Fairy Tail RP

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    Baby Steps [Job]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Guild : Pharaoh's Call
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Judgement
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Baby Steps [Job] Empty Baby Steps [Job]

    Post by Anubis 25th July 2016, 10:44 am

    Baby Steps

       Job Title: Baby Steps
          Rank: D
          Player Requirements: 1-2 D Ranked mages , with 5 posts per player. 100 word count minimum
          Job Requirements: Teach the baby to walk before the parents get home.
          Job Location: Hargeon Town
          Job Description: So the Adams family has tried everything to teach their baby how to walk, from support, to even magic. None have worked. This is where you come in. They need you to make their baby walk, no matter what you need to do, just get it done. They will be leaving at the crack of dawn, so you have until they come back at noon.
          Enemies: None
          Reward: 500J

    Page 42



    forgive me for my wrongs, i have just begun

    Jobs: D : 7 || C : 3 || B : 1 || A : 0 || S : 0 || SS : 0 || 10y : 0 || 100y : 0

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Guild : Pharaoh's Call
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Judgement
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Baby Steps [Job] Empty Re: Baby Steps [Job]

    Post by Anubis 25th July 2016, 11:31 am

    Sometimes Freya wondered if she could do something without killing someone in the process of it. She had to give it a try. So far all she had done was kill, kill and kill even more. Most of the time, she did not even wait to consider if the life was worth taking. But such was the behavior of the Goddess of the Dead. She did not hesitate to annihilate anything that stood in her path. Sometimes, it was out of boredom, but for the most part, she had a reason, and the reason was usually ‘for standing in my way’. Fresh out of the warm bath, Freya clothed herself in the usual outfit, patting down her dark coat as she stepped outside in her nicely polished boots with heels that clicked on the pavement as she strolled to the job request board. This time, she was going to attempt a job without killing her client or anyone involved in it. She was not very fond of talking much, so she hoped she did not have to do that. Once taking a job paper, she read it over, felt like it was not the right job to do at the time being, so she tore it to shreds and took another, one that involved taking care of a baby? Evil thoughts sparked in her mind that she failed poorly at pushing away. But now she knew what she was going to. This was probably the one job that could turn her into a better person temporarily. That was all she needed for now to satisfy herself.

    So for a while she was wondering how exactly she was going to this, as she walked towards the house. She was getting rather used to finding homes, and learning street names. That was actually an improvement. Because in the beginning she did not even bother to learn town names, let alone streets, but later she began to remember them after traveling around, and now she was even remembering the names of random streets that had very random names in random towns. In this case, the house she was supposed to go to was called ‘Leve Street’. It had already registered in her brain and the next time she was asked to go to Leve Street, she would know where to go without having to ask around, which she hated to do, by the way. She hated the idea of having to ask humans for help. Now that she was in front of the house, she decided she would just walk in, since the doors were open and there was supposed to be only the kid anyway. She walked in, looked for the room where the child might be, and once she found it, she walked into the room, sitting down and watching as it crawled around, making weird baby noises. She then raised it up and tried to make it stand on his feet. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as easy as she thought and the baby fell and hit its head, and began to cry. “Ugh,” she groaned, immediately grabbing the child by its neck when the crying got too annoying for her to handle and strangled it to death. “Son of a bitch.

    540 words



    forgive me for my wrongs, i have just begun

    Jobs: D : 7 || C : 3 || B : 1 || A : 0 || S : 0 || SS : 0 || 10y : 0 || 100y : 0

      Current date/time is 14th September 2024, 8:07 pm