Fairy Tail RP

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    For a Good Cause [Private]


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 212.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul Breaker
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    For a Good Cause [Private] Empty For a Good Cause [Private]

    Post by Nazaki 27th November 2015, 10:53 am

    For a Good Cause [Private] Mid_129508_1113

    Job Info:

    The day had already begun, and quite frankly it wasn't going so bad. He wasn't doing any jobs so far, so it seemed as though this day would be easier than every other day this week, though it wasn't like the work was hard anyway. Zaki walked up two steps bringing him into the city park, then moved slowly through the beautiful green area. With a slight frown, he glared down at his right hand, disregarding everybody else within the area for a brief moment. His fingers stretched out momentarily, before eventually closing to form a fist. He repeated this act about three more times whilst reminiscing about the power he lost not too long ago, the power that was stolen from him so easily. Perhaps even with the amount of power he once held he was weak...maybe the guilds training hall would help him surpass the amount of power he contained before.

    WordCount: 154/150
    PostCount: 1/5


    For a Good Cause [Private] Thumb-1920-120122
    "Well, what are you waiting for...Guest?"
    The Mage | The Magic | The Arsenal

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 212.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul Breaker
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    For a Good Cause [Private] Empty Re: For a Good Cause [Private]

    Post by Nazaki 27th November 2015, 10:58 am

    Nazaki Hanumaru continued walking through the park before stopping directly in the mix of a crowded area. There he sighed and blinked nonchalantly upon seeing a performance before him. The large crowd chanted and cheered happily while watching the dancers. It seemed like there were a couple of events that were currently happening, dancing, singing, and there  was food everywhere. As the red heads eyes scrolled across the scene he noticed in big bulky letters something that he would benefit him later; all drinks were free with a meal at "Sensei's Salmon". That sounded great at the moment, nonetheless, he could wait until later. The red haired mage folded his arms and turned away, slowly making his way away from the crowd, and disregarding the store. Beside him he could see all of the other people rushing. Some walking at an extremely fast pace, most likely still trying to get to their jobs.

    WordCount: 153/150
    PostCount: 2/5

    Last edited by Nazaki on 27th November 2015, 11:06 am; edited 2 times in total


    For a Good Cause [Private] Thumb-1920-120122
    "Well, what are you waiting for...Guest?"
    The Mage | The Magic | The Arsenal

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 212.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul Breaker
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    For a Good Cause [Private] Empty Re: For a Good Cause [Private]

    Post by Nazaki 27th November 2015, 11:04 am

    Nazaki could not care any less about working today, because it was his day off. He wanted to just relax and enjoy his freedom. The young male mage faced forward and remained silent before inhaling the fresh and fishy air with a smile. Hell, its been a while since he's smiled. Everyday it was something different, and everyday the jobs that he did became more and more annoying. Perhaps he was the only one that felt that this way, maybe because he was so low ranked and the low ranked jobs were shitty. None of the tasks required the use of a single spell.  Moving on, Nazaki shook his head at his own thoughts. Up ahead he could see a group chanting something about charity, but for some reason there was literally nobody there. Despite lacking in people, the people working at the charity stand had not stopped working.

    WordCount: 150/150
    PostCount: 3/5


    For a Good Cause [Private] Thumb-1920-120122
    "Well, what are you waiting for...Guest?"
    The Mage | The Magic | The Arsenal

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 212.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul Breaker
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    For a Good Cause [Private] Empty Re: For a Good Cause [Private]

    Post by Nazaki 27th November 2015, 11:17 am

    The infinity hydra guild member raised an eyebrow before turning around and analyzing how lively the area behind him was compared to the area near the charity stand. Huh, poor people. It was sad how people didn't realize how important this charity stand actually was, it was a way to help better the world- but of course the human species was brought up to care about their own being. For a second Zaki stood. There were a total three things that he could do in this situation; donate the rest of the money he has in his pocket, participate with the people attempting to raise money for the charity, or just walk away...since it actually was his day off. As much as he wanted to just vanish back into the crowd behind him, he knew it would not be right to just ignore these poor people and the program they were out here advertising for.

    WordCount: 155/150
    PostCount: 4/5


    For a Good Cause [Private] Thumb-1920-120122
    "Well, what are you waiting for...Guest?"
    The Mage | The Magic | The Arsenal

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 212.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul Breaker
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    For a Good Cause [Private] Empty Re: For a Good Cause [Private]

    Post by Nazaki 27th November 2015, 12:48 pm

    "Well, I guess I can do some volunteer work." With a sigh, Nazaki quickly walked over to the people in need before volunteering his services. He told the people that he could help by displaying some of his magic due to him being a mage, and they were ecstatic to hear it. Quickly the red head decided to get to work. He first unsheathed his sword, twirling it around with his fingers before gripping it tight. First, he summoned its extended form, but that wasn't what was going to be used to catch the attention of the civilians. Immediately after summoning his swords extended form, he focused his energy and poof, there it was. Slowly the blade began to grow into a large beast like being. So large that it was able to wrap around his body. It wasn't long after that people began to swarm over towards the area in awe. Some pleading for more while others just enjoyed the view. Nazaki then allowed the sword-being to move around, flying into the sky and swerving through the crowd. The funny thing was, Nazai didn't even need to ask for the people to donate something to the charity. Randomly they approached the bucket and placed money inside. It was then that he realized this volunteer work was actually fun and so he finally knew what he was doing for the rest of the day.

    ~ Exit ~

    WordCount: 230/150
    PostCount: 5/5
    Mission Status: Complete


    For a Good Cause [Private] Thumb-1920-120122
    "Well, what are you waiting for...Guest?"
    The Mage | The Magic | The Arsenal

      Current date/time is 11th September 2024, 10:20 pm