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    Passing the port (Too Earthland and Beyond! | JOB | Solo )

    Adelheim Everhart
    Adelheim Everhart

    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 95
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 756.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Path of the Fortress
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Passing the port (Too Earthland and Beyond! | JOB | Solo ) Empty Passing the port (Too Earthland and Beyond! | JOB | Solo )

    Post by Adelheim Everhart 27th June 2015, 12:56 am


    Jet was glad to arrive when he did, coming early might have seemed like a bit of a hassle but from what he had heard about the line-up he didn’t want to take any chances at getting stuck in the same place for hours and wanted to get back to his studies as soon as possible. It was just after daybreak in the train town of Hargeon and the city was just showing signs of businesses opening their doors for yet another day of hard work and service to their customers. Even though it was so early in the morning the streets were starting to build up slowly and surely as the glowing disc in the distance rose into the sky. Yawning slightly he got up from the bench he was sitting on, observing his surroundings once more and tugged on his gloves, beginning to make his way towards the town hall to obtain his passport.

    Despite being how early he was the line was still exceedingly long when he walked up to the hall. Men and women of all ages, some even appeared to be coming out of tents and all crowded into one line which seemed to lead down to the corner of the block. Sighing he started to walk towards the back of the line before noticing a two tents set up in the middle of the line, creating a moderate gap in the line. Taking the opportunity that was displayed before him he stepped between the tents as their inhabitants emerged from within and compacting them down into small lacrima and joining back into the line with the rest of the citizens.

    After about half an hour the man behind him attempted to start a conversation with Jet, which eventually resulted in Jet moving up 10 people in the line after a game of 4 way scissors paper rock games. A few hours had passed and he had begun to observe everything that happened as the time began to decay away. The fountain just across the town hall entrance appeared to be a very popular hotspot for couples in the town, with at least 6 couples coming through every few minutes, taking a picture together with the fountain in the background, doing what couples do in public places and then continuing on with the rest of their days, sometimes interrupted by little children running around them and pigeons coming down from time to time to peck at bread which was left behind on the ground.

    Finally he had made it to the front of the line and approached the clerk at the desk. “Good morning sir, please place the required documents here for lookover and please step over to the left and sit on the stool provided.” The clerk asked and Jet obliged, placing the paperwork on the desk and sitting on the stool. After a few minutes the clerk walked over and asked him to pose for the camera. He sat up straight as the clerk operated the lacrima camera and a large flash occurred before the clerk appeared out from behind the camera again. “Congratulations sir, here’s your passport.” She spoke, holding out the passport and the document he provided earlier with a smile. Jet smiling behind his mask accepted it. “Do I owe anything?” he asked, the clerk smiling at him as she responded. “They’re free for Rune Knights sir.” Smiling to the clerk he thanked her for her service and left a 2k note on the desk as a way of compensating her for her time.

    He then began to make his way back to the barracks, passport in hand and trying to not get Aeternam to consume it.


    Passing the port (Too Earthland and Beyond! | JOB | Solo ) IAm0tB


    Exp: 756.25/1200 exp

      Current date/time is 15th September 2024, 7:04 pm