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    Meeting the one she loves again[Daiki]

    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5214

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    Meeting the one she loves again[Daiki] Empty Meeting the one she loves again[Daiki]

    Post by Rekka Hecate 8th January 2016, 9:17 am

    Rekka could not remember where Daiki lived, she could hardly remember her face or what she looked like but she had to find her, maybe if she saw her she would know who she was right away though she doubted it would be so easy for her. She felt sad inside having not met her lover in such a long time only further made her feel isolated and alone, she wanted to find her and tell her about her father she had met. He was a demon named Ban and not the nicest guy but it was her real father. She began to walk toward the market rubbing her eye it still hurt like hell that magical corruption that devoured her eye was still there and still slowly eating away at her, she had to find a way to stop it sometime or she might die.

    She saw a shop that had several nice dresses as she stared through the window, she remembered she used to wear lots of dresses like this but she was not sure why she did, she had a lot of money possibly but things were still blurry in her mind. S he began to look around but she had no idea what Daiki looked like only she felt extremely love toward her like she had somehow changed her for the better, she no longer felt the deep hatred in her heart while clover was terrible it had turned out to change her for the better she was sure of this.


    Meeting the one she loves again[Daiki] Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm
    Heavens Empress Daiki
    Heavens Empress Daiki

    Heavenly Monster

    Heavenly Monster

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Stigmata of the Avatar
    Position : None
    Posts : 841
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Daiki, Aiko (Mother - Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Avatar of Amaterasu (Heaven God Slayer)
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Meeting the one she loves again[Daiki] Empty Re: Meeting the one she loves again[Daiki]

    Post by Heavens Empress Daiki 9th January 2016, 9:33 am

    nothing can dim the burning


    Ai wandered through Clover, as it seemed that they had been doing repairs since the large-scale attack that happened a while back. Man, it felt like it had been much, much longer than it actually had been. Either way, Ai would walk through the town in her usual attire consisting of a different off the shoulder dress. It is a dark sea foam-teal color with puffed somewhat sleeves and black spiked cuffs at the end. Her breast still show but have very thin light green straps connecting to her choker-piece around her neck, resembling the belt she wears, however it holds a blue gem in it. The dress covers her lower half and goes between her legs, while the back part is much longer with spiked lining. Around her waist she has a black belt like piece with green circled pads on each hip, connecting to a very light blue ribbon/sash. Her hair having a matching colored hairbow. Her shoes are black slip on's with same pads at the toe and ballerina-like wrappings around the leg.

    After a while, she would scan the area she had moved to. She wasn't entirely sure as to what was going to happen, if there was, since the town, and subsequently her and Rekka, had been attacked by stupid strong people. She'd sigh before noticing someone that she hadn't seen in a while, but she wasn't able to move. The happiness welled up within her, and the fact that she had started experiencing heartache from not seeing Rekka for such a time, she would call out her name. "Rekka!" She'd say as the crowd was cleared to just someone here and there due to time and a few other factors.

    Make A Move


    Meeting the one she loves again[Daiki] 8ZbrsUC
    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5214

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    Meeting the one she loves again[Daiki] Empty Re: Meeting the one she loves again[Daiki]

    Post by Rekka Hecate 10th January 2016, 9:13 am

    Rekka suddenly heard her name as she began to look around she had no clue who called her as she continued to look before locking eyes with Daiki, she had a familiar feel as she moved toward her with a questioning look on her face, was this Daiki she was unsure but she would call out to see if it really was her.

    "Daiki... are you Daiki.... sorry... the clover attack... I lost a lot of my memory... I.. remember I love someone named Daiki... but I cant remember her face if that's you... I feel.... very happy."

    She waited to see if she would respond to her, her heart welled up excited to see if it really was her, she hoped to god it was because her heart ached to meet the one she loved so much. She had been lost without her feeling she needed her to understand who she truly had been, a connection to explain her love and why she felt so connected to her.


    Meeting the one she loves again[Daiki] Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm
    Heavens Empress Daiki
    Heavens Empress Daiki

    Heavenly Monster

    Heavenly Monster

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Stigmata of the Avatar
    Position : None
    Posts : 841
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Daiki, Aiko (Mother - Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Avatar of Amaterasu (Heaven God Slayer)
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Meeting the one she loves again[Daiki] Empty Re: Meeting the one she loves again[Daiki]

    Post by Heavens Empress Daiki 22nd January 2016, 9:51 am

    First Ai would listen to Rekka as she spoke, stating that she had lost her memory after the attack on Clover, but she could remember that she loved someone named Daiki but couldn't remember her face. Her heart dropped slightly but she was still happy to see Rekka once again after so long. She would quickly move to her and hug her before speaking. "Yes, it's me, Rekka. My first name is Ai, but..." She would say, continuing to hug her. "I missed you so much. I was starting to think the worst." She would finish saying, before letting her go for a bit before taking a step back. Tears had been running down her face. The tears, however, weren't that of sadness, but of joy. The blonde had missed Rekka so much

    She would soon wipe the tears away before speaking again. "Where have you been, Rekka? It's been some time since the attack though." She would ask, jut wanting to be close to her for the time being, considering the amount of time they had spent away from each other had caused Ai to think that she had been even more seriously wounded from the attack or even having left her, but the latter wasn't something she really even wanted to believe so she always just left it alone.

    Made by Zeref of THQ
    WORDS 220
    TAGS  @Rekka
    NOTES   N/A


    Meeting the one she loves again[Daiki] 8ZbrsUC

      Current date/time is 15th September 2024, 6:53 pm