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    Pest Control(Solo Mission/Raiden)


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 105
    Guild : Guidless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Pest Control(Solo Mission/Raiden) Empty Pest Control(Solo Mission/Raiden)

    Post by Raiden 19th July 2015, 8:41 pm

    Ah Clover town. Its beauty and scenery is only matched by the populace of legends that dwell within it. Yes that place brimmed with magistie and grace n yet today would not be one of those day. For all the legends that seem to come here and retire not one of them could bring themselves to lift a finger for this menial task. Such thoughts would go threw the mind of a well dressed white haired mage who was making his way towards the train station. His attire consisted of a classical style wearing a blue long coat with a dark blue ribbed vest underneath, matching leather pants with brown knee-high boats, a silken cravat and lastly finger-less leather gloves(light brown).

    With his favored O-katana"The Last Whisper" carried in his left hand the mage known as Raiden Strihart glanced ahead at the trains boarding station. The place was empty indeed thanks to the current problem but one person did remain. This person however was not his employer but a liaison for the man himself. He stood near the ticket booth anxious and feebly as but once he spotted Raiden make his way up the stairs a sense of relief came over him. The little coward however wasted no time, he power walked towards Raiden and handed him a rolled piece of paper before briskly leaving the premises.

    Unraveling the note Raiden would looked upon the contents, crumble the paper and toss it to the side. The paper simply read"Get it done. Owner"


    Pest Control(Solo Mission/Raiden) Ece1f888-d4bb-4ace-acd8-db29b8e0a30c_zpse77922b1

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 105
    Guild : Guidless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Pest Control(Solo Mission/Raiden) Empty Re: Pest Control(Solo Mission/Raiden)

    Post by Raiden 2nd January 2016, 10:49 am

    The employers words of encouragement would fade effortlessly from mind as the whited haired well dressed mage smoothly began to make his way across the docking platform and down a few stairs. Once Raiden's feet hit the dirt he would direct his gaze towards the horizon and seeing the end of the last cable car on the train. It was obvious being the the distance was a quarter off from two miles that the train didn't get very far. With that in mind the white haired mage deduced that these creature actually made a plan ....interesting. Nevertheless Raiden would make his advance towards the cable car but being sure to keep his wits about hims as he now traversed a narrow path.

    The treeline's on either side of Raiden did not seem to hold any dangers as he now reached the last cable car of the train itself. Continuing on towards the front of the train Raiden could see no physical damage to the train so it would appear that the plan for the culprits was not to hurt anyone...or it might have been too much of a hassle due to the number of people that may have been on the train at the time. The well dressed mage could see no signs of a forced entry so in turn ruling out that anyone had been kidnapped in the ruckus could be put to the back but not ruled out entirely.


    Pest Control(Solo Mission/Raiden) Ece1f888-d4bb-4ace-acd8-db29b8e0a30c_zpse77922b1

      Current date/time is 12th September 2024, 12:06 am