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    Screw the rain (Open to BP)

    Rai Chu
    Rai Chu

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 44
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Demon Magic
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    Screw the rain (Open to BP) Empty Screw the rain (Open to BP)

    Post by Rai Chu 28th July 2016, 5:54 am

    "Eugh...stupid rain..."

    Clover Town in Fiore, a far cry from where Rai had spent the past few days, although equally as frustrating and probably filled with more humans than he could possibly fry. It had been a long trek from the deserts of Fiore near where the guild 'Sabertooth' made their home, but it was a necessary one. Somewhat. truth be told Rai actually hadn't any idea where he was going. All he knew was that the girl he'd tried to stay near was gone and that the prophecy - whatever that prophecy had been - had changed. How in the hell does a prophecy change anyway? Aren't those sorts of things supposed to be set in stone? Whatever the case, Alya had scolded Rai in his dreams and told him to keep travelling East, and that 'fate' would take him where he needed to be. Truth be told he was getting a bit tired of this whole 'fate' thing. Oh what he wouldn't do to be back in his village right now.

    The thunder mouse came to a halt and then shuddered. No. Going back home was not an option. He was a pariah there now, about as welcome as a pack of rabid humans looking to capture a new creature to fight for them. He released a sigh and shook his fur in an attempt to get the rain off of him, which lasted all of a second as the downpour continued and doused him further. Another sigh before he looked around. The streets were fairly quiet thanks to the ensuing monsoon, but sounds of laughter, idle chatter and various items moving about could be heard clearly even through the not-so-gentle pitter-patter of the rain crashing against the ground around him.

    As much as he hated these 'humans' he couldn't help but feel a sense of envy. They were warm, dry, surrounded by others they loved and, most importantly, happy. And here he was, stood in the middle of a deserted street, soaked to the bone without so much as an ant to keep him company. One final sigh which turned into a shiver which threatened to overcome his resolve to keep going, Rai took a slow step forward, hindered by the cold that had overcome his bones while he was idle - a rookie error for a traveler. Nonetheless he continued down this lonely road, shivering all the while but never once looking behind him or through the windows of the buildings nearby, his eyes focussed on the path ahead blinded by both rain and uncertainty at exactly what was ahead of him.
    Ember Wolf
    Ember Wolf

    Lineage : Feline Senses
    Position : None
    Posts : 105
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Screw the rain (Open to BP) Empty Re: Screw the rain (Open to BP)

    Post by Ember Wolf 29th July 2016, 1:16 am

    It was usually ideal to stay out of the rainy weather, at least for ember who was making her way down the street with a umbrella and a grocery bag of peppers and chocolates. Coming from the desert ember welcomed the sight of falling water, but hated how cold it was here. Still it wasn't enough to deter her from gathering ingredients for some snacks she planned to make, which would be nice for today. Even with the umbrella she still stuck to the side of the road, to her it would had felt odd to be in the middle. However she caught sight of something odd.

    There in the middle of the road further ahead was some kind of over sized rodent. But it was more odd that it had a lighting bolt for a tail and how it was shivering out in the open instead of trying to seek shelter under a tree or balcony shade. It had ember curious and it just so happen that she was walking in the same direction as it for now. So keeping a eye on it while walking down the street she thought happily to herself of the snacks she would make. Then at one point she noticed that the orange rodent stopped for a moment in the middle of the road, and noticed a shiver from it as she kept walking closer to it. She felt for a moment concern for the rodent, was it having trouble moving through the rain? The thing though continued walking forward slowly, and at this point ember was going to pass the thing. Of course she could had walked passed it, but never in deserito had she ever seen such a thing.

    So out of curiosity and perhaps a bit of concern she would have walked steadily away from the right side to the center of the road to where she would be on the thing's right side. Once there she would have spoke down looking at it, "Kinda odd to be walking out in the middle of downpour isn't it?" She had no idea if it could understand her, let alone respond, but curiosity wanted her to know a little more about this over sized orange rodent.


    Ember Wolf

    Sandstorm magic

    Rai Chu
    Rai Chu

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 44
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Demon Magic
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    Screw the rain (Open to BP) Empty Re: Screw the rain (Open to BP)

    Post by Rai Chu 29th July 2016, 2:19 am

    For the briefest moment Rai was happy he was shivering. He hadn't heard anyone approaching through the mixture of the rain and his own thoughts, so when a stranger had appeared beside him and opened their mouth he almost jumped out of his skin. Thankfully his shivering hid this surprisingly well. At first he contemplated not answering.

    He glanced around at the location of the voice to see a pair of legs walking alongside him before following those legs to the waist, torso and finally the face of the intruding voice's owner. A strange assortment of clothing and peculiar pink hair. Not a colour he'd expected that was for sure. He quickly looked away and rubbed his eyes though as the rain lashed into them like tiny needles. He contemplated not answering. In most cases he certainly wouldn't have and, even if he did, he would've just told them to bugger off. Right now though he just didn't care. He'd been in Fiore for only a short time and he was alone. The company, however random and initially unwanted, was almost welcome for the time being.

    "...probably." he replied bluntly to the girl's question, trying his hardest to stop his teeth from chattering. "What's it t-t-to you human?"

    Well, he'd tried at least.
    Ember Wolf
    Ember Wolf

    Lineage : Feline Senses
    Position : None
    Posts : 105
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Screw the rain (Open to BP) Empty Re: Screw the rain (Open to BP)

    Post by Ember Wolf 31st July 2016, 12:16 am

    Ember was pleasantly surprised by the response from the thing, it appeared that it can speak and understand her language. She also couldn't help but be amused from its, or rather his tone. Sounding so blunt ember assumed meant that he was not one to mess with or was easy to annoy. Both theories she was curious in testing. "Well normally you wouldn't be out in a downpour like this unless you enjoyed it or you didn't think about finding shelter from it." She would have began, as if implying that the rodent wasn't smart enough to find shelter from this downpour. She would have then continued nonchalant.  

    "But I asked because I have never seen anything like you before. So if your willing to tell me about yourself a little, I would be willing to take you somewhere dry and might even give you some hot food. But of course if you want to be out here then I won't argue, what do you say?" She would had stayed waiting for a answer from the orange rodent, but as the rain continued to hit her umbrella she would have fought the urge to shiver. For even though she was dressed in her riding coat and hot scarf, she wanted out of this cold weather, perhaps even more then the shivering rodent before her did.


    Ember Wolf

    Sandstorm magic

    Rai Chu
    Rai Chu

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 44
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Demon Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Screw the rain (Open to BP) Empty Re: Screw the rain (Open to BP)

    Post by Rai Chu 1st August 2016, 3:32 am

    This girl had gone from a welcome distraction to an annoyance in a matter of seconds. Still, she was human afterall; they had a tendency to be ignorant to other creatures around them and, Rai had learned, they generally saw themselves as 'better'. The comment that questioned his intelligence only served to push this fact, and to irritate the little Thunder Demon.

    "I was trying to avoid ignorant shits like you." came his reply, not giving a damn how she reacted now. It was then that Rai heard a low rumble and, unintentionally, he revealed a small smile. It sounded like a storm was coming. Perhaps this day was going to get better afterall. Then the voice of the stranger cut through again like a knife, severing him from this moment of potential bliss. Just another ignorant comment with a peculiar offer at the end.

    "Of course you haven't seen anything 'like me' before. It's not like I was born and raised in this place. If you had half a brain then you'd have worked that out." he began, matching her nonchalant voice with his own blunt tone, before immediately turning to face this girl again for the first time since he first took in her appearance. "And your offer is moronic. Like I'd agree to become your captive just to get out of the rain. Simpleton." he continued, almost as if he was now questioning her intelligence in response. He then stopped abruptly, before shaking violently in another attempt to get the rain off of his fur. It wasn't doing much good unfortunately as, once again, he ended up soaked within seconds courtesy of the downpour. He wasn't going to deny that shelter would be welcome, but he'd yet to find a single human in Fiore who he could actually trust enough to even consider accepting such an offer, and this human certainly didn't come across as trustworthy.
    Ember Wolf
    Ember Wolf

    Lineage : Feline Senses
    Position : None
    Posts : 105
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Screw the rain (Open to BP) Empty Re: Screw the rain (Open to BP)

    Post by Ember Wolf 2nd August 2016, 2:25 am

    Ember raised a eyebrow in amusement at the rodent's first response. While she had assumed that he was irritable somehow, she was surprised by how blunt and uncaring he sounded. But then again given his current state and her previous assumption, should she had been really that surprised? The the rodent continued to dig the hole deeper by his response to her proposition, which was not only hostile but meant to insult her. She would had kept a look of slight confusion and intrest in why his response was so hostile. While this was true, she knew that sometimes people were just mean. And while the rodent didn't appear human, she had to assume it acted similar since...well it was the best she could do.

    When he was done with his harsh answer looking at ember with such a look of hostility in his eyes, ember shrugged. Unfazed by his harsh response she would had answered, "Why would you assume that someone would want to keep you as some kind of pet? Especially a foul mouthed bitter over sized rat like you. But hey" she would had stopped briefly to turn as if to begin walking forward down the road again. "Feel free to enjoy the weather since it's clear your enjoying it so much." she finished with sarcasm in her voice as she would had begin to walk forward and to her knowledge away from the orange rat. But before doing so she would had purposely splashed water at the already soaked orange rodent with her first footstep and continued forward.

    True she wanted to do a lot more to the big rat since she didn't like how it insulted her. But between the arrival of a coming storm to add with the down pour and her being in a legal guild, it would not had gone over well to stay out and fight the thing. Besides that, she was eager to make snacks using the peppers and chocolate, and it was much more important to her then finding out what a bitter and harsh orange rat was doing in the middle of a street in a down pour.


    Ember Wolf

    Sandstorm magic

    Rai Chu
    Rai Chu

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 44
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Demon Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Screw the rain (Open to BP) Empty Re: Screw the rain (Open to BP)

    Post by Rai Chu 2nd August 2016, 2:47 am

    Rai watched Ember walk away for a moment as he considered her words. Okay the rat comment was uncalled for, but the point about him being foul-mouthed and stating that someone wouldn't want him as a pet was truthful, although why she felt the need to state that when clearly that was his entire intention was beyond him. He was about to make his reply - determined to get the last word in - when he was stopped abruptly by a sudden torrent of water kicked back at him by the girl. He didn't move for a moment, simply staring at his fur, now as muddy as it was wet. After a brief moment his head began to rise, his eyes glaring daggers at the pinkette as she walked away. So she was going to do that and just walk away?


    Rai's body began to charge with electricity as his rage grew, the rain around him evaporating before it touched the ground and his fur drying within seconds. He leaned down so that he was on all fours, the magical energy charging around his body before he pushed it all to his tail, swinging it in the direction of the girl and launching what could only be described as an electrical chain that flew through the air and wrapped itself around her ankles, with the intention of bringing her crashing to the floor. Even with that done he remained on all fours, the electricity sparking off of him. This bitch would rue her decision to mess with him.

    Spell Cast: Thunder Demon's Leg Sweep (ranged)
    MP: 95%
    Cooldowns: Thunder Demon's Leg Sweep - 3 posts


    Screw the rain (Open to BP) Raichu_shocking_by_unis_sone
    Screw the rain (Open to BP) Latest?cb=20110627175820
    Ember Wolf
    Ember Wolf

    Lineage : Feline Senses
    Position : None
    Posts : 105
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Screw the rain (Open to BP) Empty Re: Screw the rain (Open to BP)

    Post by Ember Wolf 8th August 2016, 2:21 pm

    For one moment, ember was debating in her head if she wanted to make something with the peppers or the chocolates first. The next moment she would had suddenly felt her feet forcibly come together as she was starting to fall down. However unknown to both rai and ember, ember was more then just a human. And it showed when she was able to ditch her umbrella and with one hand re-position herself in the air before landing her bound feet as if she were doing one handed push ups. With the groceries in the plastic bag secured in her left hand, she looked forward and noticed the rat with steam coming from it.

    Now why did he had to go do that? All ember needed was a excuse to go after the thing and now she had it. She dropped the groceries right after her recovery and spun forward, a sand twister coming from her feet. To add to it, she would had formed a sandstorm around her, making it look like a sandstorm was charging it's way toward rai. Given how large it was, it was easy to see that rai would be caught in it. If he was not able to move completely out of the way in the sandstorm, she would had slammed him into the ground, then using him to bounce into the air and land behind him. If he was able to move out of the way, she would had landed and faced the direction where rai once was and to see if she could spot him again(the distance between rai and ember would be aimed at keeping him in the sandstorm while keeping distance from rai).


    Spell casts: sand twister sig and sandstorm spell used
    Health:180(ember is pretty resistant to electricity since it is a form of heat, however the rain would boost the spell back to it's original power...least I assume so?)
    Mana: 90%
    Sandstorm duration: 1st post
    Note: Feel free to PM me if you want to include other calculations or if you have questions with what I wrote.


    Ember Wolf

    Sandstorm magic


      Current date/time is 15th September 2024, 7:29 pm