Fairy Tail RP

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    Post by Chesha 15th May 2015, 2:17 am


    ’This thing…is huge.’

    That’s what she thought.

    In Mao’s defense, the enshrouded beast with red, glowing eyes of evil was particularly large for a chicken. In fact, they were so close in height that the girl couldn’t figure out which stood taller than the other. The mere notion of this fowl being taller than her…the thought caused her ears to droop even if she internally refused to acknowledge this emotion as disappointment. Honestly, who would be depressed at a chicken being taller? If nothing else the short crystal mage never expected to face such a foe when she woke this morning…

    Earlier that day…

    The temptation to sleep in was strong, very strong. Somehow, life had a funny way of making bed the most comfortable and inviting places when you needed to leave. ’Absolutely unfair,’ the inhabitant moaned internally, snuggling ever deeper into the pile of comfort. To anybody entering the room, it would appear somewhat lived in, though more of a day place for work and home storage than full-time living with the barren bed shoved off to a corner and no occupant in sight. If one opened the closet door however, they would find an amassment of pillows and blankets easily hiding the slumbering woman amidst the plethora of lumps. A slight rise in one location would be the only giveaway.

    ’I should do a job today,’ she tried to convince herself, not having done one for a few days in favor of reading, ’I’m going to get up and do one.’



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    Post by Chesha 15th May 2015, 2:18 am

    An hour later the tired Sabertooth mage finally made it down to the bar with a yawn. The awkwardness of the teleportation magic between the “Halls” became less severe after a few times, but it continued to leave a funny feeling in Mao’s stomach each time she used it. In a heartbeat however, the urge for food returned, shoving aside the queasy feelings like an enraged customer demanding a refund and gods have mercy on whoever was in their way. Fixing it now would ensure the darned organ didn’t try to hold conversations with people, the order of pancakes filled quickly.

    Each bite woke her up more than the last, until the woman appeared more bored and slightly dazed than outright ready to fall asleep on her plate. Only a few people currently sat in the bar, most people likely gone for the day or sleeping awhile longer, so it was easy to watch the door open with some hesitance as a man peered around. Curious, feline eyes watched as he finally made his way over to the bartender/chef wiping down the counter. Calloused hands pulled off the wide-brimmed, dark, leather hat to reveal short yet shaggy hair even darker as the newcomer took on a pleading posture while speaking in low volumes to the guild member. Both hands toyed with the rim of the hat as they talked, twisting the hat around for the most part as the bored chef reached under the counter to produce both pen and paper.

    One large gulp, and suddenly a short woman stood next to the fidgety man, reading the job request he’d just finished filling out.

    ”A chicken?”



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    Post by Chesha 15th May 2015, 2:18 am

    ”Yis, my chicken…he has broken out…again.”

    Observing the man hanging his head in obvious shame and the bartender’s rolling of the eyes…this was a common occurrence. The man jolted and quickly tacked on, ”But thees time we didn’t leave the door open! A vandal broke ze coop! He wanted eggs no doubt, or to steal a chicken! But…theese chickens, they are not so easily stolen…” Mao quirked an eyebrow, sure that a male chicken was usually dubbed a rooster, but she wouldn’t play semantics with this fellow, stressed out as he already was. If someone broke the cage however…

    ”If you don’t have a proper coop currently…how will you prevent further escape when it’s recaptured?”

    He caught onto her interest, a broad smile now in place as he waved away her concern, My ranch hands, they built a new holding area. We had a new idea, see? ‘Free-range chickens!’ Much healthier! The new pen iz a magical enhanced fence, so they cannot hop over eet! Only way out iz wit’ a collar!” Well, she’d wanted to do a job today and this sounded easy enough. Low-paying, but she could always fit something else in later worse came to worse so with a handshake and a quick nod to the bartender she was off.



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    Post by Chesha 15th May 2015, 2:19 am

    And yet neither man – he’d later introduced himself as “Frederique” - nor paper saw fit to mention that the chicken stood almost as tall as your average adult! Sure he offhandedly mentioned magic tampering, eyes glancing off to the side and refusing to elaborate what that meant so Mao held some reservations about the job…but some details should be shared! Never mind that this thing could take on even an aggressive household pet, it could likely wreak some havoc on the public if it made it into town…

    …and he didn’t want a feather mussed if possible. In fact he refused to pay if it came with so much as a scratch.

    ’Very well, just can’t harm it…’

    A farfetched idea struck as they faced off, the beast no longer enshrouded in the shadows of evil obscurity to reveal a truly magnificent rooster, albeit one still glaring at her. The thing must’ve sensed her purpose in finding it, or maybe it just really wanted to scrap given the territorial nature of many male animals because it crowed before charging like a battering ram and wings outstretched to intimidate her. Making one’s self large to intimidate foes was a common enough tactic amongst animals, especially those easily preyed upon. Unfortunately, another fact prevailed: simple birds were easy to spook (and some easy to enchant).

    When it saw her chucking a large rock at it, the thing halted and squawked loudly, flapping it’s wings as if to beat the thing away until the shiny aspect hit. The pale blue, pearlescent orb captivated the simple-minded farm animal, its head low and jerking from side-to-side to observe this strange phenomenon.

    And then it blinked multiple times before swiveling its head to stare at the person now sitting on its back.

    ’He never said I couldn’t tire it out.’



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    Lineage : Lucifer's Descendant
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    Post by Chesha 15th May 2015, 2:19 am

    Fredrique stared nonplussed as his chicken walked slowly towards him, head a little low due to fatigue, and a person riding it like a horse. ”Err…Meess? I didn’t want him harmed, he iz my prized chicken…”

    Leading the rooster through the open gate, Mao dismounted and patted the side of the bird before untying the long scarf from around its neck. Once freed the large avian sat down for a proper rest, visibly sighing. She smoothed a few feathers while motioning Fred over, ”I didn’t do anything other than provide a workout. See? Even the feathers are easily fixed. He’s got some great stamina, almost threw me off a few times if I hadn’t used my scarf to stay in place.” Granted the extra grip from her tail also had a hand in keeping her in place, but she wouldn’t bore him with the details.

    Those sharp, farmer’s eyes combed over the majestic, but tuckered out rooster while hands felt around to find any possible bumps or scrapes: nothing. The scarf had been low enough to rest more on breastbone than neck and soft enough to prevent too much damage. By keeping her body low and close to the animal she’d probably suffered more to her jaw and chin, yet prevented her body from applying too many – if any – bruises to the darned thing while using her overall weight to help tire the blasted fowl.

    Another check and the man grumbled, a little displeased to have to pay up, but paying up nevertheless even if the jewels weren’t much. At least she’d gotten a free ride out of it.


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