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    All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job)


    All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job) Empty All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job)

    Post by Guest 5th February 2016, 12:19 pm

    Some coward this employer was. They had decided to start a relationship with someone they have known for some time, but when the person actually had agreed, the client couldn't have gone through with the plan. Great, and that's where Kazyto had to step in and save the day for the little weakling. This job better have some good pay, as Kazyto doesn't do well with other people in general, as he can be described as too forceful, or just flat out rude, but he doesn't really pay attention to what other people have to say about him, as long as he gets payed, that's all that matters.

    He hand ended up at the destination he needed to go to, but had to walk, as riding on a flaming horse would've given away his true identity. He wasn't gonna pay much attention to the woman, as he had his own priorities, as did she.


    All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job) Empty Re: All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job)

    Post by Guest 5th February 2016, 1:01 pm

    "Hello! So glad you can make it! Honestly I thought you were just gonna chicken out on me after you asked me on a date, so hope me and you can have fun!"

    That was the first words she had ever said to him, the moment he had walked up to her. She hadn't even let him say hello to her. The ironic thing was that this girl was almost spot on with her prediction, where he was almost gonna blow his cover and say that the dude she was waiting for was actually a humongous chicken. But alas, he couldn't she had to role with .

    "Yeah... So, what do you want to do first? It's customary for a man to treat a lady out on their first date right?"

    Previously, he hadn't doe any bit of research on the client, so he actually didn't know how the person acted. so  was kind of just winging it, hoping that the client was similar to him.


    Last edited by Kazyto on 5th February 2016, 2:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job) Empty Re: All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job)

    Post by NPC 5th February 2016, 1:01 pm

    The member 'Kazyto' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job) NormalMonster

    All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job) Empty Re: All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job)

    Post by Guest 5th February 2016, 2:15 pm

    He seemed to be doing well on the date. Nothing bad has happened on the date that was gonna give away who he was or that the real deal wasn't there, so far so good. They hadn't actually done much before now, they explored Oak town for a bit, buying various things, and sight seeing, all in all they were in the clear.

    As the day went on, Kazyto got to know the girl a tad bit. She had an interest in sweets, and she loved to read. An odd combo, but an interesting one none the less. They had kept up an interesting conversation, something about her wanting to learn magic, when he was prompted for the best pick up line he had.

    "Oooh! I've never been here before! I was wondering what this side of Oak Town was like! Have you been here before!"

    "Yeah, but it's beauty can't compare to you."


    All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job) Empty Re: All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job)

    Post by Guest 5th February 2016, 3:02 pm

    By noon, the day was almost done, and this cursed job was almost over. During the past hour he had also learned one more thing about this girl: she won't stop talking! She had been going on and on for the past half and hour or so on her pet dog! Granted the dog had died a few week ago and she needed to talk to somebody about it, but nobody cared. Even the people that surrounded them shot her bad looks, as if to tell her "Shut up." But alas, she didn't stop talking. Though after about 15 minutes, she stopped talking.

    The sun began to go down, and the streets were starting to liven up with people, so the Kazyto decided to stay with the obnoxious girl for a little while longer, as she was starting to open up more and more to the guy she was supposedly dating, so this might end well.


    Last edited by Kazyto on 5th February 2016, 3:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job) Empty Re: All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job)

    Post by NPC 5th February 2016, 3:02 pm

    The member 'Kazyto' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job) NormalMonster

    All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job) Empty Re: All is Fair in Love (Solo/Job)

    Post by Guest 5th February 2016, 3:26 pm

    They walked around Oak town for a little bit more, and ended up stopping at a restaurant. Whilst in this restaurant, they of course ordered food there. He found out even more information on this girl: She was on a food diet, where she would only eat vegetables and nothing else.

    "Doesn't that make you a temporary vegetarian? You refuse to eat meat right?"

    "If you wanna call it that, then sure! I just see it as that I'm a picky eater, though I've been getting that vegetarian thing a lot."

    She was oddly calm when he brought up her food choice, though he can't blame her, she was a very happy person. He could see why the client had asked out this girl.

    After the meal, Kazyto had walked the girl home, and saw her off. Though before he left her he left off with one more pick up line.

    "The moon makes you prettier than the heavens itself."

    He then walked away from the girl.


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