded in Invidia's life. First, Invidia dug around a local fudge cuisine, which happens to be a thing, and is hired to steal a super special recipe. Albeit, the recipe wasn't so secret, seeing as how it was in the middle of the room within a glass case. Nevertheless, Invidia did her job and killed four white knight chefs in the process. Next, she had to destroy harvesting competition. Apparently farmers can have a personal vendetta about who made the bigger pumpkin this year. And thanks to her twisted sense of justice, she decided to allow the old man to rest in peace instead of burning his crops. In the end, if no one tends to his crops, the result was the same; he wouldn't win this year and made peace with the farmers. Then, jealousy is discovered. A woman was given mean letters of false words, a man was murdered along with those who accompanied him, and Invidia was the reason for just about everything. Of course she didn't have to kill the prince charming, per se, though it made the job so much easier. And lastly, Invidia got rid of a kind old lady while learning a valuable lesson that she had to be reminded of; the rich get whatever the hell they want. And finally, Invidia attempts to explain to a little girl why her pet goldfish was in a better place now.

    Invidia should not have taken the job and she knew it. It was the day for shopping. Grocery shopping. Instead of picking up and inspecting a vegetable in the market, Invidia was at the school of a little girl with her mother, attempting to break the bad news to her on behalf of her mother. This wasn't Invidia. Even for the harmless, law-abiding Invidia, this was too much.

    It all started with a walk to the market. On her way, a mother was sincerely looking at her daughter and telling her something, though at the time being, Invidia was too far to make sense of their conversation. About a second later, the child began bawling and alerting everyone nearby to stare towards the mother. There were many looks, mostly of curiosity. But there were other stares too; disappointment, annoyance, hate. Invidia noticed it and couldn't stand seeing such a thing happen to a poor mother, so she walked up and offered her assistance. "What's wrong, ma'am? Why is this little princess crying?" asked Invidia as she gestured at the little girl. The mother poured out her heart to Invidia; the goldfish that the little girl had won in a fair had suddenly died, her mom cleaned the bowl and decided to flush the dead goldfish down the drain, the little girl cries because of said event.

    Invidia felt so bad for the mother but for the daughter as well. However, she had experience with grieving like this. She had far too much experience to not tell them what to do. "Kid, the fish died." she said and walked away.
    508 words


    [JOB] Where's My Goldfish? Invidia_signature_by_jayooni-daenx92
    Click the signature for a directory.

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Zeus' Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 123
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Curse
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    [JOB] Where's My Goldfish? Empty Re: [JOB] Where's My Goldfish?

    Post by Invidia 17th August 2016, 8:00 pm

    - 25 EXP


    [JOB] Where's My Goldfish? Invidia_signature_by_jayooni-daenx92
    Click the signature for a directory.

      Current date/time is 14th September 2024, 9:07 pm