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    SPIDER DANCE ♦ job


    Private SPIDER DANCE ♦ job

    Post by Guest 1st March 2016, 6:16 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    Who was this pipsqueak anyway? Izayuki had only met her hours earlier, and the two were already on a job together. What job? A simple one- find a stolen bike in Motor City. Honestly, people were either super helpless or uber lazy. Well, there could be more than one stolen bike, but whatever, an job for a bit of Jewel was always good.

    Allowing the child to climb off of her vermillion bird phoenix body which she had traveled to Motor City in, Izayuki scanned the area. Motor City was always an interesting place. The sound of whirrings, gears, motors, engines, electricity, and mechanics always filled the streets. "Ready to begin lookin' for that bike, kid?" the guild ace asked with a grin, turning to Jackie, hands on her sides.

    Location;; Motor City
    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 131


    Private Re: SPIDER DANCE ♦ job

    Post by Guest 19th March 2016, 11:12 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    Only... Jackie was not there. How curious. The child had been there seconds ago, or so she thought. Perhaps it had been a figment of her imagination, or some mysterious power. She could not say, but giving a sigh, easily transformed into her favored pink jay form for travelling and took flight. After less than an hour, the small, pink-feathered bird landed delicately atop a road sign. This was around near where the bikes had been reported missing, so now it was up to her to sniff out the whereabouts of these hood-neighborhood stereotype thieves. Taking flight again, Izayuki began to scan the alleyways and quiet streets, looking for any sign of the stolen bicycles. Pink eyes suddenly locked on the gleam of a few shiny, newly manufactured bikes, being walked along with a small group of older teen boys who appeared to be not the nicest of sorts, and obvious troublemakers. Flying a few wingbeats ahead of them, Iza suddenly reverted back to her human form and swiftly landed right in front of them, startling one or two. She counted six thugs, each with a bike's handlebars clutched in their grasps. "Watcha doin' with them bikes, boys?" Izayuki asked with a bold expression, allowing her lips to part to a daring smirk. Ah, this would be fun~!

    Location;; Motor City Alleyway
    Muse;; 2/10
    Word Count;; 219
    OOC;; Total WC so far: 350

    Private Re: SPIDER DANCE ♦ job

    Post by Guest 20th March 2016, 8:37 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    "Out of the way, girl," one of the thugs demanded, the three of them halting, three moving on as if Izayuki had not said anything. The fact that she had been a bird and transformed into a human meant nothing to them- they were used to seeing people use magic. As the three thugs began to pass her, still holding onto their bikes, the Glacier God Slayer instantly froze the ground below her, making two of them slip and fall, which provoked a small, lighthearted laugh from the girl. This seems to anger the thugs, but from there, Izayuki gave them a bold, daring, but simple answer in response to their first demand. "Heh, make me~"

    At that sassy response thrown their way, two of the thugs dropped their bikes and unleashed blazing-hot fireballs. Giving a sigh, Izayuki simply muttered under her breath and leaped up in the air, gracefully jumping the balls of fire. Once the fire attacks were out of range, the Black Rose ace attempted to use one of her D rank spells- a simple one that would further freeze the ground and poke ice spikes up out towards her targets. However, the spell instantly fizzled upon use, making the Ace of Stigma recall the necklace she was wearing, placed by Kakuma. It was a magical item, meant to seal the wearer's magic, and not be removed unless the original owner took it off of the target. She was wearing it as a punishment- after all, she had attacked a new guildmember, Suzuran. She had her reasons, but she still deserved punishment for what she had done.

    With the knowledge that she could still use her ice abilities, but no spells, Izayuki turned to hand-to-hand combat. With ease, she managed to sock one thug in the face with her fists, knocking him out cold. As other came to attack, they were either blocked, tripped, punched, or kicked, even in the not-so-good areas. After four had been taken out with ease, the last two ran away, attempting to not slip, but still escape. Everybody always underestimated her strength. She had no reason to use spells- they simply made the fight a bit shorter. Izayuki had never understood the reason behind her strength and power... it just seemed that as she grew stronger, she was doing so at great leaps. She could already likely wrestle Elyx down if she tried, and he was S rank! Not that he would let her, but still, if she wanted, she could. Why?
    Heh, that was a question she herself wanted an answer to. Unfortunately, there was no time for that... she had six bikes to drag back to the store somehow. What a pain.

    Location;; Motor City
    Muse;; 4/10
    Word Count;; 453

      Current date/time is 14th October 2024, 8:48 pm