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    Toss the Feathers [Job:Get That Chicken!] (Akeya Kuusai/Solo)


    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1385
    Guild : Fairy Tail (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,269,023

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Toss the Feathers [Job:Get That Chicken!] (Akeya Kuusai/Solo) Empty Toss the Feathers [Job:Get That Chicken!] (Akeya Kuusai/Solo)

    Post by Akeya 4th March 2015, 6:19 am

    Job Description:

    Akeya sighed and looked up at the sky as she listened to the ranting farmer. She had been doing a lot of small jobs lately, and she had noticed that sometimes smaller jobs were more ridiculous than the big ones. Possibly because most normal people could also do small jobs, the exception being if the job didn't so much require strength as much as that it was just too weird for normal people to get a grip on it.

    But the fact that she now had to chase an oversized chicken and bring it back to its farmer? Probably on top of the list of weird jobs.

    "And don't you dare harm it either! It's my best, so if you injure it you won't be getting a single Jewel from me! You hear that?"

    "I understand. I'll return your fowl quickly, so please be patient until then."

    Without waiting for a response Akeya turned around and walked away, towards where the chicken had ran off to. Finding it shouldn't be a problem: it's a giant chicken. It still wasn't as big as the average adult human, but it probably would be a lot more noisy, and stand out no matter where it went.

    Of course, first there was the issue of convincing Korikami that he was to go back to the guild and wait for Akeya to return. Normally he'd have done so already, but apparently he had picked up on there being a giant chicken on the loose, and being a fox that kind of made him have difficulty with the idea of just leaving it alone. Akeya counted herself lucky that she noticed that the shadow fox was already going after the giant chicken before he actually caught it, otherwise she'd have to explain to the farmer how his giant chicken was eaten by her pet fox.

    "Go back to the guild. If I so much as see you near that fowl I'll make sure you regret it."

    Korikami stared back up at her with as sullen an expression as he could manage. It took some more convincing before he finally got the point, after which he gave her a hurt look before turning away and dashing back towards the Guild Hall, fading in with the shadows. Akeya watched him run for a while to make sure he was indeed going to do as she said before she sighed again. This was certainly going to be one of the weirdest jobs she had ever done. She kind of wondered why she accepted it in the first place. Maybe she just really wanted to see the giant chicken.

    Walking further along Akeya didn't even bother to search for tracks, feeling that doing such a thing was completely unnecessary: she just had to wait for the sounds of barking dogs, yelling children and laughing adults, accompanied by a loud clucking and the fluttering of feathered wings. Once she caught those sounds she adjusted her approach to head straight for the centre of the chaos, although once she saw what was going on she stood still for a moment, experiencing one of those rare moments where she really had no idea how to react to what was going on.

    They were at the outskirts of the town, so there weren't that many buildings nearby. However there was a market, and apparently the chicken had been attracted by the smell of food. At the same time it was now picking a fight with some of the dogs that people had brought with them, who like Korikami were quite interested in the presence of a giant all-you-can-eat. Except that apparently being a giant brought more with it than an increase in noise and amount of meat. The chicken was constantly jumping from stall to stall, flapping its wings fanatically to avoid getting close enough to the ground. It was a good thing that the stalls were solid enough to support the chicken's weight, but the fact that the dogs were trying to escape their chains, and the ones that were free were helplessly chasing after the chicken, was certainly throwing the entire market into pandemonium.

    Well, time to put a stop to that. The farmer had been very adamant about the chicken not sustaining any damage, and Akeya wasn't going to let a couple of dogs do it after she had basically yelled at Korikami until he accepted that the chicken was off limits. Passing by a couple of laughing adults Akeya stepped into the middle of the clearing in between the market stalls, at which point she spread her wings to the fullest and let out a loud growling sound, releasing her powerful aura. Immediately the entire place grew still, all the adults and children too shocked to speak and the dogs and chicken actually frozen. From their perspective a giant dragon the colour of night was now standing there, growling at them as if trying to see which one to eat first.

    Now that she had their attention Akeya walked up to the chicken, using her own wings to fly around him so the chicken would between her and where the farmer was waiting for his fowl to return. Still growling she slowly advanced, leaving the chicken no choice but to rush back to its home in clear panic. Akeya quickly followed it, both to ensure that it wouldn't stray from its path and to gather the payment. The chicken was completely unharmed, so the farmer shouldn't be able to complain.


    Toss the Feathers [Job:Get That Chicken!] (Akeya Kuusai/Solo) Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


      Current date/time is 12th September 2024, 2:47 am