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    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)


    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

    Regular VIP Status- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1831
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Ardere, Nathir (Demon God of Bone)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bone Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Crimzon 14th February 2015, 6:46 am

    Job Description:

    Aether had sat upon the building for the past few hours, watching men pull a cart with bags into a warehouse every hour and a half give or take. There was apparently a slaving operation happening within this port town, and what better place than to sell slaves than a port town. Most men which were entering and leaving the warehouse were armed with cutlasses, a few had a sidearm hanging from a belt holster. A few tips to the right people had given him a general area for where these people were operating out of, and taking into account the amount of those kidnapped per day narrowed it down to this location, a warehouse next to a private dock. After concluding this was the place where the slaves were being sold he had sent a messenger bird back to his guild to inform his teammates, but somehow along the way their Guild Master had decided to join them, most likely to watch over them but not to interfere with how they would act.

    It was after about an hour after he sent the message that his teammates arrived at the base of the building, their footsteps slightly audible within the silent night as they approached. He peered over the roof’s edge and motioned for them to come up. He moved back over to the other side of the building to continue observing the warehouse. “This is the place” he announced quietly to his team which he assumed were behind him. “Most of the pawns are wielding weapons, cutlasses and pistols. No signs of main targets but from how many have been coming and going within the past few hours they’re likely preparing for an auction.”


    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


    Exp: 1619/7500
    350exp Regular VIP
    400exp Seijin gift
    250exp Priory event
    3750exp To a New Land! event
    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

    Assassin Queen

    Assassin Queen

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 713
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,968.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Purifiers Flame
    Second Skill: Resonance (WIP)
    Third Skill:

    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Irina Naginata 18th February 2015, 5:18 am

    Irina took up a position near the warehouse eyeing for patrols and taking notice of a few of the slavers on guard, she observed quietly looking for any guard that could be taken by surprise without alerting the other guards. Earlier she had abandoned the rest of her team to do her own observation work. Why did it have to be night time though, if she could see during the day she could have easily made all the observations she needed to act as night fell but no she had to do her observations in the dark.

    “Most of the pawns are wielding weapons, cutlasses and pistols. No signs of main targets but from how many have been coming and going within the past few hours they’re likely preparing for an auction.” Rang through her head. She gritted her teeth with a little bit of annoyance but not enough to work up the demons inside her. "I don't need to know what they have, I need to know if there is an opening for to to get closer." She said as her response just as she noticed that the rear of the building had two less guards than the others with only a single patrol who failed to pass by his buddies. "Hello looks like you made a slight mistake." She said to herself as she silently drew her blade and began a chant. "Buril kry mena sil niel." Enhancing her blade with a biting curse and prepared herself for her first strike.

    Magic Power: 90%
    Currently active curses: Biting Curse
    Curse Duration: Biting Curse; 3 posts.


    Irina and Nova Battle Theme:


    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by NPC 18th February 2015, 5:18 am

    The member 'Irina Naginata' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) WeakMonster
    Kakuma Blackflower
    Kakuma Blackflower

    Wolf Spirit

    Wolf Spirit

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Goddess
    Position : None
    Posts : 1077
    Guild : Laughing Coffin?
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 0

    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Kakuma Blackflower 20th February 2015, 3:54 pm

    Kakuma had not been paying attention to any planning and had simply strode up to a group of them, asking for a light for a smoke that didn't exist. The group of men looked at her as she smiled at them.

    "Uh yeah sure... you should come with us." One of the men answered. The other men around him smiled, catching on to what he was doing. Kakuma smiled at them and nodded. All of the men grinned suddenly like they had won.

    "Good, I guess its time to deal with all of you idiots." Kakuma yawned slightly as the men gave her a look. Kakuma would end the first one that spoke just for the sake of making a point.

    "Whats going on?" a voice cut in. "Kakuma looked in the direction of where it was coming from. It was the mark. Kakuma simply smiled as she walk in her direction. She was followed by a large amount of her crew.

    "Welp... i guess your first." Kakuma kicked one of the men she had been talking to in the chest to drive the fact that she was not a slave. The men spurred into action as Kakuma dealt with the weakest members that she had run into first. Finishing each with a single hit each, not killing them but knocking each of them out. The other men took up positions around her and the captian drew her weapons.

    "Are you a fool woman?" the Captain asked. "you cant win alone." The captain frowned at Kakuma.

    "You think im alone?" Kakuma laughed gently. "My name is Kakuma Blackflower, Guildmaster of Black Rose." The Captain show no emotion at the name, which made since, they were a new guild and not well known yet. The captain motioned for her crew to attack, a motion Kakuma mimicked. 

    4/5 Weak
    14/14 Normal
    1 Strong
    First Mate

    Last edited by Kakuma Blackflower on 20th February 2015, 4:02 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by NPC 20th February 2015, 3:54 pm

    The member 'Kakuma Blackflower' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) NormalMonster [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) NormalMonster [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) NormalMonster [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) WeakMonster [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) StrongMonster [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) NormalMonster [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) NormalMonster [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) NormalMonster [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) NormalMonster [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Boss
    James Cornillio
    James Cornillio

    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 16
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 112.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Paper Magic
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by James Cornillio 20th February 2015, 7:04 pm

    James watching them take all of them down, shocked. He didn't know that his guild members were so strong. They had already done all of the work and James wasn't really going to be a help he assumed. Looking around James didn't see any enemies. They had literally taken all of the ones outside, out. James then realized that he could attempt looking inside the building to see if there were enemies straight up. James then started to approach the door to a building, he opened the doors quietly and started looking around.

    As he saw Irina was taking care of a guard he carried onto the back door silently, he then looked around the back entrance to see it was clear. He knew Irina would be done in a flash, but she probably wouldn't have enough time to get back on the roof before a few more caught her going around the back. So, I carried on opening the back entrance to see if there were in guards in the hall. There were none so I shot a bit of paper in the air giving a signal that it was safe to come around the back.

    Hoping she'd be alright, he waited patiently for her to finish off the enemy and to make her way around the back of the building. He knew she'd be alright, but if he heard more than one person confronting Irina he would have to go help. Normally she'd be alright if it was 2 - 3, but James couldn't risk her getting killed if there were more enemies than he thought there were so he was ready to go assist Irina if he needed to.

    Last edited by James Cornillio on 23rd February 2015, 1:26 am; edited 1 time in total

    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

    Regular VIP Status- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1831
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Ardere, Nathir (Demon God of Bone)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bone Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Crimzon 22nd February 2015, 3:08 am

    He sighed as none of his teammates heeded the information he supplied, Irina had just decided herself that she would head around the back way and so Aether got James to follow her and help her out whenever he could. Kakuma on the other hand would prove to be a bit more…difficult. The mission was planned to go in with stealth but she managed to attract the attention of almost every guard at the main entrance, her presence being announced to basically everyone within the large room after she struck one slaver, clearly an initiate, straight into a wall which knocked him out almost instantaneously on impact.

    Aether climbed down from his perch once the guards outside had been drawn in to see what happened and take up positions with the others around the Guild Master. Too many to fight on my own as I am right now, and here I was hoping that this was going to be a fast, silent mission. He thought to himself, allowing his tendrils to pierce the skin of his lower back and erupt silently behind him. "Are you a fool woman? You can’t win alone." A voice called from within, most likely one of the targets. "You think I’m alone? My name is Kakuma Blackflower, Guildmaster of Black Rose." She would respond, laughing lightly at the statement the target made.

    Aether began to walk silently up to the slavers that were pointing their weapons at Kakuma, they had formed a loose ring around her with the Captain appearing to be on the outer edge and within a small motion from her the slavers started their attack, with Kakuma mimicking the motion of the target, most likely a signal for what she thought would be his team to attack and defend her. Aether sighed lightly and rushed forth, getting close to the slavers and using two of his tendrils, grabbed two of them by the knees and flung them to either side, making an opening to slip in, using the surprise factor of his attack to throw the attention off of Kakuma and cause some slavers to turn in an attempt to attack him. The change in motion would cause them to be vulnerable for only a few seconds but that was all the time he needed. He quickly spun around, knocking the three slaver to his left over with his tendrils, before quickly planting them on the ground and leap into the air, using them as a pole vault and landing right next to Kakuma. “You just had to provoke them didn’t you.”

    0/5 Weak
    11/14 Normal
    1/1 Strong
    2/2 Boss

    Last edited by Crimzon on 22nd February 2015, 3:50 am; edited 2 times in total


    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


    Exp: 1619/7500
    350exp Regular VIP
    400exp Seijin gift
    250exp Priory event
    3750exp To a New Land! event
    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

    Assassin Queen

    Assassin Queen

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 713
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,968.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Purifiers Flame
    Second Skill: Resonance (WIP)
    Third Skill:

    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Irina Naginata 22nd February 2015, 3:40 am

    Irina sighed as most of the guards made a run for the front entrance, seems like someone had gotten their attention. Luckily her target was quite confused and had no idea what was going on, likely he was inexperienced and only recently joined the group. "My aren't you the unfortunate one." Irina said silently to herself as she closed the distance almost as quickly as the rest of the slavers disappeared. "I think you joined the wrong group young man." Irina said in an emotionless tone breathing down the young mans neck before slashing his back 5 times in quick succession. Thanks to the curse she had previously activated the man never knew what hit him and was knocked out before he had a chance to respond with proper force. "Lucky you, I missed most of vitals, perhaps when you wake up you will rethink your life a little."

    Irina began to approach the now unguarded back door, placing an ear next to it to listen closely to what was inside. Suddenly there was shouting from the inside of the building. "We've got a runner! Somebody get her!" Irina immediately jumped to the side as an escaped slave, or what she thought was one burst through and attempted to make a run for it with four of the slavers in quick tow. She gritted her teeth in slight annoyance, she had just taken one of them out and now she had to deal with two more and doing so wouldn't be easy as she already used her strongest curse and dealing with four of them wasn't what her other curse was useful for. She found herself chanting the words for her second curse anyways despite it being almost useless in a two verse on. "Foril Mena Il Yon Mena Sil" Now prepared with a curse that shouldn't be useful in these circumstances she prepared to make her attack.

    Magic Power: 80%
    Currently active curses: Twin Curse
    Curse Duration: Twin Curse: 3 posts.
    Curses on Cooldown: Biting Curse: 5 posts.

    Last edited by Irina Naginata on 22nd February 2015, 4:03 am; edited 2 times in total


    Irina and Nova Battle Theme:


    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by NPC 22nd February 2015, 3:40 am

    The member 'Irina Naginata' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) NormalMonster [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) NormalMonster
    Kakuma Blackflower
    Kakuma Blackflower

    Wolf Spirit

    Wolf Spirit

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Goddess
    Position : None
    Posts : 1077
    Guild : Laughing Coffin?
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 0

    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Kakuma Blackflower 26th February 2015, 12:26 am

    Kakuma didn't say a single word to Aether, she was already gone. She had used Sunlight flash to move into the largest group of them, a few of them crying out as she suddenly became a beam of light, one even called out warning that she was a light magic user. Kakuma simply raised her foot as 4 of them ran at her weapons raised to strike at her, Kakuma stomped down. A Bell made of pure light hit the ground around her causing the 4 guys to go flying back. Kakuma then spun around and took a running jump at another group, where she again became a Beam of light, comming out of it above a guy. She lands on him driving her knees down onto him, slamming him to the ground, where she cuts at the mans neck. Kakuma arced her back and planted her hands on the ground and brought herself to her feet. 

    "Fools!" The captain shouted as she drew a pistol and aimed it at Kakuma, she pulled the trigger. The round impacted, but a spell had activated. Kakuma was moved two meters to the right of where she had been, leaving a Illusion of herself. "WHAT!" The captain said in astonishment as Kakuma charged at her from where she had been moved to. Kakuma didn't let her get another shot off, she slapped the gun aside and slammed her palm into the woman's chest, she flew backwards and slammed into a wall. Kakuma spun a kicked the First mate in the chest knocking the wind from his lungs, he bent over in pain. Kakuma balled her fists over her head and brought them down on his back, driving him from consciousness and to the ground.

    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

    Regular VIP Status- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1831
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Ardere, Nathir (Demon God of Bone)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bone Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Crimzon 4th March 2015, 1:23 am

    Aether sighed when Kakuma ignored him and just started to bring the hurt to those around her. These people were no match for her in the slightest and even she knew that. A group of four men had noticed a slave attempting to escape and had called out to chase after her with all the commotion going on she was right to try and run, and in doing so would most likely lead to his teammate who was going in from behind and attempt to find the targets. Fortunately the targets had their hands full with their Guild Master right now and from what he could hear one was already knocked out.

    Aether left his Guild Master to handle the rest of the people in the room as he chased after the four men running after the slave and quickly catching up to them. “STOP.” He shouted, the power in his voice no doubt reaching the ears of Irina who he assumed was nearby. This caused the men to come to a sudden stop, turning around to face him and let the woman escape. “Your fight is with me.” He spoke through his mask, his one eye glowing red within the dimly lit hallway he had chased them into. His tendrils seemed to be pulsing with a red glow in the dark light, expanding their thickness and length to seem taller and more powerful than the men who stood before him. At the sight of him the slavers were slightly shaken, the shock limiting their senses to focus solely on that which was in front of them.


    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


    Exp: 1619/7500
    350exp Regular VIP
    400exp Seijin gift
    250exp Priory event
    3750exp To a New Land! event
    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

    Assassin Queen

    Assassin Queen

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 713
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,968.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Purifiers Flame
    Second Skill: Resonance (WIP)
    Third Skill:

    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Irina Naginata 4th March 2015, 2:56 am

    Irina silently chased the group of men as they pursued the slave, at one point she another escaped slave that they seemingly missed jumped at Irina as if she was the enemy with a shard of broken glass. Irina clearly aware of who this person was due to their ragged clothing and unkempt appearance simply shoved the hilt of her sword into the slaves gut knocking them out or at least winding them and resumed her chase of the slavers whom she lost sight of. Eventually she heard the words of Crimzon her supposed team leader shouting at what she assumed her the slavers. “STOP. Your fight is with me.” Irina immediately vanished from her current position to deal with the perpetrators.

    Seconds after the slavers began to shake with fear one would suddenly freeze as daunting words would sound from behind him. "You know what we do with those who break the law to this degree?" He would feel a sharp pain as a rather long black sword penetrated his chest where his heart was, as cursed energy seeped into his blood stream and he drew his last breath. Seconds after the sword vanished from the slaver the other three would shout in pain as they collapsed to their hands and knees the backs of the lower legs cut wide open. "Murasame thinks you gentlemen aren't even worth the rust." Irina said with her still daunting voice to intimidate them even further as they all tried to get a glimpse of her though she had already vanished back into the shadows where she once came from.

    Magic Power: 80%
    Currently Spells on Cooldown: Twin Curse: 5 posts, Biting Curse: 4 posts.


    Irina and Nova Battle Theme:

    Kakuma Blackflower
    Kakuma Blackflower

    Wolf Spirit

    Wolf Spirit

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Goddess
    Position : None
    Posts : 1077
    Guild : Laughing Coffin?
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 0

    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Kakuma Blackflower 7th March 2015, 6:08 am

    Kakuma cracks her knuckles as the captain and first mate hit the ground, the other men looking at her like she was some beast. Which was not far from the truth, Kakuma was a wolf spirit. Kakuma yawned again and motioned for the other men to come at here. Most just looked around for some kind of leadership, one got brave, "get her!" all of the remaining guys rushed forward. Kakuma didn't mind really she simply started handing out personal beat downs as the idiots served themselves up. She got hit a few times, most of the attacks that hit her were superficial. This was not true of all the attacks but they were nothing Kakuma could not handle. She got through 4 of them before they stopped throwing themselves at her. They seemed to have gotten smart all of a sudden, they backed off most of them shaking in fear. Kakuma yawned as they backed off, she was growing bored now. 

    "Well i guess i should just finish this." Kakuam made a stretching motion. "Man... you guys are not even a proper warm up...Gees can't even give me a fun time." Kakuma huffed and took a step forward. All the men took a step back, causing Kakuma to stop and blink at them. "Whuu? hey... I'm not some monster!" Kakuma stomped her foot as she spoke, the impact of her blow cracking the cement. "Women have feeling you know!" Clearly Kakuma was offended by the fact they were scared of her, odd really considering she had just earned it.


    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) KF68skC

    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

    Regular VIP Status- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1831
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Ardere, Nathir (Demon God of Bone)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bone Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Crimzon 9th March 2015, 4:21 am

    As the men were shaking in fear he caught the glint of a sword behind the man in the back and suddenly he stopped shivering as an obsidian black blade protruded from his chest. Blood splattered all over the backs of the other men who were in front of him. They turned around to spot the sudden horrific image of their comrade impaled on a blade as black as night, a slight purple aura seemed to be emanating from it. As they tried to back away just as quickly as his partner had thrust the sword into the first slaver she quickly drew it out and immediately went to chop down on their lower leg, cutting deep into the Gastrocnemius muscles on each leg. The pain would surely subside after a while but they couldn’t run anymore.

    Irina had appeared to disappear from sight, he was slightly impressed at how fast she could run. He nodded towards the one that she had killed. “You didn’t have to kill that person.” He spoke softly to himself then turned his attention to the other three that lay on the ground clutching their legs. “These men aren’t going anywhere.” He reached over and picked up the four pistols that were left lying on the ground with his tendrils, thinning them out to wrap around the grip and lightly against the triggers of each one. “You won’t be needing these any time soon.” He whispered and pulled his tendrils back so that they protruded from his back at around 2 meters, still clutching the weapons. “Black Rose thanks you for your contribution to our cause.” He bowed to the men before turning around to follow the path that his partner had lead.


    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


    Exp: 1619/7500
    350exp Regular VIP
    400exp Seijin gift
    250exp Priory event
    3750exp To a New Land! event
    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

    Assassin Queen

    Assassin Queen

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 713
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,968.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Purifiers Flame
    Second Skill: Resonance (WIP)
    Third Skill:

    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Irina Naginata 14th March 2015, 4:05 am

    Irina found herself at a split in the hallway after he execution of one of the slavers a quiet comment weighing heavy on her mind. Aether their self-proclaimed leader of their little group didn't seem to pleased with her about what she had done, to her the slavers were nothing more than people worth executing but maybe to him they were people who could redeem themselves. Irina heard the screams of the men outside coming from the right, she assumed that it was the hall to the exit so she turned to the left instead with the intention of finding the escaped slave, it would be a lot easier to keep her safe if she was in sight.

    Irina still distracted by Aether's previous comment eventually found herself at a corner and absentmindedly turned it without looking coming face to face with the escaped slave. As the two collided Irina's sword arm twisted awkwardly as to avoid stabbing the innocent unfortunately the blade made slight contact with the slaves leg leaving a deep cut. Fallowing their collision the slave girl screamed out in pain from the cut of her leg and Irina found herself trying to keep her quite as to not attract any attention. "Quiet they're going to find us if you are too loud." She said with an awkward voice completely confused in what to do in this kind of situation. As she stood herself up she tried to help the slave who was in obvious disarray as she backed off frightened only to find a large arm wrap around her neck and a pistol placed against her head. "Freeze or the girl dies!" The man said shaking Irina a little bit as she began to worry about whatever friends he may have nearby.


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    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by NPC 14th March 2015, 4:05 am

    The member 'Irina Naginata' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) NormalMonster
    Kakuma Blackflower
    Kakuma Blackflower

    Wolf Spirit

    Wolf Spirit

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    Age : 34
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    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Kakuma Blackflower 15th March 2015, 5:15 am

    Kakuma looked at the remaining guys, all of them unsure of how to handle the situation. Kakuma smiles, "You can surrender you know. I promise you will not be harmed if you do so." The men looked at each other some more, Kakuma was getting impatient. "I don't have all day... i could just knock you all out and be done with it... I'm offering to be nice you know. Either way i win." Kakuma tapped her foot and waited. 3 of the men threw down there weapons and ran off leaving the rest to fight her. "well then so the rest of you intend to fight it out." Kakuma shrugged and ran at the first one, his strike was panicked making it easy to dodge. She ducked the attack then drove her fist into his gut, knocking him to the ground. one of the other men thought he could get a free hit on her swung at her side, he was partially right. Kakuma took the bow only to claw him across the face, he cried out as his suddenly could not see. Kakuma felt bad about blinding him, until she remembered he was a slaver, then she gave him a powerful kick the the crotch. So to say he hit the ground in a lot of pain.

    "Y-you stupid bitch." A voice from behind her said, Kakuma turned to see the captian standing. "Im going to kill you." She again pointed a gun at Kakuma.

    "And that worked so well last time..." Kakuma looked around and saw a sword on the ground, she had left her own sword back at the guild. She scooped it up and fell into a fighting stance. "Lets settle this with skill alone... no magic."


    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) KF68skC

    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

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    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
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    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Crimzon 15th March 2015, 6:43 am

    Aether had found himself walking down the hallway, no sign of Irina was left behind save for the blur that rounded a corner further ahead. He walked ran down in the direction when he heard the screams of men coming from the direction he first walked the hall. Most likely Kakuma fighting the horde of slavers whilst barely breaking a sweat, but that hardly concerned him at the moment, he had to find Irina. As he was moving closer to the fork in the hallway the scream of a woman resonated throughout the hallway.

    A feel of panic surged through his mind, had she been harmed? Had she been captured? Had she been killed? Quickly shaking the thoughts from his head he rounded the corner to find a slave girl clutching her leg and Irina being restrained by a burly man with a pistol placed against the side of her head, another man of almost the same stature stood behind him. They were roughly around 3 meters away from him when he rounded the corner. The men were startled at his sudden appearance and shouted at him. “Freeze or the girl dies!” the man with the gun called, pressing the barrel harder against her head. Aether reluctantly put up his hands after taking a step towards them. The man behind had walked past his partner and started walking up to him, blade drawn and pistol pointed in his direction with a large grin on his face. “You came at the wrong time, little man.” Cocking his gun with his blade pointed in the other direction.

    They had yet to notice the weapons behind him, but as soon as the man got close enough to see them he whispered into his mask. “Jump.” And disappeared from their sight. The man had instinctively fired into the open air thinking it might be some invisibility trick, but Aether had appeared behind the man holding Irina, still facing the same direction. Before they could realise what happened he quickly shot the slavers shoulder which restricted Irina and his elbow which held the gun. It was quickly thrown away along with Irina as the shock managed to reach his mind and he screamed in pain before a third shot pierced the connection of his skull to his neck quickly ending his life. “I thought that you were all capable of redemption.” He spoke, throwing away the three pistols that were shot and picking up the one of the recently dead slaver with one of his free tendrils. “It appears I’ll have to make up for that lapse in judgement by ending you now.”

    The slaver who was going to attempt to kill him a while before was now cowering a few meters away, reloading and aiming with shaky hands at Aether. “M-Monster!” he called, a bullet leaving the chamber which was swatted away by a tendril. “Monster? You steal people and sell them as slaves for a living.” He turned his head, his one eye glowing red in the dimly lit corridor. “You take away the lives of many.” He took a step towards the man as he attempted to reload only to drop the bullet. “I was a fool for thinking those of your kind can be redeemed.” His tendrils all pointed at the man as he stepped closer, the blade he wielded shivering in his grasp. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice Shame on me. Harm those whom are closest to me-” He positioned his hands on either side of the man’s head, palms facing his ears. “And you shall face the same pain a thousand fold.” Two small portals had formed on either side of the man’s head between Aether’s palms, they appeared to be slightly unstable before Aether spoke. “Rupture.” And the portals exploded on either side of the man’s head.

    Magic Power: 70%
    Spells used: Jump, Redirect, Rupture
    Spells on Cooldown: Jump: 3 posts, Redirect: 3 posts, Rupture: 2 posts


    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


    Exp: 1619/7500
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    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

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    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Irina Naginata 15th March 2015, 7:29 am

    Irina glared up at Aether as he finished off the two men slightly ticked if as she stood up. "And you were complaining about me killing people." She complained as she stomped on one of his toes randomly. "That's for letting the slave out of our sight." She said noting that the slave ran away again during the commotion. "We can't help her if we can't see her." She had already turned away and was following a blood trail left from the girls wounded leg. "I'll continue after her, you should deal with anyone that attempts to pursue her, we can't have ourselves overwhelmed." She made orders making it very clear that she can handle it better alone before taking off on the trail of the slave, apparently she could run quite fast even when injured.

    Eventually Irina came to a large room which she discovered was where some slaves her held, the blood trail she had followed had turned from running to dragging quite some time ago implying that the girl had gotten captured. As she observed the room she noted that several guards were stationed around some of the exits. Up on a stage which she assumed was for the purposes of auctioning slaves stood the slave girl a knife up to her throat with one of the slavers standing behind her. "You are about to witness what happens when you defy us you worthless stinkheads." He barked as he prepared himself for what he was about to do, but Irina would be ready to stop him.


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    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by NPC 15th March 2015, 7:29 am

    The member 'Irina Naginata' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) WeakMonster
    Kakuma Blackflower
    Kakuma Blackflower

    Wolf Spirit

    Wolf Spirit

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Goddess
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    Cosmic Coins : 25
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    Age : 34
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    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Kakuma Blackflower 16th March 2015, 12:48 pm

    Kakuma simply smiled at the woman and waited for her to come at her, which took all of 5 seconds. Kakuma would hold to what she said and not use magic, but didn't expect the same of the woman. The captain surprised her with the competency of her swordplay, she managed to block Kakuma's strikes with ease it seemed like. Kakuma was having fun now, even smiling, it was not everyday she got to go all out against a foe. The woman used magic right away, her sword glowing as she struck at Kakuma, she could feel the blows resonate through the sword she was using. Kakuma was kinda getting annoyed at the woman for using magic so freely, its was only a matter of time before the crap sword she picked up broke, and when that happened Kakuma would finish the fight. Kakuma kept parrying not letting the woman have a single hit on her. Kakuma could see the lack of a hit was frustrating the woman, Kakuma sighed and let her have a hit, a small one but still a hit. Kakuma saw that the woman immediately pressed her attack harder at the hint of Kakuma blood. Kakuma was growing bored now and decied to finish the girl sooner than later. As the captian swung her sword, Kakuma stepped forward and drove her fist into the woman gut, "sorry i got bored." The kicking her in the face, sending her sprawling to the ground. "hmm... i honestly though you would be a better challenge." Kakuma played the fact that the woman had pressed her a little off.


    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) KF68skC

    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

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    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
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    Mentor : Ardere, Nathir (Demon God of Bone)
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bone Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
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    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Crimzon 17th March 2015, 11:20 pm

    Aether tilted his head to side when she mentioned his comment earlier “Even you couldn’t get out of that situation easily without being harmed. I had to act fast in order to achieve the best result, it just so happened to include a few casualties in the process.” As he was talking Irina had stood on his toes, something to which someone who experienced pain all throughout his life this was nothing but a small stinging sensation. “That’s for letting the slave out of our sight.” He hadn’t noticed the slave before, most likely getting away through the commotion of screaming and bloodshed. “We can’t help her if we can’t see her.” His partner spoke, turning away and following a blood trail down the hall. “I’ll continue after her, you should deal with anyone that attempts to pursue her, we can’t have ourselves overwhelmed.” She ordered before taking off in the direction of the blood trail.

    Taking the hint that she could probably do better alone he turned in the other direction and back down the hall, using his tendrils to quickly manoeuvre down the hallway and around corners, making a mental map of the place as he moved, barely ever coming into contact with other slavers as he did. After a few minutes he came across a stairway that lead down into the bowels of the structure. Caution was present in his mind as he started to descend the stairway slowly, the underground area just as dimly lit as the rest of the facility.


    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


    Exp: 1619/7500
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    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

    Assassin Queen

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    Second Skill: Resonance (WIP)
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    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Irina Naginata 17th March 2015, 11:52 pm

    The slaver was just about to stab the slave, Irina needed to find a way to save her in a short period of time when she remember that she had wounded the slave before she escaped marking her with Murasame's curse. Irina made a tiny unnoticeable smirk as she now knew exactly what she would do. She also took note of the second slaver sitting of to the side where another exit was located, she would deal with both as fast as possible. She drew Kindness from it's sheath prepared to exacted the man about to stab the slave girl. As soon as it began it ended, no one saw what happened nor did they see what did it as the man screamed out in pain before falling over onto the slave girl in front of him. The man had two deep slashes in his back more than enough to kill and behind him stood a shadow with two glistening swords, one glowing a sinister purple the other left behind a trail of flower petals as it moved. "Isn't she your merchandise? Shame she may have sold for a premium now she's just as free as you were." The other man to the side stared on in horror at what just transpired, the thoughts running through his head froze him in the spot, the next thing he knew he was tumbling to the ground with severe head pain. Irina had darted from one side of the room to the other to whack him in the head with the back side of her elbow, hard enough to remove the man of consciousness."Right so who's next?" She barked taunting the other three men who promptly surrounded her, she was overcome with a small amount of madness in that moment, this was going to be fun.


    Irina and Nova Battle Theme:

    Kakuma Blackflower
    Kakuma Blackflower

    Wolf Spirit

    Wolf Spirit

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Goddess
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    Cosmic Coins : 25
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    Age : 34
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    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Kakuma Blackflower 19th March 2015, 4:29 am

    The captain scrambled to her feet again, "Don't move... Ill do it." She held the blade to her own throat causing Kakuma to raise a eyebrow. "I'm serious, people like you always want to save lives." Kakuma laughed at her words, "What are you laughing about!?!"

    "End your life for all i care." Kakuma responded, "I could care less about your life, just the slaves." Kakuma yawned and pulled out the job pamphlet. She read it in her entirety, then frowned as she read that the captain is worth more alive. Kakuma looked at the first mate, who was drooling on the ground, then to the captain again. "Well i guess i lied." As Kakuma balled the paper up and tossed it aside. "But only because your worth more alive then dead." Kakuma took a single step then activated Sunlight Flash, moving right in front of the captain. The woman eyes went wide as Kakuma pulled the blade from her throat, "Children should not play with sharp objects." Kakuma smiled at her. "Don't suppose your up for a nap?" It was a rhetorical question, one Kakuma punctuated with a punch to her face. Kakuma let her fall to the ground, without even making a small effort to catch her. Kakuma started to pile up the thugs she had dealt with, setting the Captain and First Mate on the top of the pile. After she was done she dusted herself off and hoped on the top of the pile, waiting for the rest of her guild to finish what they were doing. In the mean time Kakuma would take a nap.


    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) KF68skC

    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

    Regular VIP Status- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
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    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Ardere, Nathir (Demon God of Bone)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bone Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Empty Re: [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma)

    Post by Crimzon 19th March 2015, 6:00 am

    The staircase led down for what seemed ages, the stones within the walls almost coated with what seemed to be dry blood and rum. The stairs leading down covered with a thin layer of moss which squelched with each step he took before reaching a large open room which was barely lit, with most of the room drenched in complete darkness. He spread two tendrils to the side of him to get an idea of how large the room was, just barely touching the walls on either side at maximum length with both tendrils gave him an idea of the size, all he had to do now was find a light switch, which was conveniently dimly lit to the side of the entrance he came out from.

    Flicking the switch made the entire room come to light, he was standing on a platform suspended around the outside of the large room, spiral staircases in each corner lead down to the bottom level. Casting his eye around the room he took in the cells that lined the walls, both on the bottom and platform levels. A small stage was standing in the middle of the room with a small podium directly in front of it. There was no doubt that this could be the auction room, with enough room to display those who were taken to be sold later it was intriguing to wonder how they managed to do it. Jumping from the platform he used the two tendrils that he already had out to safely land on the ground.


    [Job] Liberation of Slaves (Crimzon, James, Irina & Kakuma) Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


    Exp: 1619/7500
    350exp Regular VIP
    400exp Seijin gift
    250exp Priory event
    3750exp To a New Land! event

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