Fairy Tail RP

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    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
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    Housekeeping! Empty Housekeeping!

    Post by Cecile 18th February 2016, 3:49 am

    Job: Housekeeping!
    Job Location: Clover Town
    Rank: D
    Player Requirements: Max group of two. 5 posts each, at least. 150 words minimum per post
    Job Requirements: One D-rank mage or higher; Solve all of the clients dilemmas.
    Job Description: "I'm going away on vacation and I just can't find a house maintenance done while I'm gone, please, will anyone out there help me. Watch out for Frank though, he's the neighbors dog that always finds a way in somehow, as long as you keep out of sight, but find a way to stop him from coming back without killing him. Also, there's a pesky fly problem. And finally, I have a leaky roof. Good luck! "
    If "Boss" is rolled, it also counts as Strong. If "Normal" is rolled it counts as weak.
    Strong; Frank is pretty strong against D-rank mages, so he's a bit of a challenge, he runs very fast for a dog and has the biting pressure of a crocodile.
    Weak; They are flys, they are annoyingly fast and small, making them hard to hit. Weakness to lightning and bug zappers.
    Reward: 1,250 jewels each

    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
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    Posts : 439
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    Housekeeping! Empty Re: Housekeeping!

    Post by Cecile 18th February 2016, 3:50 am

    Rolling for task

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    Housekeeping! Empty Re: Housekeeping!

    Post by NPC 18th February 2016, 3:50 am

    The member 'Harrigan' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Housekeeping! NormalMonster

    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
    Position : None
    Posts : 439
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Housekeeping! Empty Re: Housekeeping!

    Post by Cecile 18th February 2016, 5:14 am

    When you get to be so old as Viktor, you are bound to make some acquaintances during your lifetime. Some of which more mundane then the regular bunch of rowdy mages. Or in Viktors case, more maniacs then just rowdy. Since he was a member of the darkest of guilds. One that had been tormenting Fiore for years now, namely Savage Skull the infamous dark guild that once laid the famous town of Magnolia to waste.

    Either way, it wasn't so strange, even for dark mages to meet people in their lifetime. After all even they do jobs sometimes. Sure most of the jobs weren't considered normal, in fact most of those jobs were far away of the aspect of being normal. As there were plenty of assassinations, robberies and other vile acts that needed to be done. Yet so every now and then, even a dark mage would go on a more normal job, even if it was just a favor to an old friend.

    This old friend, was no one else then Cal Hammock, a well known dark mages back in the day. One that had build his infamous reputation on robbing famous artifacts in broad day light. Mostly with a good sense of decent violence. Either way, back in the day Viktor used to run with this man so every now and then. Often assisting each other on jobs or a personal goal. Hell they even were enemies from time to time, after all the dark guilds didn't get along very well back in the day. Yet with old age came wisdom, and all the crazy adventures of back then become nothing more then nostalgic stories to share and laugh about with those still around.

    Cal has long been retired from the life of crime, and had been living peacefully in Clover Town for the past twenty three years. Probably not the best of locations considering it was the home of a legal guild, yet seeing that he has retired for some time now they'd probably let him be. Either way, with over eighty years behind him, the lust for adventure still hadn't left Cal. As he'd often would go on some sort of trip, mostly out of Fiore to see the world.

    Just like this time, where he'd went Viktor didn't know. In fact knowing Cal he would end up somewhere insane anyway, even despite his old age. The only thing that mattered now, was that Viktor had promised to look after the mans house. Maybe tidy it up a little, just sweeping away the dust and open the windows to let it breath. And take care of some unwanted guests off course.

    The house was nice, a tad more artistic to what Viktor would call home. With its spacious living room, and several difference in levels, the house felt rather new all the time. Modern even, with fancy and abstract painting hanging on the walls. Making Viktor wonder, which of those were stolen and which were gained through legal means... scratch that, even if Cal bought them it would've been through some shady art dealer. He was just that kind of guy.

    As planned, Viktor ventured through all the rooms, opening a window here and there. And leaving all the doors open. Just so that there could be some fresh air to the dusty rooms. Talking about the dust, judging by the thick layer of it, Viktor guessed that Cal was already gone for a week or four by now. It was just one of the perks of being a household butler. Hell he probably could even tell when someone could be back.

    He opened the nearest closet, only to find a big old duster. Long enough to even reach the more difficult corners in the house.

    Yet as the day progressed, and he himself progressed through the house, he come on a rather unsettling sight. There in the last room, was a single platter. With on it, a forgotten piece of cake. Which off course had attracted some rather unnecessary guests. A couple of black flies, buzzing around all happily. Unaware of of annoying they could be.

    Viktor sighed, he hated the sight of flies. Well not so much as the creature or anything. But just the sight of flies in a clean room such as this.
    Quickly he returned to the closet once again, to grab some sort of bug repeller. Which he found in the form of two canisters that could spray a toxic liquid.

    Firmly he grabbed the two, and returned to the room. Where the flies still happily flew around. Knowing how annoying they could be, as well as evasive. Viktor decided to start spraying from the moment he'd entered the room, to make sure that it will slowly fill itself with enough gas that it would kill the little buggers along with every kind of offspring they could think of ever producing.

    A couple of minutes later, all the flies laid dead on the ground. And Viktor would stand there victorious, a little happy even seeing that these critters were gone.

    On his way out, he made sure all the windows were closed, and all the tools he used were put back into the closet itself. And when he locked the door behind him, he made sure that he would visit Cal again as soon as he returned to Fiore.

    word count: 901

      Current date/time is 14th September 2024, 7:46 pm