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    Stumbling Around [Job/Juliana]

    Juliana Kain
    Juliana Kain

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Posts : 32
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 225

    Stumbling Around [Job/Juliana] Empty Stumbling Around [Job/Juliana]

    Post by Juliana Kain 24th June 2016, 9:50 pm

    Job Title: Baby Steps
    Rank: D
    Player Requirements: 1-2 D Ranked mages , with 5 posts per player. 100 word count minimum
    Job Requirements: Teach the baby to walk before the parents get home.
    Job Location: Hargeon Town
    Job Description: So the Adams family has tried everything to teach their baby how to walk, from support, to even magic. None have worked. This is where you come in. They need you to make their baby walk, no matter what you need to do, just get it done. They will be leaving at the crack of dawn, so you have until they come back at noon.
    Reward: 500J

    ~~Credits to Kazyto


    Stumbling Around [Job/Juliana] KHlD69H
    Juliana Kain
    Juliana Kain

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Posts : 32
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 225

    Stumbling Around [Job/Juliana] Empty Re: Stumbling Around [Job/Juliana]

    Post by Juliana Kain 24th June 2016, 9:50 pm

    Strangely enough, but most definitely not in a negative way, Julia had not felt any negative symptoms of her sickness ever since beginning the walk to the Adams’ Family’s house this weekend. After accepting a message given to her by a boy who lived next door to the apparently eccentric family, they were leaving their baby alone at home and expected it to have learned how to walk by their arrival time at midday. That in itself was such a crazed notion that the girl was forced to take a pause in talking to the youth, registering the idea in her mind before allowing him to continue. Surely, they had expected someone to hear about the fuss and teach their child to walk, or at least care for it until they returned, the boy had explained, as if that righted the situation. Either way, Julia was more than willing to at least rock the baby to sleep and watch over him or her until the parents returned. Hopefully, they would have some excuse; not that the mage would be willing to challenge them as far as parenting went, as she herself had absolutely no experience in that area.

    She was soon crossing the street to the side on which the Adams’ Family residence was located. The plot itself was quite nice, with precisely chopped grass that made a soft carpet for the girl’s hands as she impulsively flopped over onto the fresh blades, rolling around briefly in a fit of fun before being reminded by Lissy that the clock was ticking and that for every moment that she dallied, a child was being left alone in a house all by itself. With that prod of encouragement, Julia immediately scrambled to her feet and began to walk with a decent bit more speed, the fastest she could possibly go without breaking out into a full, dashing sprint. It could raise at least a bit of suspicion of a somewhat oddly dressed girl was sighted fleeing around their house; if something had happened to the baby, Julia didn’t want to be held accountable for some crime. She was more than willing to do her best to protect all citizens, but lawbreakers had to take responsibility for their own actions, in her mind.

    Turning the door knob with a slight bit of caution, the girl pushed against the stubbornly stuck door with all her might until with an obnoxious screech, the slab popped out of place and swung open, crashing against the wall behind it. Julia gasped in shock and assessed the results as best she could while undergoing berating comments from Lissy, breathing in a sigh of relief as she realized that there was a small circle pressed against the wall to prevent such damage from being done to the paint and plaster. To her great astonishment, the sight of a waddling baby, chasing unsteadily after a string held by the boy from before, greeted her eyes! Before she could get a word in, the youth held up a hand, halting the multitude of questions in their tracks. He briefly explained that the baby already knew how to walk but for some reason, petulantly refused to do so in front of its family, and that he had visited today in order to play with him a bit more in the hopes of finally getting the infant to “walk in public”.

    Accordingly, it had for some reason agreed, so Julia’s work was done. She had a great deal of conflicting thoughts on that, but as she was mulling things over, the door creaked open once more, and a group of three elegantly dressed snobs strutted into the room, each of their noses turned up in a way that baffled the girl. Upon seeing the baby upright, the mother promptly broke formation and hurried over to the child, snatching it up and rocking the infant gently in her arms. With a faint bit of gratitude in his eyes, the man reached into his back pocket for his wallet, presumably, but by now, Julia had had quite enough of this confusing nonsense and these puzzling folk. Holding in a gigantic sigh, she half stumbled to the door herself and fled out into the fresh air, shivering as it hit her bones once more. Internally, Lissy scolded her for being so undisciplined in front of strangers, but the spirit herself was clearly more than a bit peeved at the way all of the odd neighbors had acted. Shaking her head and hoping that tomorrow would not be so confusing in manner, Julia started home, her head tipped downwards with exhaustion.


    Stumbling Around [Job/Juliana] KHlD69H

      Current date/time is 12th September 2024, 3:17 am