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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]


    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
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    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Raiza 29th September 2015, 9:34 am

    A typical time to worry would be when Raiza first was abruptly stopped by an extended arm. Though Raiza was much more concerned with all the scouts they left behind, and in his mind should have just killed long ago. Though now what began to worry him was the fact he didn't even pick up on the five signatures even when Magna had said something to him. Was his sensory that bad right now? It wasn't exactly the best and that was why he sent his wisp out forward to go scout. However it must have went way far ahead to scout for higher than normal energy signatures it seems.

    So where were these energy signatures now? The ones that Magna sensed? Even Raiza closed his eyes trying to focus and pin point energy, a faint glimpse but it was there, he was just not that good at sensing yet. A small grumble sound of dissatisfaction and worry was on Raiza's face, obvious because he was upset even after being alerted that he couldn't sense the presences too well. Were they far off or something?

    "Magna...I think it was a mistake I'm sorry for dragging you in this, but I can't even pinpoint what you're sensing..."
    his words were as hushed and whispered as possible to prevent any alerting the guards, but at this point Raiza was more upset with himself. Did he truly expect to do a B-class job like this so easily? How foolish of him... this was purely pathetic in it's own way just because he really wanted to get this job. Though even as he began to draw his gunblade by summoning it up in front of them, Raiza was still on edge now, unable to sense the presences enough to pin point them. Let alone... five of them. Though the corridors were pretty narrow, combat in these would be unable to handle more than two people if that side by side. The area was dark too, a possible ambush was in order.

    Though even trying to put this scenario on the board, Raiza was curious of which chess piece each of them could represent. Raiza himself liked to think of himself as a biship piece maybe a knight some day. Though right now he was just a pawn, still waiting to develop into a strong form....form thats right! He could change his form using the take-over spell, which adds a bit of power to him, it'd be weird but... perhaps something like that could be useful if they got to close range. Though right now, unable to even pinpoint the enemy, Raiza wasn't even willing to cast a spell in fear the magic spike may alert the enemy. "Sorry... I dont know how we should proceed on this one"



    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 YdfXSKP

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
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    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

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    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Shard 2nd October 2015, 4:36 am

    "Don't apologise." Magna said in the same quiet tones. "I'm surprised I sensed them..my sensory isn't that good. It, like anything, requires practise." He twirled his hand and a frying pan appeared in it. THis didn't appear as impressive a weapon as that of Raiza, but it was his weapon of choice. He stood there silently waiting trying to get more of a pinpoint location on where the five targets were. If he could get that ingredient then he could use his own spells as other ingredients to make a recipe for a successful fight. Close quarters combat was not something he specialised in. He paused for a moment as an idea peaked into his head. Aegis didn't look human. He appeared to be some form of construct. Therefore, him attacking, might not alert the opponents as much because he could pretend to be some sort of ancient security system. It wasn't ideal, but it might work.

    He tapped the knife at his side and suddenly it faded and next to them stood a large armored figure. Instantly, Magna gave him the idea via their telepathic bond and the knight nodded before walking forward slowly with large deliberate clumping steps. He now appeared more of an automaton then a living creature. That was perfect.

    As soon as the steps were heard the five men seemed to come out of the stone work to attack what they thought was an intruder. They were all armed with ranged weaponry and their builds made it look like they were suited for fast combat. "YOU HAVE DISTURBED THIS SACRED PLACE!" Aegis intoned the gem on his forehead glowing brightly before a large golden axe appeared in his hand. "ALL TRESPASSERS WILL BE ELIMINATED." With that he charged forward suddenly before the men had much of a chance to react and bowled into one with a shoulder barge knocking him back and off his feet, thus taking him out of the battle for a while. Another was caught by the axe which cut deep into him, but it wasn't enough to bring him down. The others quickly pulled out their guns and began to open fire. Their accuracy wasn't high though and the bullets weren't exactly that powerful. However, they were damaging the armor. He would have to be swift.

    "Whilst they are distracted...we need to bring them down." Magna said calmly. "Aegis can't take them all solo....but if we can...let's make it seem like they are natural defenses of this place."


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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 HqzsHuT

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 225,322.5

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    Second Skill: Death's Game
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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Raiza 2nd October 2015, 1:37 pm

    The thoughts sank in his head at first how to exactly 'take them down' without exactly looking like a non-security system? So wait, they were supposed to let them live or something? While Raiza himself felt like just taking pot shots at the guys he also knew a security system would be required to be more accurate than any normal human. Raiza himself had some time of practice, and the distance between him and the targets was less than his maximum range, so it did mean he could perfectly hit them with almost no error.

    The option was now to ask himself 'how' should he take them down. Aegis wasn't human like and Raiza could indeed use that to his advantage. Especially since he has a little nifty trick up his sleeve just for that instance. Would it work though? He never exactly tried to cast that spell on some summoning creature or pet before. No chance in hell would this be the time to make an error, so it was either work or open fire on those five people. "Aegis wont last because they do more DPS than him, so... lets remedy that with a trick of my own". The words escaping his lips would only be the beginning as he was charging up in his own body a gathering of energy, and only once it was fully charged he would crack a grin. "System Give player Status Immortal_Object". Each word simultaneously charged energy around Aegis forming a barrier spell that looked 'digitized' and 'machine like' when hit, causing the damage to be hitting the barrier before it would ever hit Aegis, meaning now he might just be able to one on five them, however this wasn't the time to 'hope'

    The moment Raiza's spell was done, he ducked into the shadows where he could aim at the men while not being seen. The trigger pulls were aimed for center mass like a machine would, rather than a head shot like he would and could pull off. The magic bullets were fired off in two's and would tally up to a total of twelve shots being fired.

    mana: 100%-15%(c-rank barrier spell) = 85% mana remaining
    Duration of Immortal object spell(not using full):2
    Barrier spell's hp; 120

    Spell used:


    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 YdfXSKP

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
    Third Skill:

    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Shard 3rd October 2015, 11:24 am

    A magical enhancement? Interesting. The wording of the spell was perhaps more interesting, but what really worked about it was that it almost looked like ancient magic. Due to this the guards didn't appear that suspicious about the enhancement. Nor did they appear that bothered about the shots being fired at them. Well, they were bothered by the shots, but didn't seem to think of them as anything except traps of the ruins.

    "All this bloody time and not one trap and now we activate two?" one of them fumed before being struck with a powerful punch that spun him round in place before he was hit with a palm strike to the stomach sending him flying into one of his allies just as they fired a shot from a hand cannon. Let's just say those fond of puns would call it a rather holy event. This was shortly followed by a spear through the neck of the shooter. Two had fallen now and the other three were injured. Aegis turned to face those three. They were looking worried now.

    "Damn it. The traps got Jonesy and Mike." one of them said and pulled out a large caliber weapon. "SHouldn't really use this indoors, but got no choice." He cocked the weapon and took aim. That was when Magna made his move throwing a knife made of energy piercing the guy in the shoulder causing him to drop his gun just as he pulled the trigger. As such the shot hit the ground and exploded by his feet blasting his legs off. Magna winced. That wasn't what he had been going for. He'd just been trying to prevent Aegis getting too badly hurt.

    At least now there were only two left in any real decent condition. That made things a bit easier and none of them seemed to have caught wind of Magna or Raiza yet. So to them this was all traps.


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 HqzsHuT

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
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    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
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    Experience : 225,322.5

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    Second Skill: Death's Game
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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Raiza 3rd October 2015, 8:21 pm

    "Checkmate" Raiza whispered, raising up a palm slowly extending it out before a second gunblade appeared just charged enough to last a few minutes. Not wanting to make it seem like all the security measures were from one person, Raiza handed the duplicate gunblade to Magna "It is simple, till you know how to fire one, just use the guided sights, there is no bullet drop. The tip is one milimeter off on each, Two round burst each trigger pull. Six pulls till you're out. On my mark, we'll fire". Inhaling before he began to count down, the youth would wipe sweat from his brow getting ready to take a risk, He didn't exactly know how Magna would shoot. There was no recoil, it was like holding a water gun to be real. It would provide some interesting play though.

    "Three" Raiza began the count down by expelling most of the oxygen in his lungs, the gun was brought up and he began to side step away from Magna so it looked like the security systems were on each wall. "Two" he continue "One" the moment he had finished whispering the numbers out and ended with one, he pulled the trigger, and would try to match Magna's trigger pull so each one be in sync. He was targeting center mass still, aiming to end the fight fast though. His rounds were highly accurate dead center mass each one not aiming to go too far from the aim point of impact, and if they were not ready for it, these bullets would definatly tear through some flesh if they didn't move or try to get away rather quickly. It provided Raiza an excellent way to take some heat off of their trail by permanently ending them, or at least disabling them for now. What Magna did with his shots, if he took any at all was up to him. It was a risk Raiza hd

    mana: 85%
    Duration of Immortal object spell(not using full):1 post remaining
    Barrier spell's hp; 120 (IDK how much damage it took you needed to say)
    dup glitch spell : 1 post remaining ( not using full dura)


    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 YdfXSKP

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Shard 9th October 2015, 1:15 pm

    Using the weapon he was providing by Raiza he tried to sync his own attacks with those of his partner. It wasn't perfect as they weren't exactly that in sync due to not knowing eachother that well. However, it was good enough and soon the men had fallen leaving none standing. Magna hated killing, but knew that if this mission was to be successful then they either had to find a way to take these guys out somehow or they had to kill them. There was no easy way to do the former so doing the second was the only way. They were outnumbered and probably outmatched in terms of raw power. Stealth was their only sure fire way of victory and even that wasn't 100% guranteed to work. He handed the gun back to Raiza. "Thanks. Not really my sort of weapon, but it was easier than I hoped."

    He walked over to Aegis. "Good job Aegis. Didn't realise you were such a good actor." he said with a smile patting the knight on the back. The knight nodded. Magna thought for a moment. "Kaya would of found it funny I bet." The knight nodded and chuckled slightly before transforming suddenly back into his knife form. He had not been ordered to. His last words were into Magna's head. 'I will stay in this form till needed. I'm not suited for stealth.' Magna had to agree. The knight was big clunking armor. He could move fast, but he was noisy. It wasn't really suitable for this situation.

    "We should get going before more show up." he said and then looked at the bodies. "Perhaps we should hide these?" He suggested. Dead bodies could be found and if the same traps weren't triggered then the men would realise that there were attackers in the place. "Keep our tracks hidden as much as possible." It was only a suggestion though. Perhaps Raiza had a better use for the bodies.


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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 HqzsHuT

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
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    Experience : 225,322.5

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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Raiza 11th October 2015, 7:54 pm

    A soft chuckle in response to Magna's comment about it being easier than he had hoped. Well it was close range, and with magic rounds one doesn't exactly have to adjust for wind or bullet drop. The only thing one needs to do is actually try and aim the gun blade. In fact take it longer range, and it might have been a bit harder. Though Raiza wasn't going to exactly reveal how easy it was. "some people just have an affinity for certain weapons, you obviously have one for these", Raiza finally responded before holding his hand out and causing the gun to vanish in Magna's hands. The spell being quickly disabled as he holstered his own gunblade and began to get ready for what came next, especially since he knew a few decisions had to be made, but id not exactly know what to do about them.

    The first was Magna's comment about hiding the bodies. While that would be easily optimally needed, how would they explain the missing enemy troops? No response back would certainly cause an alert or response back. However if they left the bodies there then anyone coming would certainly be curious to what had killed them in the first place. "Hard call to make... either way, it'll be known something was here. The bodies or the missing troops... " Hard pressed to make a choice, Raiza was trying to think of the possible moves to make. Currently, they took a few pawns but perhaps the metaphorical knight or bishop were on their way. It wouldn't be the easiest choice to make since either option could be bad, though it was done and over with, time to get acquainted with reality again and just finish this.

    "I guess missing soldiers are better than dead soldiers, lets take them somewhere. Any idea though?" Already walking over to inspect their work he began to hear the echo of something down the hall that sounds like voices Shit it was already too late? No hiding the bodies now! It was already causing his heart to race, the rush of the entire situation only made him more and more able to think faster. The various ideas that came to mind right away as he backed up quite fast into whisper range of Magna.

    "We didn't sense them because we were fighting, but I can hear more, they'll be here within a few minutes at most. What now? The bodies will just have to remain unless we can move them all now"

    mana: 85%
    immortal object CD: 3
    dup glitch spell cd: 2


    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 YdfXSKP

    Posts : 23956
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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by NPC 11th October 2015, 7:54 pm

    The member 'Raiza' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 WeakMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
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    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

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    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Shard 20th October 2015, 12:19 am

    "If the bodies are somewhere else then it could be that they got taken out there...throwing them off the track." Magna replied. It would be a good way to throw the enemy off their scent somewhat. "Plus if the bodies are hidden it will take longer before we are detected." However, it seemed they wouldn't have time to hide the bodies as voices were approaching. What's more it wasn't too clear exactly where they were coming from. The voices were echoing somewhat. Hiding the bodies would not be possible. There was one way they could take them out, but they would have to move swiftly. It would use more magic than he would of liked and might alert the boss or some other member of this group of hunters, but it was the easiest way to bring them down. It was a tricky choice as it would only take them out temporarily and judging by Raiza's style he'd use that moment of them being unconcious to take them out permanently. It wasn't a terrible idea to do so, but it just left a bad feeling in his stomach. There was one way they could hide the bodies with ease. The bodies had fallen all within a 10m radius which meant he could use a basic spell. "Stand back from the bodies...make sure you're at least 10 meters away." He warned and then without any further waiting he focused charging his hand with magic power.

    "Cooking pit." he said and slammed his hand to the ground. Almost instantly the ground swung open as if it was a large door and dropped the men into a 20m deep pit. The door then swung shut and there was no sign that it was there. Those that were in the pit, if they were alive, would be slowly cooked by the heat at the bottom. "That will hide them for a short while. Let's get moving." Magna said and headed off in the direction he felt was less likely that the men would come from. He just hoped that there weren't any obvious traces of blood or anything like that.


    (Rolling a 1d6 to see if Magna leads us into the enemies. If its an even number then we don't run into them. If its an odd number then we do)


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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 HqzsHuT

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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by NPC 20th October 2015, 12:19 am

    The member 'Shard' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Die_01_42158_sm

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
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    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 225,322.5

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    First Skill: The Reckoning
    Second Skill: Death's Game
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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Raiza 23rd October 2015, 12:22 am

    Having taken the advice to stand away from the bodies before they were torched was a good thing, the heat filling the room like that just from such a spell made Raiza truly realize exactly what he was dealing with had he gotten on magna's bad side. The magical energy this one possessed showed Raiza he himself still had to be on guard from his own ally as the bodies would no doubt roast in there. Good thing they were already dead after all, or if they were not, they sure would be soon.

    Snapping back to reality when he was told to start moving, he'd look forward and nod his head in agreement "yeah" Raiza mumbled as he picked up the pace to be further away from that thing. 'damn, they better be glad they're already dead', trying to shake the idea from his head as the pair was walking down the hallway fully alert that another group was nearby but where?

    That question was quickly answered as the pair seemed to creep right up onto the group of scouts that they had seen quite awhile ago. The encounter happened so fast it was hard to grab it. The wrong turn of the corner as the three enemies turned their corner. Now faced with a three verse two. The immediate though of they should have engaged them before so this wouldn't be a problem...came to mind. Though to not linger in the past, Raiza unsheathed his blade once again and stood at the ready.

    The three of them had some different styled swords. A Scimitar, a claymore two handed sword and what looked like a hook blade for the third. "Intruders huh, well the boss will pay us for their heads I'm sure!", though once one spoke up the other two chuckled only trying to add an intimidation factor in this fight while Raiza stepped to a diagonal side of Magna, mainly like a bishop would to protect a knight from the cross flank of a chess match. "These hall ways are far too small for anyone to fight safely side by side, do you honestly think you three have a chance against such a chess player as myself?" What did Raiza have in mind other than what seemed like insanity as he stiffened his position, drawing out his gunblade, and the blade on his back. The blade of blood was a not so last resort as it was an alternative method of attack, mainly induced to aid him in close combat, but with the grooves it possessed, it would be a nice counter to the hook blade, while his gunblade would be rather easily dispatched by it. Now it was just Magna's turn to see exactly how he'd react before the brawl went down.

    mana: 85%
    natural regen 2/5
    immortal object CD: 2
    dup glitch spell cd: 1


    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 YdfXSKP

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Shard 26th October 2015, 1:46 pm

    Luck was not with them it seemed. For as soon as they had disposed of the bodies, if only temporarily, in the burning pit they turned a corner and ran straight bang into the group of people they had hidden the bodies from. That was just typical really. No, it wasn't that group. IT was the group Magna had decided they should ignore earlier. Perhaps he should of heeded Raiza's advice and taken them out there and then. Stealth clearly wasn't an option anymore. Unless of course they could take this group out without alerting the others. That meant quick, precise and powerful strikes. However, like Raiza said the halls were not really suited for group fighting. Well, not in the terms of working in a team anyway. However, in terms of destroying a team it was ideal, but that worked both ways unfortunately. Area of effect attacks could end this battle in an instant. However, there area of effect would be explosions, which they might not risk for fear of caving in the ruins on top of themselves and possibly their allies. If they somehow survived that but caused the ruins to collapse their boss would not be happy with them. Assuming he survived that is. That was the edge Magna and Raiza had. They heeded to no-one here and their area of effect spells...well Magna's at least, he has no idea if Raiza even possessed any...would not necessarily cause the ruins to collapse. That was their edge and he had to take it now before they attacked.

    It might alert others with the magic power it dished out, but it was his own real choice. He clacked his hands together and then ran at high speed going along the wall and threw out a fork made of fire into one of the pair before they had a chance to react. It hit them hard with an intense blast of fire that instantly fried him alive as well as setting the other two on fire. However, before they had the chance to even stop drop and roll Magna sprung off the wall and threw down a ball of ice at the remaining mages. The high temperature suddenly being reduced to way below zero was too much for the bodies to handle and they collapsed in a splatter of blood as the very bones shattered. It was a brutal, but highly effective method.

    "No sense hiding now. Let's get going and bring down Goldshine asap." Magna said standing there amongst an aura of flame and ice his eyes glowing red with his passion and seriousness as a tail unwrapped from his waist. "We'll do this your way...let's take down anything we see as swiftly as possible. I hate to say it, but pacisfism and stealth just won't cut it anymore." He didn't want to kill those men, but Magna was pragmatic and in this case it was a kill or be killed situation. The law of the jungle ruled and if there was one thing Magna understood almost as much as cooking it was the way of beasts. In a way he probably knew more about them then he did about people.



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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Raiza 2nd November 2015, 12:30 pm

    Ever get caught up watching TV on one of those late night cooking shows? No? Well neither does Raiza, but then again this was more than some cook show. It was quite something to watch Magna dish out(ha ha pun) some rather quick and impressive display of magic before Raiza's eyes. In fact, to even witness it used in such a combination made Raiza truly realize how quick his partner was to the fray even when Raiza himself had put it in a position to be the center line if needed. 'Impressive, but his magic levels I can tell right now have diminished a bit by the looks of it'. Looking at the remains of what was left after magna's assault, since he wasn't even able to aid any. No, it wasn't that he couldn't, it would just be he'd of only gotten in the way at that time. Though he was there for any need to defend against counter attacks.

    "Goldshine can wait Magna. Look at you. I'm a natural tactician, and I'll be damned if I lose a chess piece because a move I failed to make". It was Raiza's polite way of saying, we'll take a break because he had something in store. "Now, this is a bit underdeveloped, its a spell that utilizes some food like magic, but nothing like you. I assume as this develops it'll just be a potion or something" . His words were full of caution as it was obvious he was still trying to pay mind to the surrounding area.

    "System access player inventory" In both hands were now two balls of light, slowly molding and forming from the inside out as he began charging his energy into it. "We'll progress a bit slower, but I need to charge this just a little longer then it'll be sure to help you out. "

    After what seemed like only a few minutes, Raiza handed Magna a riceball. "Its not much, nor near your cooking I'd assume, but eat it. Its a great regeneration technique I know" Taking a bite of his own rice ball, since two were made, it was obvious his own mana quickly regenerated to near full from where it was. Sadly, Magna defiantly had lower mana and it'd be much harder to refill. Though it would be a nice quick rest before they took off again. Especially since they never would know what'd pop up next.

    mana: 85% -10% +22.5% = 97.5%
    natural regen 3/5
    immortal object CD: 1
    dup glitch spell cd: 0
    Access player inventory CD:1

    Charged 'access player inventory'


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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Shard 8th November 2015, 12:47 pm

    Magna paused blinking at Raiza for a moment. It was then he noticed how low his own magic reserves were. They were down to just above half if he was any judge. Even in a magical ruin like this the recovery of more magic power was going to take a while. If this was the sort of power the grunts of Goldshine's group could dish out then his elite's would likely prove a challenge. Then of course there was Goldshine himself. Rushing ahead would be a real recipe for disaster. Like in cooking things often took time and if you rushed them all you'd end up with would be something half burned and half frozen. In this case it would probably be them. Yes, recharging magic power was a good idea and it seemed Raiza could provide a way.

    He began to regenerate two spheres of light. These lights seemed almost wholesome as if they themselves contained food. Perhaps that was because they would soon become food. Two rice balls one for each of them. Magna carefully observed the riceball as he took it. The amount of magic power Raiza restored was fairly impressive. The food on the other hand. Well, he couldn't and shouldn't judge it on sight alone. As rice balls went in that respect it was pretty much perfect. The blend of black and white was excellent and there was a slight hint of rice vinegar in the scent. Not too overpowering and not quite enough to whet one's appetite alone. However, if you were already slightly hungry it was enough to enhance that feeling and make you want to eat. Smell and sight were important. In terms of feel it felt soft, but not too squishy and it didn't seem to have any imperfections. All that was left was the taste and the magical effect on himself.

    He took a small bite and chewed it thoughtfully feeling a small amount of magic power surge through him. In terms of rice balls the flavour was slightly above average. Not great, but definitely good. No, it was merely average. Below it in fact. What made it seem above average was the sudden jolt of magic power restoration it provided. That made the body crave more and thus made it seem to taste better. QUite an interesting concept. Perhaps he could use such an idea in his own cooking to further heighten the flavour. His cooking was delicious most of the time, unless he was experimenting in which case it could be awful, but this could make people want to eat more. It would be the perfect addition to his signature dish for the guild the Black Velvet Rose Cake.

    "Thank you for the food." Magna said after finishing the rice ball. " The rice ball was adequate in taste. A bit of work needed, but good enough and the restorative nature was quite palatable. I might have to use something similar in my own magic or perhaps just in my cooking. Thank you also for the advice. I admit, it was foolish of me to try to rush off ahead. Rush a dish and it just won't turn out right. Same with a mission. ." He paused and sighed deeply. " Also, I need to apologiseI shouldn't of held you back earlier. We should of taken those men out swiftly. Perhaps we wouldn't of had to fight as many that way."



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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Raiza 11th November 2015, 7:30 am

    "No it is okay, I understand why you held me back. i've seen it not only in your eyes but your actions. I'm okay with killing, and for that we will never walk the same path as each other. I'll end up in some dark guild some day, while you I can see never ending up in one." Standing there still and silent after his words were spoken, his portion of his spell based food was eaten and  while it replenished both of them in an equal manner, what did matter though was the fact they both were even able to take this breather before rushing on. With them having gotten to relax even a little, it meant their energy supply had returned, and more so they were ready to fight again.

    Tightening the straps on his light armor before actually going ahead and actually walking forward a bit, moving past all the remains of the last fight, he smiled. "Just in time", the youth's words escaping his lips accompanied by the latent sigh of relief. "thank you wisp, your job is done, free to go". If it wasn't obvious who or what he was talking to by now, the wisp had phased through to wall to talk to Raiza, whom alerted him of the guards on which corridor, along with what seemed to be an ominous flight of stairs.

    "Magna, I'm told of a rather disturbingly long flight of stairs, we'll head through this corridor until we pass two hallways. From there, we go left until we hit a cross road again, then go to the north. This route will avoid any further enemies, and when we reach the flight of stairs, Im sorry... I think our target is there. The wisp didn't find any way around it."

    Truth be told, the target was no doubt going to be heading down the stairs soon. Its said that when reaching to bottom of those stairs, the target has been working on a door to get through. No doubt the inner ruins door of course. a highly important one too. Possibly the vault? Whos, but one thing was for sure. We would defiantly have to beat mr.Goldshine to get there.

    "Truth be told, Magna, You've been the one to do the most damage up till now, though I feel we might be able to pull right out if perhaps we work on a unison raid now. Or come up with a plan on it. I've heard they work, but also take years to master. We dont need to master it, but just rather make it work once. Should be good enough in my book."

    mana:  97.5%
    natural regen 4/5
    immortal object CD: 0
    Access player inventory CD:1


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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Shard 21st November 2015, 11:38 am

    It seemed that Raiza was more understanding of Magna's methods and reasoning then he himself had anticipated. It was strange to be truthful that he saw Magna's inner depths so clearly. What was more odd was how casually he said he would end up in a dark guild one day. Magna could honestly see it quite clearly without even really thinking about it too hard. It would be a shame, but turning people away from their chosen path was not his style, even if he didn't agree with it. Though it did sadden him that this would likely be the first and last mission that he and Raiza would ever go on. It seemed this was truly a once in a lifetime recipe for the pair. He would make the most of it.

    "A long staircase...that sounds like the ideal place for a typical ruin trap...the rolling boulder. We will have to be careful on the way down." Magna said thinking of some of the other ruins he had been on in the past. Times when he'd almost lost his magical chef hat to fast closing doors. The target being at the top of the stairs made things tricky, but it also gave them an advantage. If they could form a powerful enough spell they could strike down and hit the target without giving them room to dodge. A unison raid, as Raiza stated, was probably their best method of doing so. However, the difficulty of such a thing was immense. He hadn't even formed one with Jin and their magics had a lot of similar qualities. Nor had he formed one with any other members of his team.

    "Even getting it to work won't be easy. We don't really know eachother that well." Magna said thoughtfully. It was true. They didn't know eachother that well. "Nor eachother's magics. Uniting our magic power together to form a new spell requires a lot of knowledge."



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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Raiza 25th November 2015, 5:22 am

    (place holder for a roll.)


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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by NPC 25th November 2015, 5:22 am

    The member 'Raiza' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Raiza 25th November 2015, 5:39 am

    It was true, the door was just moments away if they were to go and try to find the vault. Though what worried Raiza was the fact that yes they knew a route to avoid the enemies, but it was stupid to think that the opposing team's chess pieces didn't move with them. It meant even if they took a 'safe route', one of the guards could easily have gotten alerted from their past actions and be on a patrol now. "We still need to be careful, and besides, this energy, it is defiantly near us now. By now they may even know we are here."

    In fact as the pair made their way through the route the wisp had informed Raiza what route to take, Raiza had began to feel another magical energy near them. "They are defiantly near...", though the energy levels seemed rather similar to that of the group they fought before. Defiantly just more fodder and troops under the leader's command.

    "Five more of them, they dont feel like wizards, much like the kind we encountered before. though they're not heading in our direction, but they're on the hallway that we were avoiding using this route. Defiantly a good choice to stick to this plan, but we may want to decide if we're going to take them out, or if we try to keep going without triggering their senses."

    While it was true, they were near the enemy, Raiza still was trying to be calm. "You gave me an idea though Magna. A trap, your idea of the rolling bolder going down the stair case has given me the idea that, why not set out own traps in these hallways, create a cluster of them to cause some struggle. Especially if we get to take out the leader, and then recover anything from the vault. We'll defiantly want a way out without being followed, no? How about we set that up now?"

    Trying to think of the routes they took, he figured there was not much of a way to make a collapsing exit, unless they could suddenly cause a hole in the wall without making any sound. Then again even a general look around of the hallway they were even in made him realize another thing. The walls were not only already crumbling away, but some of them were already highly unstable. "You wouldn't have any sort of timed explosive techniques now would you. If not, perhaps we can salvage some from our foes. If they're near the stair case, this must mean where ever they're storing their stuff must be near too. We can easily blow all but the trail we'll be making, preventing us from being flanked on the way out."

    mana:  97.5% +10% for regen. Back to 100%
    natural regen 5/5
    Access player inventory CD:0

    Roll or simply decide if we will have encountered the roll I just made, since they're only just sensed so far.


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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Shard 10th December 2015, 12:39 pm

    As Magna and Raiza walked Magna left the talking to the mercenary. He didn't have much more to say and in truth he wasn't in the best of moods. He had been forced to take lives today. Lives that could of had so much more purpose if only they had been allowed to thrive. Then again they were evil and he was part of a guild like Black Rose. Perhaps it was the right thing to do? No, taking lives for no other purpose than his own safety...no that could never be right. They took lives for greed perhaps or perhaps out of desperation. He had taken lives for no greater reason than them. They might not even of killed them and instead captured them thus allowing them a chance to escape later.

    Magna stopped when more were spoken of. He hoped they could be avoided as he really didn't want to have to fight or kill anyone else. It just made him feel ill. No he didn't want to fight anymore. He just wanted to get this job over with. At Raiza's question he shook his head though.

    "No, I don't have any traps, at least ones that are timed or anything like that." he said with a sad note shrugging his shoulders and frowning. There wasn't much he could do at all in that respect. "Nor does Aegis. Though maybe if I fused a couple of spells....I might be able to make something. Either that or we time our attacks well enough to collapse it behind us. We'll just have to be careful." Taking explosive off the enemies seemed like a good idea as well and fortunately he wasn't beyond a little theft. After all, he'd been part of a mafia group before he joined Black Rose. He hadn't done any real thieving himself, but the ingredients he'd received well...he doubted they came from reputable sources. In fact, there were a lot of ingredients he knew were black market only. Great ingredients though. "Taking stuff from them sounds good, but i'd rather not fight them unless we have to."


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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Raiza 24th January 2016, 2:09 am

    Well lets face it, Raiza had very little experience fusing spells himself. which it was important to mention last time he even tried he ended up having to sit and regenerate an entire arm over the course of a week or longer. so that was out of the question. "Sure we can avoid conflict on this one." Though Raiza wanted nothing more to destroy anything that stood in their way, he had to try and work with his partner on this one. One more maybe two more steps of prep then they'll no doubt have to have a decent into what they assume is the chamber where those sweet relics are they're totally not in this job for. Well lets face it, Raiza so wanted to try and find something even more worth while than what he had been using.

    Though what Raiza was analyzing even more was the routes they'd need to take, because no matter what route they did take it always ended up in the same spiral'd staircase which has a strong magical aura blocking, which presumably was their target. It no doubt was already noticed by Magna too, but to avoid conflict entirely was impossible. Maybe with the grunts yes, but... with him? no. At least not without sacrificing a vital piece in the game. "Well while sure, we can avoid conflict on the guards nearing the explosives, we wont be able to avoid our target. I'm sure you can tell by the aura how close he is to us, and I'm willing to bet the treasure is beyond him. Lets face it thats how all games are played anyways. Boss room then the treasure room, right?"

    While he was partially annoyed that the explosives they could try to use was blocked off by now with those pesky scout like guards, it was also apparent they'd have to use some other means anyways. Then again, they used crap weapons so how well would they handle invisibility? A chuckle did escape the youth's lips as he placed his hands together. "Well it isn't the best but here, I'll try to grab some of the explosives, at least the hand held ones and begin a trap upon my return. If you can, try to persist a little forward, avoid conflict and keep an eye out for any danger. We may want to set up a small hold off area in this corridor anyways. truly its up to you, but give me five minutes, I'll try to sneak past"

    It would start as a shimmer as the aura of magic enveloped his body bending what little light the cave like ruins had around him as he whispered the words of the technique "invisibility hack". The words formed just as fast as his body was fading in color and opacity until he was nearly one with the air, and just as visible as it. Though to a more advanced mage they could see his outline but to the average or less intelligent who too heavily relied on blunt non-magical weapons like those he was going to sneak past, this was a perfect disguise.

    39/40 (your post is the final so we can force encounter the boss on your post)
    mana: 100% -10%
    natural regen 1/5
    used invisibility hack : 1dura


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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Shard 24th January 2016, 7:09 am

    An invisibility spell. That was certainly useful and should hopefully allow him to gather some explosives without dealing with any mooks. Of course, there was still the chance he might get caught and have a fight forced upon him, but he doubted it would happen. At least, he hoped it wouldn't happen. With the explosives on their side they could potentially do quite a bit to use the environment to take down their foes without direct conflict or killing. "Good luck." Magna said calmly and began to sneak his way forward. He compressed his magic aura as much as possible, The goal here was to get as close as possible without being seen. Conflict avoidance was impossible. Like Raiza said this was like a lacrima game. They had to face the boss to get the reward. However, that didn't mean they had to take the boss on directly in the way that was expected. He'd seen game footage of people taking on bosses designed for dozens of people solo by playing in the right way. Though they had got that skill from playing through it multiple times. They only had one shot. This was no game no matter what Raiza said or thought. Real lives were at stake. Their own and those of the ones they faced. Life was precious and ending it was like turning a diamond back into a lump of coal.

    There were times when ending life had a purpose. For instance, to gain food or to defend yourselves. This however was not just death but almost judicial execution. Sure these guys might be bandits and what not, but what right did that give Magna and Raiza to end their lives? It didn't. That was the answer, but they also had no choice.

    He took a deep breath and got to the edge of the stairs. Judging by the magic aura he had not yet been detected. However, in front of him, at the bottom of the staircase was the leader of these bandits. He stood at a door inlaid with crystals of various natures and hues, all glowing with magical energy. All of them were lacrima, of that he was certain. However, the man seemed to just be observing them. Perhaps working out how to open the door? He looked like he'd been there a while. A spider had landed on his shoulder and began to build a web. The door was apparently baffling him. That was good. If he couldn't open it then a boulder like spell, or something large enough, to throw down here could not be avoided. That could give them an opening.

    Now all he had to do was work out exactly how to do it. Perhaps one of his spell fusions might work.



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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Raiza 24th January 2016, 1:20 pm

    While Raiza had to rely on his job partner to do their part, he slipped past the guards without much attention. One had caught a small glimmer of him once but by that time it was far too late to even gain any strand of 'hope' that they'd see him a second time. The thoughts raced his mind to silently kill them all but thats not what he was ever going to try and be. Besides this whole stealth thing no doubt was never going to be his strong point. Yet if he killed them and Magna by some stroke of luck saw the bodies then lets face it, Raiza may be down a team mate.

    So instead, keeping with the plan he had snuck into a few of the rooms, most were cut out rooms for various storage of lumber, masonary and alike. others were for bedrooms. Though once he did locate the room where the explosions were stashed, it began to become more than apparent this job was more than some demolitions job or excavation job that Raiza was going to be interupting. The number of explosives, was far greater than even he had anticipated. This was interesting and added a new piece of the proverbial chess board. Even after snatching the number of explosives he could carry with ease within himself, this was no doubt the prime time to wipe out a remaining portion of the rest once needed. A single bomb set on a timer for one hour was set and pushed deep into the pile "wisp, if we're not out in fifty, then I'll need you to rush to turn it off. The number of explosions here would easily collapse a large portion of the ruins, and no doubt cause the part of the mountain to cave in. No lives would be able to survive that explosion if they were not already leaving.", his whisper to his pet ensured a safe route just in case.

    Though it was done, he had already left and attempted to rejoin Magna as his invisibility spell was wearing off "got some, so now, whats your plan to take out big boss, any ideas?" his words formed while reaching in and revealing he had a number of explosives on him now. Quite a few lacrima explosives for timed explosives, and a few thermal charges too for melting rock. Then the obvious throw and boom styled explosives that relied on a few second delay after a 'pin' was triggered. "I also grabbed some of their pull string for the various explosions, looks like they were gonna set up traps but never got the chance. This'll be easy if we plan it right"

    mana: 90%
    natural regen 2/5
    used invisibility hack : 2 cd

    (no longer going to count posts, we hit the 40 mark ect..)


    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 YdfXSKP

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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Shard 7th February 2016, 9:28 am

    Whilst Magna had been waiting an idea had come to mind. One that used Aegis and used him in a rather unique manner. It felt bad using a kitchen knife in this way, but it was the best he could think of without using a huge amount of magic power. "We catch him off guard and hope its enough to bring him down to our level." He flung the knife so that it would hit the wall high above the big boss. However, just before it hit Aegis emerged and plummeted straight down towards the man. Aegis was quite large and quite heavy. He doubted it would be enough to bring him down, but it was a good opening. The man looked up suddenly but it was too late for him to avoid it. Aegis hit him hard and hit him fast smashing him into the ground. However, as soon as the man was knocked down Aegis was suddenly thrown off and sent slamming into the stairs by a large crystal fist. The force was almost enough to shatter Aegis' armor with that single blow.

    "Nice sneak attack metal man." the bandit cheif said walking forwards crystals rising out of the ground behind him. "I assume you two are the real reason i've been sensing my men fall unconcious or dead. There was me thinking they were stupid enough to fall for these antiquated traps." he added pushing a paanel on the wall causing a spiked ceiling to begin descending. However, before it even got a few inches it was suddenly stopped by a pair of crystal fist. "So I guess you clods were sent by the magic council to stop me? Well, how are you gonna do that when you can't even stop this?" Suddenly his hand began to spin round and his fingers turned to crystal before a beam of energy fired straight at Aegis.

    Magna dashed forward summoning up his frying pan and caught the blast on the side stopping it, but the force was enough to throw him back. "bahahaha, a frying pan? What ya gonna do cook my breakfast? I take my eggs over easy, mind ya don't break em cookie."



    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
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    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 Empty Re: For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard]

    Post by Raiza 9th February 2016, 5:19 am

    Watching Magnus' start the engagement, the cold shiver of the battle began to make Raiza's blood pump faster. This was going to be fun, or at least a challenge, unlike most of those lackies. Then again, was it really that dumb of him to forget the fact they were dealing with a mage that could sense. While they kept their own power off the radar, killing this guy's grunts was partially a mistake too.

    A half-assed sigh escaping, brushing past the youth's lips as he clasped his hands together getting ready to cast a spell of his. "System Give_player Status Immortal_Object" the words flowed effortlessly as he had activated the spell not once, but twice over. One for himself, and one for magnus, simply because with all the crystal, he didn't exactly know how long for the world that summon was. The energy barrier quickly forming while Magnus was running forward and summoning up his frying pan.

    "tsch, not many options here, oh well, try to deal with him for a few more seconds" the words were spoken calmly, keeping mind of the possible death from above, and more so looking at all the crystal around was also giving Raiza quite the idea. Reflection was going to be a great thing here, and it was evident as he let his wisp flow from his body, and phase through the walls, waiting on his queue while Raiza began to charge a spell.

    The calculations that were going through Raiza's head at the moment were a bit risky, but even with that assumption, he had to realize without some form of telepathic communication he can't really form a mid-battle plan with Magnus whom had just got sent back from the blast. Luckily, unhurt due to their choice of weapon. Though something did come to mind with Raiza. Magnus could bring heat, and in a small space like they have been in only means that the heat will be trapped. With his own plan to try and cause a sudden flash with the wisp, and with his own idea of what he could do with the tight confinded space, and with his own form of an assualt. What element would benefit the most from this... At first, the idea of lightning as that would no doubt be super heated, and direct electrical damage, yet the idea of changing his weapon's element into fire to aid Magnus was also the thought.... wait though what about...no, they didn't know each other well enough for a unison raid. shame really but that was no doubt going to stay out of the option's list.

    HP: 100%
    mana: 90% -15% -15% = 60% mp remaining
    natural regen 3/5
    invisibility hack : 1 cd
    immortal object barrier hp: 120 (you get one too)
    immortal object Dura: 5 (CD will be 12 as the spell is double casted)
    Dup Glitch Dura: 5

    Charging : System Give Object_Element for my charge bonus. Will activate next turn.


    For glory or is this for Fortune[Job - Shard] - Page 2 YdfXSKP

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