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    A casual stroll (Social/Open)


    A casual stroll (Social/Open) Empty A casual stroll (Social/Open)

    Post by Guest 26th October 2015, 10:54 am

    It was a bright afternoon here in Hargeon Town. The sky was a clear light blue with only a few clouds in sight. The air smelled of seawater and seafood due to the location of the town. The lighthouse that guides the way for ships during the night or when it is foggy can be seen peeking from the outskirts of the town. The town was quite busy today as families of can be seen out enjoying themselves, workers at the docks helping each other out with cargo and sharing laughs. A lot of kids playing mage with each other and having pretend duels as the town's guild Lamia Scale can be seen from the distance.

    Walking down one of the sidewalks was a young mage with white smooth hair with one strand sticking out of the top, wearing his usual attire. His dark blue eyes were only half open due to boredom. "There is nothing to do in this town..." The young mage groaned as he continued walking with his hands buried into his pants pockets. The mage then stopped in place and began to sniff the air. His eyes then widened as he slowly turned around to face a building. the sign on the top of the building said "Marvell's Seafood". It looked like a small family run restaurant with some people seen going in and others coming out with satisfied looks on their faces and full stomachs. Shadow then held his left hand to his stomach as it started to growl rather loudly as a little bit of drool can be seen coming down the right side of his mouth.

    "I don't think I've ever had this.."Seafood" before." Shadow said to himself as he licked his lips and continued to stare at the sign causing some bystanders to look at the mage with a puzzled look on their faces while others pointed and laugh. Shadow then shook his head, snapping out of his trance before walking into the building, not knowing what to expect.

    Last edited by FearDaNara on 1st November 2015, 9:06 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : edited the usual attire link)

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    A casual stroll (Social/Open) Empty Re: A casual stroll (Social/Open)

    Post by Nemuru 27th October 2015, 7:15 pm

    It'd been a while since she'd visited her birth town of Hargeon. Taking a respite from the rapid series of jobs, she walked alone in her blue kimono and red leather jacket. Nemuru wandered closer to Lamia Scale then she'd like. Still, as she inhaled the nostalgic scent of the sea and soft wind calmed the poison mage. A soft smile crossed her face.

    Nemuru watched the familiar sight of men at the docks throwing in their catches. A tear threatened to fall as she forced her eyes away. No, now is not the time to remember the past. She forced herself to turn, to watch the children playing. So cute at this age, I wonder if any of them will ever turn out to have magic.

    Nemuru wandered along at a casual pace, lost in memory. The scent of well-prepared seafood tore her away from her reverie. "Ah, Marvell's... one of the restaurants mom used to cook for." I might as well eat here for old time's sake.

    Nemuru heard the remark about never having tried seafood before. The poison mage remembered Ciran having said something similar earlier that day. Don't tease him, please.She wandered inside herself, wanting to apologize for their behavior. Then she realized the person in line in front of her had some magic ability. "A-ano... excuse me,sir." The nervousness increased at meeting another mage.


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1

    A casual stroll (Social/Open) Empty Re: A casual stroll (Social/Open)

    Post by Guest 27th October 2015, 8:44 pm

    As the Laughing Coffin Mage stepped foot into the establishment, he took a deep breathe, taking in all of the smells of the restaurant at once. Seafood was still new to Shadow. He's heard of it before, but never has gotten a chance to taste any due to his complicated past. He observed the customers waiting in a line heading towards a counter slowly shifting his head to the tables on both sides of the building. For a family restaurant, this place surely knew how to bring in the customers. It was more packed than the all you can eat buffet he was at in Era.

    Shadow joined the back of the line as he continued to take in the smells of shrimp, lobsters, crab legs, and much more. He couldn't help but bite his lower lip as he couldn't wait for his turn in line. There seemed to still be quite a few people in front of him, about 7 to be exact. Shadow sighed, but he couldn't really complain. At least it wasn't like the line in Rose Garden when he was waiting to get his passport. The God Slayer sensed another magical presence enter the building but didn't pay it any mind since he was more fixed on getting some of that mouth watering seafood he has heard so much about. Shadow held his left hand to his stomach as it started to growl again. "Shhh, don't worry we will soon get our hands on some of that crab stuff." Shadow said in a soft and comforting tone to his stomach which disturbed the person in front of him.

    The white haired mage then heard someone trying to get his attention from behind him. The voice sounded feminine which caused a small sweat to drop from the mage's forehead. Poor Shadow was never good at talking to women to the point where just the sound of one could throw him off. "Y-yeah...." Shadow said with a flustered look on his face as he tried his hardest to not turn around.
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

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    A casual stroll (Social/Open) Empty Re: A casual stroll (Social/Open)

    Post by Kit Kerrington 27th October 2015, 9:14 pm

    Apollo had just finished his job in Hargeon and decided to get something to eat having worked up and appetite after his bout. He saw a seafood place open. While seafood was never his favorite he sighed and shrugged. I guess i'll give it a shot..i mean it doesn't smell terrible after all. He walked into the establishment looking around at the place. The place was surprisingly crowded and he hoped he could get a seat. He looked over seeing two people talking though one was extremely flustered. Apollo sighed shrugging a tad bit then waiting to find a seat which was a task that was way easier said then . He looked around the restaurant wondering what he should try. While crab was appealing hi could go for some tuna. he opened his watch to check the time. "I hope I don't miss the train..I would have to wait till tomorrow to get back to magnolia.." He hoped the food was worth the wait. he then started making small shapes out of shield to entertain himself in the palm of his hand.

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    Lineage : Truth
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    A casual stroll (Social/Open) Empty Re: A casual stroll (Social/Open)

    Post by Nemuru 28th October 2015, 5:58 pm

    Nemuru looked at the decent line and two rows of tables filled with yammering customers. She nodded to herself in satisfaction. This place is doing well for itself. Then again I only every saw the back as a kid. With a soft inhale, she sighed with delight at the rich smells. This will cost more than the buffet in Peace Village but it will be worth it.

    The man in front of her was speaking to himself. Or rather, he was speaking to his stomach. Nemuru cocked an eyebrow and shook her head softly. It wasn't the first time a mage did something unusual.

    "A-ano, w-would you like some company this evening?" Nemuru hesitantly asked the white haired mage, as she tried to see if she could spot any guild mark. "P-perhaps," she stared at the floor, her cheeks reddening, "perhaps, we can talk about Jobs? See if we have any news worth trading?"

    Then, she felt a presence behind her as well. Oh no. Perhaps, I've made a mistake. I'm surrounded! She hoped the two weren't together. Things weren't always easy for guildless mages.

    She turned to look cautiously over her shoulder, just in time to see magic activating. Fear coursed through her as the poison mage tried to keep an eye on each of them. She shook visibly, skin turning pale.


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1

    A casual stroll (Social/Open) Empty Re: A casual stroll (Social/Open)

    Post by Guest 28th October 2015, 9:19 pm

    Shadow gulped as the mage behind him spoke to him. The line began to move up a little as the one of the customers were served. His black guild mark with a dark blue outline is on his left shoulder, but it is covered by his coat. He stepped up a little as he listened to the woman hesitantly ask him if he would like company. Shadow's began to turn dark red as he was never asked such a question before.

    The atmosphere started to feel a little heavy to him with his heart racing as he slowly turned his head around to face her. "U-uh sure...I could use some company. Not sure if I have much news though on jobs." The mage nervously answered as he took a quick and nervous look at the female mage. He then quickly, but nervously looked towards the person behind her so she wouldn't think he was staring at her. He watched as the mage conjured up some mini shields before rubbing the back of his head.
    Merlin Ambrosius
    Merlin Ambrosius

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    A casual stroll (Social/Open) Empty Re: A casual stroll (Social/Open)

    Post by Merlin Ambrosius 29th October 2015, 7:45 am

    I do remember a woman who used to work here once a few decades ago.

    She was a good sweetheart behind the grill, small eyes and long hair when she’s out of work.
    She’s go from place to place but I wonder where she is now?

    I haven’t seen her since my time with the Alchemists of Era.

    She knows my favorite dish to well, shame only a few know what I crave.

    Probably old and retired somewhere..

    It was only but an hour ago in Marvel, there weren’t many customers but as the clock nears twelve, the people stormed the restaurant, eager to fill their bellies with such delicious seafood dishes. Seated in a table for three was an orange haired man in casuals, a young lady in a lab coat and a man in traditional robes. The orange headed man was waiting patiently for the dish he ordered while the young lady in a lab coat and the robed man received their meals and started eating. “In order to celebrate our new opening for the extension of Garan no Dou, let’s just enjoy ourselves to such lovely dishes!”

    “Master Mejai, shouldn’t we wait for Robin’s meal to be served before we dig in?” The young lady in the lab coat asked.

    “Well it’s just that his order takes too long and heck I’m hungry so I’m just gonna go ahead and enjoy my delicious shrimp.” Mejai replied as he takes in a spoonful into his mouth, savoring the flavor of shrimp and rice.

    “Well I don’t mind, just eat.” Robin let out a sigh as his stomach started growling, he hasn’t eaten all day and had to run a few errands for the Agency. Accounting for the business permits was a huge hassle back in era, Robin had to get up early thinking that he’d be first in line only to discover that even around the earliest hours, a huge line was in order, plus a delay all because somebody’s child was about to be born and had to drop out of the job.  On the way back he had to stop by a dealer affiliated with the underworld of Talonia for the Abada’s horn which was an antidote to most biological poisons. As soon as he reached Hargeon he was ordered by Mejai to help him lift a few books and records up and sort them in order.  Either way it was worth it in the end, Robin got what he wanted, a nice warm meal.

    “Kyrie, what are you staring at?” Asked Robin as the waiter delivered his dish as his eyes looked right at the direction she’s looking.

    “Master Mejai….” Kyrie wanted to ask who he was staring at but her sentence was cut short when she eyed a few customers coming in. Mejai quickly turned to Kyrie who called out his alias. “Sorry, I just thought that maybe I saw a ghost, come now and eat Kyrie, after this we still got some work needed to be done!” Mejai smiled as he takes another spoonful.

    Robin was apathetic as he gobbled down his rice meal like he hasn’t eaten anything good in days… well working hard does give one that effect. Kyrie just simply nodded and enjoys her noodles.

    I was just thinking about her and now I’m starting to see her face around.

    Reminiscing is just too nostalgic for me, sometimes it just makes me sad not to see people I know

    Well this is the curse of eternity but look on the bright side.

    It’s hilarious to see that a small speck of rice managed to stick to Robin’s nose.

    A casual stroll (Social/Open) GW500H359

    The Abada, otherwise known as the Nillekma or the Arase, strongly resembles the Western Unicorn, only this creature hails from the myths of the Kongo people in Central Africa. They bear on their heads two crooked horns instead of one straight horn. They are also thought to be the size of a small donkey, have a dark bay colour and have a boar's tail. Its diet only consits on plants.Similar to the unicorn, its horns are thought to act as an antidote to poisons. It is rearly seen do to its shy nature.


    [16:54:16]Dubhlainn : What does the name Hikaru mean?
    [16:54:27]Eclipse Valerie : Hikari means light o-o
    [16:55:04]Eclipse Valerie : I think Hikaru is like the male form of it? maybe..
    [16:55:34]Dubhlainn : So does that mean Hikaru is a transgender?
    [16:56:04]Eclipse Valerie : uhm o-o
    [16:56:08]Joan Blackheart : Lmao.
    [16:56:53] Merlin Ambrosius : 10 out of 10 would still bang.

    A casual stroll (Social/Open) Merry_10

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    A casual stroll (Social/Open) Empty Re: A casual stroll (Social/Open)

    Post by --Cookie__ 1st November 2015, 9:23 pm


    This town was a fairly common pitstop for her, an assortment of acquaintances littered around that she stays with whenever she needs to. Occasionally, places like this are brought to her attention by their constant conversations about it. Misty green hues stared blankly at the entrance of the restaurant, a bead of sweat trickling down the back of her neck- leaving an unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach. She was hungry enough as it is so that wasn’t helping much. Ilya calmly shook her head, naming herself as unreasonably stupid for just standing here, silently, like some crazed person. Luckily, she had gotten here just minutes before the inevitable flow of people.

    Hands snuggled into the depths of her jacket pockets, gloves adorning the slender appendages. She casually shouldered her way into the building, a delectable scent causing her mouth to water. This place really did have the best food. The corners of her eyes crinkled softly as she smiled to herself, gaze washing over the interior. She stood for a moment, hands unconsciously moving to grip the camera that hung from her neck as she waited in the small line. No, not when it’s becoming crowded.. Ilya softly scolded herself, feet dragging her towards a free table once the line was empty.

    The fiery red-head quickly ordered before settling back into the wait, one hand gripping a cool glass of water as her thumb rubbed over the smooth surface in slow circles. Glimmering orbs of moss clouded as she stared off into space, barely catching onto the sound of nearby conversations. One particularly caught her attention, a smirk tracing over pink lips. Nervous much..? It was but sarcasm, a small joke for herself. The next almost confused her, thin brows furrowing. She didn’t focus much on it though, wanting her brain to remain as clear as humanly possible for the remainder of the day.


    A casual stroll (Social/Open) XHOO0pR


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