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    7 Tools of the Bandit [Done]

    Gabriel Anthello
    Gabriel Anthello

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    7 Tools of the Bandit [Done] Empty 7 Tools of the Bandit [Done]

    Post by Gabriel Anthello 8th January 2016, 9:41 pm


    Primary Magic: 7 Tools of the Bandit
    Secondary Magic: N/A
    Caster or Holder: Holder
    Description: The 7 Tools of the Bandit are 7 magic items(no way!) that are meant to aid cunning thieves and brave treasure hunters. Their effects are so varied that an over arching description is pointless.
    -Cop Out: The 7 tools are not bound to magic power rules and instead operate on their own system. See passive abilities "Tool #2 Bag of Holding."
    -Sneaky Sneak: The 7 tools are the perfect assets to any ally of the shadows, offering great boons in the stealth department.
    -Deus Ex Machinima: When the 7 tools are not helping Cain be super sneaking they are bending the rules of reality like a rubber eraser.
    -Only 7: 4 spells, 3 passives. That's it. No purchasable spell slots, no signature spell nonsense, and no ranking up. (In regards to not being able to rank up: while permanently limited to d-rank power if Cain passes the exp thresholds for ranks he can gain access to content normally unlocked at that rank. I.E. You can only get a secondary magic at C-Rank so Cain could get one if he passed 150 exp. But said brand new secondary magic would also be restricted to D-Rank only).
    -Attack? What Attack: The 7 tools are not weapons, that is not negotiable. They don't deal damage.
    -Don't be Greedy: With a special exception, only one tool can be used at a time.
    -Hey that's mine!: As a holder mage Cain runs the high risk of being seperated from his magic items.
    Lineage: N/A
    Unique Abilities:
    -Tool #1: "The Only One You Can Trust." Tool #1 is actually Cain. Well it was originally a vase of water, but once consumed it became Cain. Having drunken and become Tool #1, Cain has the highest possible speed and dexterity stats for a D-Rank. This refers to a +30% increase in base speed.*Cough* remember that special exception mentioned in the weaknesses? That is this! *cough* Tool #1 can be toggled off and on freely to reduce Cain's speed to that of an average person, but he still has some sticky fingers, it must be toggled off to gain the benefits of Cain's "enhanced 0-tool magic token regen."

    -Tool #2 "Bag of Holding." Tool #2 is a small pouch that Cain keeps tied to his belt at all times. It can hold an infinite amount of stuff. There is truly no upper limit. Well as long as the item is small enough to be put in the pouch's opening. The pouch holds all of the other tools. However as per the "one tool at a time rule," once he takes a tool out he cannot access anything else in the Bag of Holding until he returns the tool. This is also where the "Cop Out," strength will be explained. The Bag of Holding contains 30 magic tokens, each active-spell tool consumes a certain number of them every turn it is in use. Should they run out or Cain does not have enough to pay the toll for using his current tool, his current tool is sucked into the bag of holding and cannot be used until he recharges sufficient tokens. Cain regains 2 tokens per turn he has no active-spell tool in use and 5 per turn he uses no tool at all. This is referred to as his "enhanced 0-tool magic token regen." It cannot be turned inside out.

    -Tool #3 "Doppel Clay." The Doppel Clay is two clay balls that when activated transform into two perfect clay-replicas of Cain. Cain can freely hop his soul between these replicas to control them as though they were his own body. It doesn't matter which started as clay and which he truly started as, whatever body he occupies is treated as his "true body." Health and magic tokens are shared across the clones. While not occupied by Cain's soul the doppels are powerless, immobile, and completely indestructible in every sense. However doppels stop everything they are doing when Cain's soul leaves them as they return to a basic standing position. So no cheap "I'll put you in a full nelson then teleport into a different body so that the body putting you in a full nelson turns into an invincible inescapable statue." However completely indestructible is a bit of an overstatement.... just add water and they revert to clay balls.

    Spell Template

    Name: Tool #4 Check Point Earrings
    Rank: D-Rank
    Type: Support
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Tool #4 is two gem earrings. Cain keeps one in his bag of holding and one in his "secret lair." Any time he puts on the one in his bag of holding he is teleported back to the other. Using this consumes 20 magic tokens. They can be "turned off," with a little hand waving and some mumbo jumbo to become a normal pair of really fashionable earrings.
    -Instant Escape!: A thief's best friend
    -Fashionable: Escaping certain death has never looked so good.
    -Shenanigans: The earring can be put on other people to forcibly teleport them for shenanigans(requires OOC permission).
    -Spam it? Why?: It is a one way teleport. It teleports you to one place, sure he can spam it but it achieves slightly less then nothing. Why teleport from one place to the same place? Over and over and over?
    -Just sitting there.: As to not teleport into a locked box, Cain has to keep the home earring on this little stand, just on his bedside table. He can't really lock it up for safety or risk locking himself up. Anyone who finds his lair can waltz in and take it.
    -Fission Mailed!: Using this earring kind of takes him out of the action. Sure he can make a clean get away, but if he has to use it before his objective is complete; he has no way back to finish the job.
    -My Tokens!: The Checkpoint Earrings take up a hefty sum of tokens. Should Cain ever teleport back to his house and find it under siege from the law; he will be almost completely defenseless! Also the large sum makes it inconvenient to trigger.
    List of Spell Fusions:(Locked until B rank)(List your Spell Fusions here, name them, category them, have them make sense, and most importantly make them shiny!)

    Name: Tool #5 Invisibility Ring
    Rank: D-Rank
    Type: Sneaky Sneak
    Duration: 3 post max, 3 magic tokens per post sustained
    Cooldown: Number of Post Used + 2 (minimum 3)
    Description: Slip this little ruby tipped baby and instant invisibility. However this ring fools sight alone. All of the wearer's clothes, and things they are holding also become invisible.
    -Insta-visbility: Get it? Instant + invisibility. I'm hilarious, and invisible.
    -God's Accomplice: Should Cain hold hands, using the hand he is wearing the ring on, with a person they share in his invisibility.
    -Economic: The low cost of Tool #5 makes it easy and convenient to use.
    -A crime against fashion: A beautiful piece of jewelry that turns invisible as soon as you wear it. Such a waste.
    -God's Confidant: The effect of "God's Accomplice," cannot be chained. One hand holding, one extra person made invisible. No cheap work arounds. Also using this effect increases the magic token cost to 5 tokens per post.
    -Hold your breath: The ring fools sight and sight alone. The wearer still smells, makes noise and can be touched.
    -Too close to the dark: Darkness magic does double damage to anyone wearing this ring.

    Name: #6 The Golden Pocket Watch
    Rank: D-Rank
    Type: Anti-Reality
    Duration: 4 post maximum, 5 magic tokens per post used(can be terminated early to save tokens)
    Cooldown: 6 post; regardless of duration
    Description: Cain pulls out his Golden Pocket Watch, presses the button to pop it open; it does and in that instant time around Cain is altered. His own progress through time is sped up 50%, essentially increasing his everything speed.
    -Speed Up!: More Speed = Good
    -The Best of Both Worlds: Usually if you speed up too much one can lose control, but with this tool while to the rest of the world Cain is moving faster, from his perspective the world is just moving slower so he suffers no loss in control.
    -Gimme a Second: As time moves slower from Cain's perspective he gains additional time to react to the world around him.
    -Doors Man: Cain cannot speed up the time of things around him. Despite his own speed; if he tries to open a door it will open at regular time-speed. So doors and similar barriers can slow him down in a way.
    -Don't Let Go: Even if for just a split second Cain lets go of that button his spell ends and is put on a fixed cooldown; no refunds.
    -Hold It!: The Golden Pocket Watch must be held at all times in one of Cain's hands to maintain its effect. So with only one hand to touch stuff with his interaction with the world is limited.
    -Time Trump: A specialized time mage, i.e. any mage who's primary magic or secondary magic is distinctly "time magic," are not frozen by the effects of the watch.

    Name: Tool #7 The Calling Card
    Rank: D-Rank
    Type: Sneaky Sneak
    Duration: Maximum 2 posts, consumes 5 magic tokens for each post in use.
    Cooldown: The number of posts used + 1 (minimum 3)
    Description: The Calling Card is a small business card with Cain's signature on it. While holding it in his hand he can switch it with any item within 15 meters that he can hold in his hand. The Calling Card becomes a perfect visible copy of whatever item it is switched with, except it is made of paper. As soon as its effect is released the copy turns into a non-magical version of The Calling Card and the real deal teleport backs into the bag of holding for more mischief.
    -The treasure appears to be in an impenetrable box...: If Cain can get in 15 meters, there is nothing he can't get his sticky fingers on.
    -The Old Switch-aroo: That is a nice gun you have pointed at my throat, now it is made of paper and totally harmless.
    -A Cunning Disguise: As long as Cain is willing to spend magic tokens on it; he can keep up the illusion copy so no one can tell anything was stolen if he plays his cards right.
    -Paper Thin Illusion: While the illusion is perfect visibly, any interaction with the replaced item will almost surely instantly reveal something is wrong. Because it still feels and behaves like paper. Unless the item was already paper...
    -Wait For It...: Is a cheap illusion worth that many magic tokens per post? Is it really?
    -More Vital Tools: Seriously with the power to stop time in your pocket, you are using your magic tokens on making it look like an item you stole isn't stolen?
    -Please Don't Set it on Fire: If the Calling Card is set on fire it is instantly destroyed and requires 30 magic tokens to restore it.

    Last edited by Gabriel Anthello on 13th January 2016, 4:56 pm; edited 6 times in total

    7 Tools of the Bandit [Done] Empty Re: 7 Tools of the Bandit [Done]

    Post by Guest 9th January 2016, 8:27 pm

    Things to fix:
    - Spells, whether "spells" or not, require a duration and cool down, please give each tool their own duration and cool down. A max duration of 3 posts and a minimum cool down of 2 posts. For Tool #4, I suggest a cool down of 2 posts. For Tool #5, I suggest an instant duration and a cool down of 3 posts. Tool #6, I suggest a duration of 3 posts max; a cool down of 1 thread is fine. Tool #7, I suggest duration of 3 posts and a cool down of 2 posts
    - Unique ability #1/Tool #1: please supply a percentage of how much Cain's speed is boosted.
    - Tool #6: How would someone be able to escape being affected by the time stop? What are the consequences of it being used?
    - Tool #7: D rank only has a range of 15 meters, please lower it to 15 meters or a number less than that.
    - Please provide ways that opponents could counteract the actions of the tools and the consequences to Cain if they do.
    Gabriel Anthello
    Gabriel Anthello

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    7 Tools of the Bandit [Done] Empty Re: 7 Tools of the Bandit [Done]

    Post by Gabriel Anthello 9th January 2016, 8:46 pm

    I added formal durations and cool downs to all active spells. But I am going to need a little help with Tool #1. I don't know what would qualify for an appropriate percentage value for this ability.

    Edit 1: Also added a weakness for The Golden Pocketwatch that grants time mages immunity to it.

    7 Tools of the Bandit [Done] Empty Re: 7 Tools of the Bandit [Done]

    Post by Guest 12th January 2016, 4:49 pm

    Tool #7 The Calling Card:
    - Needs a maximum duration, his CD implies he can extend the duration beyond 2 posts, which means it's still an infinite spell.
    - CD: Minimum CD of 3, +1 for each post beyond the listed duration the spell continues with a maximum of 5 posts.

    Tool #6 The Golden Pocket Watch
    - Duration: Max duration of 4 posts
    - Strength #1; players 1 rank above the spell are slowed by 50%, players 2 ranks above the spell or more are unaffected.
    - Strength #3: remove this

    Tool #5 Invisibility Ring
    - CD: Minimum CD of 3 posts

    Tool #4 Check Point Earrings
    - Must have OOC permission to use on players

    Max speed boost for Tool #1 would be +30% of base speed
    Gabriel Anthello
    Gabriel Anthello

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    7 Tools of the Bandit [Done] Empty Re: 7 Tools of the Bandit [Done]

    Post by Gabriel Anthello 13th January 2016, 4:19 pm

    Tool #1: Speed buff defined as +30%

    Tool #4: Note added specifying "OOC permission required for use on players."

    Tool #5: Clarified minimum cooldown of 3 posts.

    Tool #7: Duration maximum clarified as 2 posts, minimum cooldown specified as 3 posts.

    Tool #6: Strength #3 removed.

    Duration kept at 1 post, Strength #1 unaltered.

    Sorry for the inconvenience but I am going to stand my ground on these two. No one should be able to stop time for more then 1 post, any longer complicates the flow of RP (how are people expected to make proper length posts when FROZEN IN TIME!?). I'm sure there is no rule saying I cannot limit myself MORE then a mod requests if I so desire.

    Secondly on the rank scaling. I understand the need to preserve the power of high ranked players but in this area I believe it unnecessary. I don't care how much this guy can bench press or how big an explosion his magic can make, that doesn't matter if time is stopped. I request that unless the target has a specific reason to resist the time stop effect(being a time mage, having a time based magic item, being under the effect of a different time spell already; this is one edit I am going to add in as soon as I post this) that they are effected regardless of rank.

    Please I cannot rank up ever under the rules of this magic. Every player who sticks with the site will eventually grow stronger then me and be able to kick me around as much as they want please permit me this one defense against higher level players. Without the ability to interact with the world while time is frozen I am hard pressed to find how this could be interpreted as game breaking or over powered. My character is a pain in the neck, but I'm a good boy; if you permit this I swear up and down I won't let it become a problem.


    Missions Completed

    D- 1 (25 exp)
    C- 0
    B- 0
    A- 0
    S- 0


    Primary Magic

    7 Tools of the Bandit [Done] Empty Re: 7 Tools of the Bandit [Done]

    Post by Guest 13th January 2016, 4:42 pm

    No, it must be changed; 1 rank above is slowed by 50%, two ranks above by 25%, 3 ranks above are unaffected. It has been discussed among mods that leaving it as is, is unacceptable.
    Gabriel Anthello
    Gabriel Anthello

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    7 Tools of the Bandit [Done] Empty Re: 7 Tools of the Bandit [Done]

    Post by Gabriel Anthello 13th January 2016, 4:56 pm

    Tool #6: Completely revised.

    The original concept cannot ever work as I want under site rules, so I have altered the premise of the spell drastically.


    Missions Completed

    D- 1 (25 exp)
    C- 0
    B- 0
    A- 0
    S- 0


    Primary Magic

    7 Tools of the Bandit [Done] Empty Re: 7 Tools of the Bandit [Done]

    Post by Guest 13th January 2016, 5:02 pm


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