Fairy Tail RP

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    Sin Two: Hired Muscle.

    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Sin Two: Hired Muscle. Empty Sin Two: Hired Muscle.

    Post by Morning Star 28th May 2016, 9:42 pm

    Job Details:

    The hard crunch of polished black boots echoed in the morning air as rocks and dirt crumbled under the weight of Morning Star. His dark eye scanned the local of Motor City many shops rested along the city streets, it looked like they were all half ran down. But one stood above the rest, a building of stone where the others were made of wood. The silvered knife insurance company. Morning Star grinned under his mustache and stepped up to the front door, pushing it open as a bell rang.

    Inside the shop a man sat on a large sofa dressed in a black suit. He smiled wide at Morning Star and stood up, opening his arms and motioning for Morning Star to come closer. "No thanks, I'm just here for the job, You're Thawn? Lets get this over with." Morning Star stated calmly and turned in an about face while glancing over his shoulder. When the man was done paying him, Morning Star was going to kill the weak and largely pathetic Thawn standing behind him.

    WC: 178
    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Sin Two: Hired Muscle. Empty Re: Sin Two: Hired Muscle.

    Post by Morning Star 31st May 2016, 4:26 pm

    The duo stepped out into the city and Morning Star's one uncovered eye darted around while taking in the few people who were brave enough to be out and about. Morning Star kept his hands clasped behind his back, one tilted closer to the blade on his hip while the other hand pressed to the small of his back where the smaller blade was pressed. A man walked by and the client that Morning Star was working for glared at the man. Morning Star needed to prove he could do whatever it was that would be required. The Wizard drew the blade from the small of his back and slashed it across the man's spine, just above his shoulders, severing the head from the body in one fell swoop.

    As the body fell Morning Star grasped the man's head and kicked it hard into a small but growing crowd of people. "I would advise you to go about your day's ladies and gentlemen. Perhaps visit a bar and drink away this memory."

    WC: 173
    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Sin Two: Hired Muscle. Empty Re: Sin Two: Hired Muscle.

    Post by Morning Star 1st June 2016, 12:07 am

    Without a word uttered everyone spread out and either went home or to the bar. Morning Star extended his hand casually and let his current boss lead the way. Along the path the man in the black suit pointed to what looked like a general goods shop and nodded in the direction. Morning Star refused to speak but placed his hand up motioned for the man in the suit to wait on the street.

    Casually Morning Star walked into the shop and closed the door behind him, locking it and smiling at the man at the counter. "Good Morning Sir. I'm looking for a scabbard for my blade. You see it's just a little to old for my liking and I think it's time for a new one to be honest." Morning Star stated while patting the long blade on his hip. The man behind the counter smiled and nodded his head up and down while motioning Morning Star closer. The Wizard stopped a few feet away from the counter and balled his fist up...

    WC: 176
    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Sin Two: Hired Muscle. Empty Re: Sin Two: Hired Muscle.

    Post by Morning Star 1st June 2016, 11:45 am

    With his hand balled up into a fist the killer looked over the shop keeper and kindly smiled while the man pulled out a fantastic looking golden scabbard capped with sapphire blue gems. A massive amount of lust and greed held Morning Star in silence for a moment. He took a deep breath of air and cleared his throat. "You owe someone some money correct? I would ask that you give me the jewels before I have to harm you." Morning Star threatened the man and in turn the man nodded his head side to side as if to refuse. Swiftly he pulled a dagger out from his boot and jumped over the counter to stab at Morning Star. The Wizard took a half step back while drawing his greedy dagger and slashed it up, deflecting the weapon aside harmlessly. "Mmm... Such a shame. It turns out you have chosen the hard way."

    WC: 155
    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Sin Two: Hired Muscle. Empty Re: Sin Two: Hired Muscle.

    Post by Morning Star 1st June 2016, 11:56 am

    The shop owner landed on his knees and glared up at Morning Star who clearly looked upset by the fact that he was still dealing with this fool of a man who wanted to fight Morning Star in order to defend a few jewels, now he had to die at Morning Star's hand. The man was stunned to see Morning Star placing his short weapon back in the sheath and taking a few steps back while motioning for the man to get up.

    Once standing the man flipped his small weapon in his palm and rushed Morning Star again. Keeping his hand behind his back Morning Star extended his foot and slammed it hard into the mans chest, sending him sprawling back into the counter and knocking the scabbard down. Morning Star stalked over to the Shop Keeper and reached out his left arm, taking the register and smashing it on the keeps head, not killing him but making sure the man wouldn't work for months...

    WC: 166
    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Sin Two: Hired Muscle. Empty Re: Sin Two: Hired Muscle.

    Post by Morning Star 1st June 2016, 12:53 pm

    The door to the shop opened up and Morning Star was hooking that beautiful scabbard onto his belt and placing his long and yet unused weapon inside the case. Hooked to the other side of his belt was a small brown sack that looked heavy on the bottom. As Morning Star drew closer to the man he was working for, he pulled the sack from his belt and tossed it into the man's hands. Swiftly the man in the suit pulled the bag open and looked back up at Morning Star. "This is three times the amount he owed!" The man exclaimed in shock. "Don't spend it all in one place. That man won't be working for a while. But he should never be late on paying you again." Morning Star spoke darkly.

    Without a word the dark Wizard Morning Star stalked to the other shop that rested across the street and started to walk around the shop and look around the place for the man inside. It looked like the shop keeper had seen Morning Star and was hiding.

    WC: 182
    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Sin Two: Hired Muscle. Empty Re: Sin Two: Hired Muscle.

    Post by Morning Star 1st June 2016, 5:14 pm

    It took only a few minutes for Morning Star to come to the front doors again and scowl at the building. "Amusing.... But not nearly strong enough to keep Sin away." He mused to himself and pressed his palm to the wood of the door. His arm flexed and exerted pressure into the wooden doors, blowing them inward and in splinters. The wood caved in and fell to the ground inside the shop as Morning Star's shadowy form filled the area in. "...Now you will have to pay to get those doors fixed on top of what you owe. How sad." Morning Star stepped into the room of the shop while the man in the suit glanced over his hired muscles shoulder. Not a soul spoke in protest to Morning Star or his swift actions. The room was silent, above him a small light flickered on and off in reaction to his sudden show of power on the door of the building.

    WC: 165


    Jobs Completed: 3
    Jobs In Progress: 1

    Bank<> Magic<>Morning Star<>Theme
    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Sin Two: Hired Muscle. Empty Re: Sin Two: Hired Muscle.

    Post by Morning Star 1st June 2016, 5:21 pm

    With his need to cause chaos and sin satisfied for now Morning Star smiled softly and ducked down as an arrow whizzed past the man's head from a back doorway. Slowly he stood again and stalked towards the back of the building where the man fired an arrow. The young shop owner rushed forward with an ax in hand, swinging it wildly at the Wizard. Morning Star took a series of slow steps back, letting the blade whip just close enough to give the man false hope for each of his swings. Using his boot Morning Star spun on his heel with a sharp motion to step to the right, the back of his hand smashed across the back of his foes head and knocked him over. Morning Star chuckled under his breath and sat on the counter. "The last shop still had it's doors when I entered... nobody saw what I did to him. You sadly won't be so lucky."

    WC: 162


    Jobs Completed: 3
    Jobs In Progress: 1

    Bank<> Magic<>Morning Star<>Theme
    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Sin Two: Hired Muscle. Empty Re: Sin Two: Hired Muscle.

    Post by Morning Star 1st June 2016, 6:12 pm

    The man stumbled forward and caught himself on a near by shelf, swiftly spinning around and raising his ax and narrowing his gaze. The man grumbled and whipped his weapon around in his hand while Morning Star drew his long blade and held it with the blade facing down. He dragged the weapon across the ground for a moment and motioned for the man to come at Morning Star. The shop keep launched himself at Morning Star and drove his ax straight into the dark Wizard's shoulder. The ax dug deep into the Wizard but did nothing to him thanks to his Sloth's sin effect.

    Morning Star looked down at his foes leg and twisted around, hurling his sword while his eye lit up. The blade whipped around and curved to fly around the room and stab into the Shop Keep's leg, pinning him to the floor. The Sin Wizard grinned and reached out, snapping the shop keepers neck and let his body fall to the floor. Without a word he raised a brow at the man paying him and took a deep breath, inhaling the Shop keep' body into his mouth, healing his wounds.

    WC: 195


    Jobs Completed: 3
    Jobs In Progress: 1

    Bank<> Magic<>Morning Star<>Theme
    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Sin Two: Hired Muscle. Empty Re: Sin Two: Hired Muscle.

    Post by Morning Star 1st June 2016, 6:35 pm

    Morning Star took in the man's body, wounds healing in the process. The evil Wizard used the table near by to remove the blood from his blade and slid it back to his scabbard. A few moments later he opened a drawer and pulled a sack of jewels from the drawer and returned to his current boss. The man in the suit looked at Morning Star like he was insane but the one eyed Wizard only smiled while planting the sack in the man's palm.

    The Wizard cleared his throat and held his open palm out while looking the crime boss up and down. "You paid me to do a job. It's done. I expect to be paid." Morning Star stated softly and took a step forward until the two were almost touching. Feeling a sense of fear the man planted the agreed upon amount of money in Morning Star's hand and took off running from fear of being eaten himself...


    WC: 162


    Jobs Completed: 3
    Jobs In Progress: 1

    Bank<> Magic<>Morning Star<>Theme

      Current date/time is 12th November 2024, 9:42 pm