The boy smiled as he then prepared himself to go off on his adventure into the town of Sin and their insane weather. This was going to be an easy clearance if it was just what he expected it to be. He had been training and sacrificing in order to gain what he did in the end. The new spells that he learned are able to heal him, protect him, and allow him to cause such power to spread over Fiore. He is not your average wizard anymore. Working out does not describe the amount of Swordmans magic power he had. There was a point in which he felt so confident in his chances against Shadelle. To be sure though, he did not want to declare war on Shadelle anymore. Instead, he decided to aim for one of the highest spots on the charts, a good role that will get him recognized. It was going to be done once he cleared this job, since it did bring a lot of attention to him. It also brought plenty of attention to Aiyana, because Elyx was going to tell them about how she saved his life. It was not going to be a pretty ending for those who tried to cross him if he were experienced. Then again, that would take a lot of practice and time, and he was not sure if he would be able to get enough time with the She Phoenix always jumping on top of him to do jobs, and now she seemed to rub off on him because now he was doing the jobs before she could wake up. Then again, he was woken up by a weird dream and saw a weird job in front of him. Maybe it was not his fault after all. On the plus side, at least he knew that it was better to just simply to them and get the practice then. He can sharped his skills, and whenever he needed the backup, he had three sources of power that would be able to protect him.
Sin was known for their huge volcano, and that was pretty much it. The volcano caused them lots of trouble because of what was at the core, Diablos. Oh boy, and now he was going to be the lucky swordsman to face him. But first, Arianna's words had to be remembered in his heart. Why? Because she told him that he can survive the fight and actually have a glimmer of hope in winning if she looked for the guy who hangs around in the shadows only. Sure, he might have gotten over his dangerous ambitions of trying to take down Shadelle, but the chances were still slim. Any opportunity that he had to slim those chances down, he would be a wise man to take. It was common sense, you raise your chances the best you can and hope for the best. As for Nimpha, she did not need to listen to such advice, since she was already so lucky beyond imagination. It made Elyx feel a bit envious right now, but then he got over it, she deserved such magic. She got quite the lucky break.
Sin was known for their huge volcano, and that was pretty much it. The volcano caused them lots of trouble because of what was at the core, Diablos. Oh boy, and now he was going to be the lucky swordsman to face him. But first, Arianna's words had to be remembered in his heart. Why? Because she told him that he can survive the fight and actually have a glimmer of hope in winning if she looked for the guy who hangs around in the shadows only. Sure, he might have gotten over his dangerous ambitions of trying to take down Shadelle, but the chances were still slim. Any opportunity that he had to slim those chances down, he would be a wise man to take. It was common sense, you raise your chances the best you can and hope for the best. As for Nimpha, she did not need to listen to such advice, since she was already so lucky beyond imagination. It made Elyx feel a bit envious right now, but then he got over it, she deserved such magic. She got quite the lucky break.