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    Size matters(Kvasir Members: Rei and Magna)

    Rei Miyako
    Rei Miyako

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 154
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 370
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 412.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: TO: Abaddon
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    Size matters(Kvasir Members: Rei and Magna) - Page 2 Empty Re: Size matters(Kvasir Members: Rei and Magna)

    Post by Rei Miyako 26th July 2015, 9:36 pm

    Things weren't going to be as easy as the two mages had hoped. Upon the appearance of the insects right after recovering the ring, the bugs had attacked them vehemetly and without reserve. The knight's quick thinking brought down the wasp from flying and in the process, had crushed the ant. One down and two to go! That was when things got more dangerous for the little girl, while Magna and the knight were focused on the wasp- the beetle had turned its attention to the retreating Rei. It stomped forwards on its slow and powerful legs with its mandibles clacking.

    Rei may have been small and still a child, but she was still a smart and brave girl. She looked at the beetle head-on and saw a weakness: while it had powerful mandibles, inside those pincers was its actual "mouth" which was far weaker and easily reachable if she could evade the pincer strike. She stepped out of the grass, looking at Magna and knowing he couldn't make it in time, Rei did what she was thinking. A the beetle closed in on her, she waited until it was nearly upon her and then stepped to the side in a roll. She stood up and ducked as the beetle tossed its pincers to the side to knock her down. She stood up between the pincers and shoved the large rock from her hands into its gaping bug mouth and pressed it as hard as she could while retreating a safe distance. The beetle, realizing its mistake, tossed back and forth as it stepped backwards and vainly tried to dislodge the rock from its mouth.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
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    Size matters(Kvasir Members: Rei and Magna) - Page 2 Empty Re: Size matters(Kvasir Members: Rei and Magna)

    Post by Shard 28th July 2015, 1:03 pm

    Rei may not have used magic. Perhaps she was encapable of using magic. However, despite her age and apparently fragile body she had a rapid intelligence the match of many people over thrice her age. Seeing that no help was coming she had used this intelligence and her smaller size to get between the mandibles to lodge a rock in the large beetle's mouth. It was a wise move as a beetle had no easy way to get a rock out. It didn't have hands to try and pull out the rock.

    Magna meanwhile was doing his best to use his unnatural speed to dodge blows from the wasp. It was a fast creature and the stinger, for someone of Magna's current size, could prove to be fatal. Even if the blow itself wasn't he had no idea how his body would react to the wasp's venom at this size. He was getting tired now. The battles of today had tired him greatly. He normally didn't expend this much magic. Aegis was running over, but he wouldn't get there in time. There was only one option to save them all. He threw himself to the side dodging narrowly a blow to the head from the stinger. The throw became a roll and he managed to turn it into a sprint start heading straight for the beetle. His speed was good, but even without its wings functioning properly the wasp could hover slightly to follow. It was getting close, trying to jab at him.

    "Here goes nothing." he said and he leaped up on top of the beetle. The wasp, unable to stop itself due to momentum, ended up stinging the beetle on its fleshy underside. It roared out in an insectoid manner and turned to the wasp. As if by some divine providence it managed to spit out the rock straight at the wasp before advancing upon it. Magna used the last of his strength to leap over the now fighting pair and began running towards the now unguarded ring. "RUN REI." he shouted as he ran, but rather than taking the ring as soon as he got to it he stood and waited. He wouldn't leave her incase she was attacked whilst he was too big to defend her. So he waited by the ring his hand ready to take it.


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    Size matters(Kvasir Members: Rei and Magna) - Page 2 HqzsHuT
    Rei Miyako
    Rei Miyako

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 154
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 370
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 412.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: TO: Abaddon
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    Size matters(Kvasir Members: Rei and Magna) - Page 2 Empty Re: Size matters(Kvasir Members: Rei and Magna)

    Post by Rei Miyako 28th July 2015, 10:40 pm

    Rei had managed to fool the beetle for now, after having lodged a rock into its mouth, she retreated away from the large beetle and to the side of the fighting. Magna was doing somewhat better, he was dodging and weaving around the grounded wasp and its stinger- he was getting tired though, with a final effort, he rolled to the side and then sprinted towards the beetle. At first Rei wasn't sure what Magna was up to, but it soon became clear whenever he jumped atop the beetle and forced the wasp to sting the beetle's unprotected belly.

    The beetle released a roar as its exoskeleton was pierced by the sharp needle of the wasp, it turned on the wasp and caught the creature between its mandibles in a rage. Now trapped, the wasp began to sting at the beetle even more to break free. Magna took that opportunity of confusion to hop of the beetles back and dash for the ring as he called out for Rei. She nodded, closer to the ring than he was, she sprinted as fast as her little legs could carry her and arrived just as Magna did. She reached out and grabbed the ring with him. Upon touching the ring, the size magic upon them was released and they reverted to their original sizes. Yay! Rei isn't small... erh.. Rei is less small again! she said. Then she looked down in the grass, the little beetle and wasp were still fighting- both were terribly wounded and beyond the aility to survive after the battle, yet they were still struggling against each other. Rei kept a blank face as she did what was best for them, she moved her foot onto the grass and squashed them thoroughly as an act of a merciful blow.

    The woman returned shortly to the backyard after seeing them return to their real size, Oh my goodness! You found my ring, thank you so much! the woman exclaimed as Magna and Rei turned the ring over to her, their job was complete.

      Current date/time is 11th September 2024, 10:40 am