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    Escorting Service[Job Solo]

    Knux Shi
    Knux Shi

    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 114
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 162.5

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    Escorting Service[Job Solo] Empty Escorting Service[Job Solo]

    Post by Knux Shi 1st December 2015, 2:04 pm

    [spolier=Job Info] Job: Play Pretend!
    Rank: Rank D
    Player Requirements: 2 members only, D-Rank or higher, min of 150 word per post, min of 5 posts per player.
    Requirements: Only male wizards can take this quest.
    Location: Clover Town
    Description: Serenity and Hope are local girls from Clover Town who's parents are coming to see them this weekend. The problem is they have been lying to them saying that they both had boyfriends who were mages as they were too ashamed to tell them that they were still single. Instead of telling the truth they've decided to hire wizards to pretend like they are their boyfriends.
    Prize: 750 jewels each.[/spoiler]

    Taking a bit of time to ravel alone with out anyone else following him he thought clover town would be a great place to go. However while there a girl had came up to him with a job, se had asked if he was a mage due to the marking on his arm. It seemed simple enough after she explained it. Pretend to be her boyfriend in exchange for a little money. Apperatnly Daddy dearest a mommy were coming check on their little princess, and they had expected her to have a man who was well on his way to large amount of jewels, well it wasn't that JKnux didn't but they rpobably sought out a buisness type of man for their daughter. Of course that's what he gathered from the explenation. Agreeing to the terms they drew up a day for he date. It was a one night thing, or so he hoped.

    Going tot he inn where he was staying the rd and black haired male went to get ready His mind ran thorugh what type of person he would play tonight, he thought per haps a bar owner. No, they would askk to much about where he got his liquor from.


    Escorting Service[Job Solo] 33w9n2c

    Knux Shi
    Knux Shi

    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 114
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 162.5

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    Escorting Service[Job Solo] Empty Re: Escorting Service[Job Solo]

    Post by Knux Shi 1st December 2015, 2:11 pm

    He figured it out, why not play as if he was a Rune Knight? Of course anyone's parents would love that their child was with a Knight, it was like being a mage who was actually respected a looked upon with highest reguard. It was all the same shit to him, but this way he didn't have to change all that much about him. He had to get an outfit that would allow him to get red of the normal mage type look with just normal types of clothes, so he went shopping and billed Sora, for his vlothes. He didn't get much a black button down long sleeve shirt, black slacks, and black shoes. Everything was talored to his body so it looked well and as if he was making serious money. That was what they were looking for in a son-n-law. And he hated to disappoint others too.


    Escorting Service[Job Solo] 33w9n2c

    Knux Shi
    Knux Shi

    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 114
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 162.5

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    Escorting Service[Job Solo] Empty Re: Escorting Service[Job Solo]

    Post by Knux Shi 1st December 2015, 2:21 pm

    Later that evening he had showered and fixed his hair well, it was naturally spikey so he never really needed to fix it, however when he tried it did nothing."Hm, oh well guess it's as good as it's goin to get. This blasted woman and her parents better not talk too much or I'll be forced to make an escape like DUty CALLS or something. He slipped his shirt on and his slacks tucking them in, hd left his shirt's top 3 buttons undone so that hsi chest could be seen slightly Once he was nice and dressed he took a look in the mirrorr. "Hmpm, I am indeed the best thing she will lay her eyes upon this evening, no one compares to the saiyan race! He headed down stairs and walked over to Sora's place where they went over the stry, how long they had been with each other, wher they met. How it happeend and all these the details of their fake realtionship.


    Escorting Service[Job Solo] 33w9n2c

    Knux Shi
    Knux Shi

    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 114
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 162.5

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    Escorting Service[Job Solo] Empty Re: Escorting Service[Job Solo]

    Post by Knux Shi 1st December 2015, 2:52 pm

    The time had come for the two to have dinner with Sora's parents. Knux sat in the living room having a glass of red wine as Sora was preparing dinner. A knock to the door came it must of been her parents, it was show time! Walking ver to the door the saiyan warrior pulled it open placing a fake smile upon his lips. "Oh hello, welcome! You must be Sora's parent's Kim and Stacy, it's a plasure to finally meet you two wonderful folks." He extended his arm out shaking her father's hand. He was weak, mostly body fat and rich, his wife still had he shape but ou could smell another man's scent on her body, she had a lover on the side of this marragie and her eyes wanted to invite Knux for a taste. How disgusuting, this entire family was a shame. Afther's Jim and stacy had walked in he shut the door behind them, it was going to be a long night. Knux ifted the wine glass to his mouth and downed the rest of it.


    Escorting Service[Job Solo] 33w9n2c

    Knux Shi
    Knux Shi

    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 114
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 162.5

    Character Sheet
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    Escorting Service[Job Solo] Empty Re: Escorting Service[Job Solo]

    Post by Knux Shi 1st December 2015, 3:39 pm

    Knux and jim spoke about the Knights, though Jim was no dumbass he wanted to know what kind of magic Knux even did, this excited him. Someone wanted to see his power, it was rare that he'd get to show case what he could do. Holding out his left hand he formed a red sphere it began to emitted a red glow around the room. He then pointed it a cup and launched it, the sphere was small about dime size. He didn't want to hurt anyone, but because he could control it he made it zoom around the room. He explained how it was just a mere exacmple and how the larger version well, it was deadly. The four f them then had dinner, after an evening of playing like someone he wasn't but sorta was he was done with it, he wanted to protect people and not be held down by the rules of the Kinghts, but at the smae time he was kinda a rude person when it came to battles. That's why he was glad to be a mage for his guild, and this was just an easy job to spread the name.


    Escorting Service[Job Solo] 33w9n2c

      Current date/time is 11th September 2024, 11:52 pm