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    Butcher gets Butchered [Job]


    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 127
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,225

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Variable Crash
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    Butcher gets Butchered [Job] Empty Butcher gets Butchered [Job]

    Post by Void 19th June 2016, 6:04 pm

    THE JOB:


    Job Slots: 1 of 3
    D - 6C - 0B - 0A - 0S - 0H - 0
    Amaterasu@VoidVariable CrashThe Great Vault
    The Damned † Executioner
    Butcher gets Butchered [Job] CiWSJRq

    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 127
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,225

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Variable Crash
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Butcher gets Butchered [Job] Empty Re: Butcher gets Butchered [Job]

    Post by Void 21st June 2016, 7:10 pm

    Selfish. Rumors of a killer by the name of Jacob Goodnight swept the small town of Hargeon and caught the attention of the young demigod. There was no being more selfish than one who killed for sport. Even Void had principles she upheld, despite her immediate impulse to destroy everything in sight. Killing was fine so long as there was a justifiable reason for doing so, but what this human was doing was nothing more than flat insanity. He had to be put out of his misery. Before she could do that however, she had to gather information regarding his whereabouts and the quickest way to do that was to contact the local police force about the subject matter. Knowing that, she headed for the building where the local police had their offices at a casual and uncaring pace while hoping that the killer was at least going to be tougher to take down than the farmer she dealt with the night before.

    "Ah, so you're looking for information on Jacob Goodnight. He was a miner before he went crazy. All of the murders have been based in the lower docks, so if you go there, you'll probably end up a target of his." Who did those humans think Void was? She was not going to fall prey to some cretin just because he killed a few people. She was a god, despite being fallen and had killed plenty of humans in the last one hundred or so years. Chances were high that she was going to kill this one as well. "I'll bring him back, with his head severed from his body." Void turned around and walked out of the building without saying thank you or goodbye, aiming to find and kill a butcher as quickly as possible. A delicious body like hers would have been the perfect kind of bait a shitty human was going to come out of the shadows for, not that she desired that kind of attention.

    At her usually casual pace, Void arrived in the lower docks by late evening and began her casual search of the area. Although, searching meant more along the lines of showing herself off to the entire place, despite not really getting much of any amusement out of it. After walking around for a while, the woman decided to sit out on a bench and look out over the ocean. If she had the capacity to feel, what would she have been feeling right now? The woman did not know, but it likely would have had to deal with the sight of the night sky which was reflected in the clear water just ahead. Perhaps somewhere within a heart that did not exist, she longed to return to the home that she was banished from. The desire to have a place to call home. Was such a feeling even remotely possible for Void to understand? Not likely. She had been brought down to the realm of humanity with her nihilistic views already intact; it was not so simple a task for the woman to understand such things.

    A couple of hours passed by like the evening wind and there was still no sign of that Jacob Goodnight. The woman sighed and stood up, her breasts bouncing a bit as she did so; she started to walk away from the bench when she heard heavy-sounding footsteps some distance behind her. I have all day, but not all day to spend waiting on a pitiful human like this cretin. Void turned around and saw a large human who looked more like a pig than anything else. The human carried a chain in one hand and a large butcher knife in the other. The woman was curious slightly about something though. If the guy was that large, was that also large? Probably not, though it was worth at least taking a look after he was dead. Besides, at least the human would have had one redeeming quality if it were large. "Looks like I scored a whore tonight. I'm gonna take good care of you." Big talk for some human who clearly did not know his way around a bedroom, much less a treadmill. She did not much care about the name-calling either since it was from someone so spineless and inexperienced. "Unfortunately you aren't worth the time of day. I'll make quick work of you and send the police your corpse for disposal." Her face showed no signs of anger or fear or literally anything for that matter as she started to walk toward the oversized pig. Immediately, Jacob flung the chain straight at Void in hopes of binding her, though that was an impossibility with her Magic. Some flimsy chain would never have been enough to break through her defense, and just like that, the chain was shattered the moment it got too close. She was wizard, and a demigod before that. There was no way in hell she was going to get bound by trash. The murderer began to look more and more scared the closer and closer Void got to him and eventually the woman stopped a few feet in front of him. The butcher knife he held was dropped to the ground out of fear for the woman who could so easily shatter scrap metal without touching it. "Before I kill you, drop your pants. If I like what I see, I'll give you a slightly happier ending." Even as she said that, her facial expression was completely empty. Without hesitation, the pig unbuckled his pants and they dropped. Guess it's not 100% true then. Oh well. Not taking any extra time, the woman used her magic to throw a left straight punch at his oversized stomach. The direct impact as well as the weight behind the strike blew a hole straight through his body and he fell face first into the pavement. "Your gluttonous and greedy streak for blood end now. Unfortunately, you did not pass the physical test for the happy ending. Have fun in Hell, with the other pigs." As the giant of a man finally died, Void grabbed one of his arms and dragged him behind all the way to the local station to turn in the pig's corpse. This is the reason all must die and start over from scratch.

    {END OF JOB}
    Word Count: 1,058


    Job Slots: 1 of 3
    D - 6C - 0B - 0A - 0S - 0H - 0
    Amaterasu@VoidVariable CrashThe Great Vault
    The Damned † Executioner
    Butcher gets Butchered [Job] CiWSJRq

      Current date/time is 11th September 2024, 10:57 pm