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    The Ice Witch and Karina Farrar


    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lighthouse Bay Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Ice Witch and Karina Farrar  Empty The Ice Witch and Karina Farrar

    Post by HyperionX 31st July 2016, 7:20 pm

    Chapter 1:
    The Ice Witch and Karina Farrar  Bic_by10

    Every day, hundreds of Karina's owls fly in from various parts of the world. By doing so, they learn valuable information's for their master, in pursuit of the creation of an army. By spying on the activities of even the insignificant beings around the world, Karina is able to find and recruit members at her pleasure. Thus far, she has been unable to recruit a single Mage sadly. Most powerful mages she would attempt to recruit already had their loyalty's to much weaker beings. She'd need to step up her game a tad, and the opportunity to do so did indeed arrive. A young Ice Witch by the name of Isabelle Listen was terrorizing a small village in Iceberg. The girl perhaps meant no malice by any of her actions, she likely just wanted to practice her magic. Her actions however, did warrant a notice being put up on the guild board for Golden Phoenix!

    Upon seeing the details of the mission and how it was requested to be a nonlethal experience, Karina decided that it was a perfect opportunity to expand her army. Not only would it not be considered occult in the slightest, but it would rather be celebrated that she had cleansed the miscreant of her sins. In addition, it wouldn't be considered odd at all if the girl submitted to her! Who wouldn't want to live with the person who saved their lives, nay who wouldn't want to live with Karina herself! She was of course one of the most attractive, and glorious people in this world after all. She decided to muse of her greatness the entire ride, ignoring that she had to pay a man to drive her to the location. Soon, she'd have her own method of reaching any location she desired, but for now she would need to go along with the ride.

    At that moment, Karina exited the mans taxi. He seemed a tad exhausted by the trip from Midi to Iceberg, perhaps he had drained all his mana? Ah, but he had pushed his hardest the entire ride to bring Karina here now, it would just be bad manners to consider him anything less than a good servant. Perhaps she'd try her powers out on such a man in his exhausted state? Karina extended her hand before her, and focused on the emotions he was feeling. Desperation, determination, and.... regret? He seemed to have regretted take her to Iceberg? That wouldn't do. With a mere thought and flick of the wrist, the man became enamored with the idea of taking her any and everywhere. With a second flick, he was no longer felt exhausted. And with a third flick, he felt as if he should wait for Karina to come back to his car after finishing whatever work she needed to do. Karina cracked a malevolent smile. She'd use the same process on the Ice Witch, expanding her army more and more. After walking the enchanted pair home, she would sit them down so she could focus on changing their base desires to serving her at all cost.

    When she was done fiddling with the mans emotions, she set out to first find the girl. She only had her picture on the wanted poster to go off of, no names or anything of the sort. So, Karina would need to stake her out herself. The idea of using her owls to locate the girl crossed her mind for a second, but then she recalled their horrible success rate. If they were to be of any value, it would be in a fight no doubt.

      Current date/time is 11th September 2024, 10:24 am