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    Liberation of Slaves


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksmen's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Kyo Tetra
    Experience : 550

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    First Skill: Human Transfiguration
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Liberation of Slaves

    Post by Z3R0169 12th February 2015, 7:16 pm

    Mission Specs:


    Liberation of Slaves 1ezsig10
    (Never Say Bye Till The Day you Die.)

    Missions Complete


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksmen's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Kyo Tetra
    Experience : 550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Human Transfiguration
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by Z3R0169 12th February 2015, 8:01 pm

    It was late at night the moon was at its peek hovering over the Fairy Tail guild. In it's mess hall Ezeakieal was being forced to drink with his new friend Conrad. They were celebrating the creation of their team. Team Blood Fury comprised of just each other for now. The two downed a large portion of beer when Ezeakieal felt groggy. "Come on you can drink more than that." Conrad shouted forcing the drink down Ezeakieal throat. Ezeakieal coughed, at his limit he looked at hid friend with mercy in his eyes. "No more....hic...I cant...urk." Ezeakieal ran out side to spill his stomach contents over the  cobble brick road. Conrad was behind him laughing. "Why don't you.....filter-ize the...alc...alc...booze wit ur magic." Ezeakieal looked up at him in his drunken daze and said "That kinda defeats the purpose..of drinkin..don't it? Wait. Yuuuu cant say alcohol,...Urk" Ezeakieal continued to vomit. Conrad patted Ezeakieal on the back, "Yuzzz see thats why I'z did't...say that wordz." Ezeakieal passed out standing up. "Ezeakieal? Ur out cold...hic? Conrad picked him up "Come on letz....gets you ...house."

    The following morning Ezeakieal woke up and yawned. He scratched his head as he looked around. He was sitting at one of Magnolia's river beds. "Conrad?" Ezeakieal called out. He walked over to the river and dunked his head inside the freezing cold water. He pulled his head out and fell on to his back. That's when he noticed Conrad. He was hanging upside down from a massive festival air balloon's anchor ropes. "CONRAD!" Ezeakieal shouted "How the hell did you get up there?" Conrad groaned. "Well that doesn't matter right now. If you don't get up right now we'll miss our Train."

    OCC:284 Words



    Liberation of Slaves 1ezsig10
    (Never Say Bye Till The Day you Die.)

    Missions Complete


    The Elemental Armory

    The Elemental Armory

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 33
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Omni-Elemental Manipulation
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by GraveDragon 14th February 2015, 7:27 am

    Conrad awoke to Zeak yelling his name, he suddenly realized that he was upside down and in the air. He spotted Zeak below him yelling and waving but before he could speak back the rope holding him up snapped, sending him plummeting into the freezing cold river. Conrad sprang from the water, landing next to Zeak and his equipment. He was soaked head to toe from the river water.

    " Well that was a crappy way to wake up." Conrad blurted while flinging some water off him.

    " How did i get up there and why is my stuff down here?" Conrad groggily questioned

    " I don't know but we better hurry and catch our train." Zeak answered gesturing to leave.

    Conrad quickly grabbed his stuff and began running toward the train station. The two made their way through Magnolia as fast as they could. Upon arrival the pair realized their train leaving the station, they looked at each other and bolted toward the moving train. Zeak jumped on first, grabbing on the back of the train. Quickly followed by Conrad, who almost missed the jump and was hanging from the bars.

    " That was a close one. " Conrad sighed after pulling himself over the railing.

    Zeak nodded and the two opened the door into the train. The back seemed to be deserted, other then a ticket voucher standing at the other end of the walkway. The two produced their tickets for the voucher to check and were on their way to Hargeon town.
    OOC: 250 Words.


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Liberation of Slaves 15n28na

    Themes :

    Current Rank:B
    EXP: 800
    Next Rank: 7500
    D Rank=4, C Rank=1, B Rank=1, A Rank=0, S Rank=0

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksmen's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Kyo Tetra
    Experience : 550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Human Transfiguration
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by Z3R0169 14th February 2015, 8:10 am

    On the train ride over to their destination, Ezeakieal started to laugh, "How..Where did you get a festival balloon this time of year." Conrad leaned back into his seat and threw his arms along on top of it."Hmmm Strange things happen when I drink I probably stole it." Ezeakieal started to laugh again "Well at least it it'll be easy to find." The two talked back and forth for the next few hours, while the the train was nearing the end of the line. "Next stop Hargeon harbor." The conductor's voice spread through out the cabin. Ezeakieal cracked his neck and stood up. He started to head towards the front of the train when Conrad started follow. "So we'll start the investigation at the docks. Look for any signs of the slaver's presence." Ezeakieal cringed at the word slaver, Conrad now had an idea as to why Ezeakieal agreed to this job so quickly, but wasn't one hundred percent sure if he was correct. Conrad  placed his hand on the door and took a deep breath. "Okay lets do this." He opened the door and Ezeakieal grabbed Conrad through his underarms and took off flying towards the harbor. They passed over the sea side city's towers and buildings with only a shadow to leave a trace of their presence. The ships sails looked like large clouds in the distance, the two approached the docks landing on a near by roof top. "Now what?" Conrad scratched the back of his head. "Now we stake the place out."

    OCC:257 Words



    Liberation of Slaves 1ezsig10
    (Never Say Bye Till The Day you Die.)

    Missions Complete


    The Elemental Armory

    The Elemental Armory

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Omni-Elemental Manipulation
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by GraveDragon 14th February 2015, 12:01 pm

    The two found themselves a pile of crates to hide behind for their stakeout. They hid there waiting for nightfall, which fell shortly after their arrival. They kept watch through out the night, periodically taking turns to go get supplies or what Conrad calls "beer runs". Conversing with each other to pass the time, learning more about each other to become a better team. Thinking of fighting strategies to best suit their styles, incorporating them together so they could fight better as allies. After a few hours they were alerted by the splashing of oars against the water. They quickly silenced all conversations between them and peered from their hiding place. The noises came from rowboats traveling toward the docks, they watched as slavers crept ashore and moved throughout the city. The duo took their chance to sneak aboard one of their vessels. It was large compared a regular rowboat, more cargo room made it easier to hide. They kept to the shadows and hid behind some barrels, after waiting some time the slavers returned with their loot. People were quickly shuffled onto the ships and with haste they were off. The boats stopped and were lifted by their main vessel. Various people were pushed from the rowboats into holding cells. Conrad and Zeak climbed onto the side of the ship, hanging from the painter ropes. They made their way to a more secluded part of the ship and they stayed there waiting. The ship made it's way to their hideout with the two aboard.
    OOC: 255 words


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Liberation of Slaves 15n28na

    Themes :

    Current Rank:B
    EXP: 800
    Next Rank: 7500
    D Rank=4, C Rank=1, B Rank=1, A Rank=0, S Rank=0

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksmen's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Kyo Tetra
    Experience : 550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Human Transfiguration
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by Z3R0169 14th February 2015, 12:35 pm

    Ezeakieal and Conrad stood out of sight every few hours Ezeakieal checked the port hatch to track their location.  The stars guided their path through the dark ocean current, he quickly ducked out of sight when he heard foot steps approaching above him. He darted through the cargo bay heading towards Conrad's location all the while eluding the slavers crew. Conrad was sipping on his canteen when Ezeakieal popped up next to him, "How can some one so heavy make so little noise?" Conrad questioned. "Practice." Ezeakieal replied as he took a seat. "We've been heading north for about four hours now. I'm going to take a look around, wait here for a second." Conrad nodded as he took another swig. Ezeakieal headed above deck, to get a clear line of sight. The ship was quieter than usual, it seemed that most of the crew had gone to their sleeping quarters. "This makes things a little easier." He climbed up the mast silently heading to the crows nest. The look out was sleeping like a rock with a bottle of rum in one hand and  a telescope in the other. A quickly and quietly snatched the telescope and peered into the dark abyss of the late night ocean surface. A large canyon shaped island loomed in the horizon with Ezeakieal enhanced sight he saw the entirety of the island. "That's a lot of slavers." He thought to him self. He put the telescope back and swiftly returned to Conrad's side. "We'll be there in a few hours you ready?" Conrad put up his finger and took a swig out of his container. "Now I'm ready."

    OCC:275 Words



    Liberation of Slaves 1ezsig10
    (Never Say Bye Till The Day you Die.)

    Missions Complete


    The Elemental Armory

    The Elemental Armory

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Omni-Elemental Manipulation
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by GraveDragon 16th February 2015, 1:34 am

    Conrad and Zeak stayed to the shadows, making sure they weren't caught. They stayed to the stern of the ship, avoiding the slavers as much as possible. The two took turns scouting the ship but mostly stayed to hiding. They decided not to rouse any attention until they knew where the hideout was. After a few hours the ship landed on a small uncharted island off the coast of Hargeon Town. The island was shrouded in a ominous aura, with a strange rock formation that looked like a dragons skull in the distance. They jumped off the boat and dashed to the nearest hiding spot, which happened to be some fishing boats on the beach. The slavers unloaded their cargo and headed to the rock formation. The team watched the slavers march and quickly followed behind through the tropic island forest. The slavers moved slow, keeping everyone in line and chained together. They watched the slavers with disgust. When suddenly one of the slaves fell to the ground exhausted, a small child no older the six. One of the slaver grabbed her, pulling her to her feet. He pulled a whip from his belt, the two couldn't take anymore. Just before the slaver crack the whip, they jumped from their positions running over to protect the child. The two saved the girl but found themselves in a tight spot.

    " Any regrets. " Conrad asked while pulling his sword from his back.

    " None at all. " Zeak replied Looking back at the unharmed child.
    OOC: 251 words


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Liberation of Slaves 15n28na

    Themes :

    Current Rank:B
    EXP: 800
    Next Rank: 7500
    D Rank=4, C Rank=1, B Rank=1, A Rank=0, S Rank=0

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by NPC 16th February 2015, 1:34 am

    The member 'GraveDragon' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Liberation of Slaves StrongMonster Liberation of Slaves NormalMonster

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksmen's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Kyo Tetra
    Experience : 550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Human Transfiguration
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by Z3R0169 16th February 2015, 2:23 am

    Ezeakieal and Conrad exploded in a flurry of powerful non stop attacks. The three slavers did the best they could but the two easily broke through their defenses after a few weeks of non stop sparring these two have experts on team fighting. Conrad Swung his blade at three of the slavers cutting two of across the chest the veteran managed to step back far enough to see Ezeakieal jumping out from behind Conrad with a ki infused flying spin kick. Ezeakieal grabbed onto the mans leg before he hit the ground and slammed him into the slavers beside him. The three slavers were severely beaten and unconscious but alive. The two quickly removed the shackles and bindings from the slaves and told them to hold their positions. Ezeakieal found a large patch of trees and a large grin came across his jaw. "Hey Conrad I got an idea." Ezeakieal said pointing to the trees in the distance while staring at the cuffs and ropes tied on to the stolen children. "Oh! I got ya." Conrad tied the slavers together and Ezeakieal cuffed their hands and bound their mouths. Ezeakieal then flew them over to the trees and tied them upside down on a sturdy branch that was just out of sight. He came back to the group and told Conrad "I think we should get them back to the ship we came on. We'll clear the boat silently and return to find the rest of the slaves. So sound good?"
    OCC:252 Words



    Liberation of Slaves 1ezsig10
    (Never Say Bye Till The Day you Die.)

    Missions Complete


    The Elemental Armory

    The Elemental Armory

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Omni-Elemental Manipulation
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by GraveDragon 16th February 2015, 11:59 pm

    The two quickly took care of the nearby slavers and released the slaves. Zeak suggested that they return to the ship and clear it for the slaves.

    " I agree but we don't need to be silent this time. " Conrad said to Zeak's suggestions.

    " You know what, I like your style." Zeak replied

    Conrad picked up the struggling child and the two lead the slaves to the beach. They walked down the pathway cut by the slavers, they heard strange animal sounds in the jungle beside them.

    " It probably wouldn't be safe to have them hide in there, maybe we just have them wait on the beach until we return. " Conrad suggested.

    Zeak nodded and they continued to the beach. Upon reaching the beach, the group could see the docked ship. The team lead the people down the beach away from the ship and told the to wait there. Conrad set the child down and began to move back to the ship. The people huddle together, shriving and scared. Conrad and Zeak made their way to the dock.

    " You ready for some fun. " Conrad yelled as they ran down the docks.

    " You bet your ass i am. " Zeak replied.

    Conrad pulled Dyrnwyn from his back, Zeak got ready and the two ran up the gangplank. The ship seemed secluded, no one was out on deck.

    " You think we should wake them up! " Conrad blurted loudly.

    " Ya that way they have a chance, funner that way!" Zeak yelled with Conrad waking the slavers on the ship.

    OOC: 254 words.


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Liberation of Slaves 15n28na

    Themes :

    Current Rank:B
    EXP: 800
    Next Rank: 7500
    D Rank=4, C Rank=1, B Rank=1, A Rank=0, S Rank=0

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by NPC 16th February 2015, 11:59 pm

    The member 'GraveDragon' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Liberation of Slaves WeakMonster Liberation of Slaves StrongMonster Liberation of Slaves NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves Boss

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksmen's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Kyo Tetra
    Experience : 550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Human Transfiguration
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by Z3R0169 17th February 2015, 12:46 am

    A hoard of slavers woke to the loud voice yelling on deck. "You know what Conrad?!" "Ezeakieal voice echoed through out the cold night air. "What Ezeakieal?" Conrad roared. "These wimpy sad excuses for human beings probably couldn't challenges us anyways. I mean we snuck into their base and they didn't even have a clue. They are so clueless that if we stripped them naked, soaked them in a clue aphrodisiac, and dropped them into a field full of horny clues, they still would be clueless." Conrad looked a Ezeakieal impressed at his insults to their foes and said a single word with a extended pronunciation "Nice." The ship started to shake as dozen of foot steps charging. Yelling curse words at the top of their lungs. The group of basic slaver were the first on deck and the first to fall. Ezeakieal sprung into action the first enemy charged him, a foolish move on his part. Ezeakieal grabbed the back of his head and performed a series of Knee kicks to the face the second enemy reached to pull him off of his fellow slaver. Ezeakieal was well prepaired he grabbed his hand before it could reach him and twisted his own arm around the slaver's neck then proceed to kick him in the back throwing him into three other slavers trying to get through the door. The slavers pushed their unconscious ally down the narrow stair way and tried to push through. He managed to reach the door way when Ezeakieal slammed the door on his hands the slaver yelped as Ezeakieal opened the door to kick him square in the chest. The Slaver and his allies behind him fell down the flight of steps in a torrent wheel of pain.

    OCC:294 Words



    Liberation of Slaves 1ezsig10
    (Never Say Bye Till The Day you Die.)

    Missions Complete


    The Elemental Armory

    The Elemental Armory

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Omni-Elemental Manipulation
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by GraveDragon 17th February 2015, 2:15 am

    As Zeak took out the five that reached him first, Conrad rushed over to the slavers climbing up the side of the ship. There were two of them both strapped with a gun and sword. Conrad quickly swung his sword at them but they dodged by dropping down and grabbing the ropes on the side. They quickly climbed the side and jumped on deck as he swung again catching one in the side with Dyrnwyn sending him flying off the boat. The slaver pulled his weapons and fired his pistol at Conrad grazing his shoulder. Conrad's sword burst with white hot fire as he dismembered the enemies left arm. Left with only his sword arm the slaver lashed out in one last attack but fell unconscious from shock.

    "I'm finished over here how about you. " Conrad asked as Zeak finished off the last one.

    Before Zeak could reply a much larger tougher slaver jumped down from the captains quarters.

    " What were you doing in there. " Zeak taunted making the slaver lash out at him.

    Zeak quickly dodged and the two jumped in for a combo attack. Conrad sword caught him on one side and Zeak on the other knocking him out with searing pain in his sides.

    " Alright captain we know your there, step out here and fight us, your time of tyranny is over! " Conrad shouted toward the captains cabin.

    The porthole to the captain's quarters opened and a man and a women stepped out.

    " Alright lets get this started. " Captain Scarlet replied to Conrad's goad.

    OOC: 257 words.
    Spell used: White Flame Embodiment. (Weapon Spell)
    Health Remaining: 110%
    WFE Duration: 1/3


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Liberation of Slaves 15n28na

    Themes :

    Current Rank:B
    EXP: 800
    Next Rank: 7500
    D Rank=4, C Rank=1, B Rank=1, A Rank=0, S Rank=0

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksmen's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Kyo Tetra
    Experience : 550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Human Transfiguration
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by Z3R0169 17th February 2015, 3:01 am

    Ezeakieal charged at the slaver leader captain Scarlet by jumping off the mast however he was abruptly stopped by an incredibly fast kick, however Ezeakieal managed to block with a mid air shoulder guard the majority of the force form the blow was heavily reduced. If he hadn't been mid air when the kick occurred the damage would have been severe. Ezeakieal flew back onto the ships deck as a thin but brutish looking man pulled out a pair of twin cutlasses that look worn down chipped and haggard from and stained with the blood of those that had once opposed him. "Need a hand?" Conrad asked "Nah. You focus on bitch face over there." Ezeakieal replied. Ezeakieal pointed his finger at Carver and shouted "I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same species as you. You are a monster, a scum of the earth malformity. I barf at the very thought of you. You have all the appeal of a infested wound. Even lepers avoid you. You are a vile, worthless, less than nothing, weed that humanity can't seem to remove, the dregs of this earth. And did I mention that you smell?" Conrad was laughing hysterically in the distance. The vanes on Carver's head were popping out. "Don't be mocking me boy I'll cut you into ribbons mon." Caver said in a thick Rastafarian accent. Ezeakieal pinched his nose "I got two words for you mon. Tic Tac." That was the last straw as Carve charged at Ezeakieal with blinding speed.

    OCC:258 Words



    Liberation of Slaves 1ezsig10
    (Never Say Bye Till The Day you Die.)

    Missions Complete


    The Elemental Armory

    The Elemental Armory

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Omni-Elemental Manipulation
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by GraveDragon 18th February 2015, 1:26 am

    While Zeak fought off carver Conrad leaped into action. Conrad jumped into the air climbing on the air using his magic. Captain Scarlet pulled her guns and began firing at him, she started by firing two shots one in front of him and the other behind. Conrad attempted to dodge but was unaware of her guns explosive impact. He was caught in between two large explosions, taking damage from both sides. Hurt but still standing he rushed down toward her, as she fired two more shots directly at him. Using his momentum he leapt off the air away from the blast and continued down toward her. Spinning off the air Conrad dodged another volley from her. He closed the distance and using the momentum of his spin swung Dyrnwyn with force, striking her side and knocking her onto the deck. Without a moment to spare he leapt down smashing his blade against the deck as she rolled away. Standing up she volleyed four shots at him.

    " Shiro hi Bakufū. " Conrad yelled while swinging his blade at the bullets.

    A blast of white hot fire flew from his blade and destroyed her bullets before they could explode. Conrad rushed at her through the white fire thrusting his blade. Captain Scarlet quickly dodged and countered by shooting him. The bullet impacted Conrad's chest sending him flying back. He quickly recovered and jumped back at her as fast as he could. He rushed her with his shoulder sending her flying off the boat.
    OOC: 250 words.
    Spells used: Shiro hi Bakufū (Weapon Spell), Air Walk
    Spell Maintained: White Flame Embodiment.
    Mana Used: 5%
    Mana Remaining: 95 %
    Health Remaining: 80%
    WFE Duration: 2/3
    AW Duration: 1/2
    SHB Cooldown: 1/2


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Liberation of Slaves 15n28na

    Themes :

    Current Rank:B
    EXP: 800
    Next Rank: 7500
    D Rank=4, C Rank=1, B Rank=1, A Rank=0, S Rank=0

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksmen's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Kyo Tetra
    Experience : 550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Human Transfiguration
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by Z3R0169 18th February 2015, 2:21 am


    Infuriated Carver lurched into a full on hate fueled assault, Ezeakieal kept narrowly escaping the slaver's second in command's ferocious and lightning fast swings by mere inches. Ezeakieal spun from side to side calmly waiting for his opening, studying Carver's fighting style down to it's most basic elements. Ezeakieal began his onslaught of Muay Thai techniques through ultra fast kicks, knees, and elbows but Carver dodged every one. Carver countered Ezeakieal's attacks and followed up on his own, he twisted his weapons into a vertical position one facing upward and the other downward with a single fierce swing he tried to kill Ezeakieal. The dual cutlasses ripped through the air at unimaginable speeds however Ezeakieal's eyes could follow him perfectly. He leaned back just in time to avoid the jagged blades as it skimmed over his skin ripping his Gi like butter. Ezeakieal jumped back about five feet and stomped his feet into the ground. He buffed his body and sent a vast amount of adrenaline through his veins. He rapidly removed his training weights. All six of the two hundred and fifty pounds lode stone weights fell onto the ships hard wood deck breaking it in several places. Ezeakieal let out a deep breath as he slightly spread his his legs apart and lifted his hands forward facing Carver with open palms. "I can't keep up with his speed physically but my eyes can see just fine. I just need to predict the flow of his movements, and meet it there ahead of time" Ezeakieal thought to himself.

    OCC:260 Words


    Last edited by Z3R0169 on 18th February 2015, 4:26 am; edited 1 time in total


    Liberation of Slaves 1ezsig10
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by GraveDragon 18th February 2015, 3:45 am

    Conrad chased after the falling captain, they landed on the shore next to the ship. Conrad calmly walked over to Captain Scarlet. He chanted while making his way to his foe. As he chanted and the water next to him flowed over his body. The salt water filled his wounds, healing his body with his magic. Captain Scarlet sprung back onto her feet, pistols gripped tight in her hands. She charged at him, sand slowing her down. Conrad waited for his charging foe but before she got close enough she leapt into the air.

    " Let see you dodge this. " Captain Scarlet yelled as she flipped through the air.

    Her pistol pointed straight down over his head, she began firing a barrage of bullets at him. Conrad rolled out of the majority of the blast, catching some to his back. The salt water burned his new wounds, continuing to heal him. Conrad stood back up as Scarlet fired a few more shots. He calculated the trajectory of her bullets and calmly dodged them. The bullets flew past him into the jungle behind him, taking out a few trees with the explosion. He watched as she became more irritated with him, firing six bullets in blind anger. Conrad watched the bullets fly at him and quickly jumped into the air away from them. Landing back on the beach with a chain of explosions behind him.

    " This will definitely attract attention from their base, i need to finish this fast. " Conrad thought to himself, walking toward Captain Scarlet.  
    OOC: 255 words.
    Spell used: Healing Water
    Spell Maintained: White Flame Embodiment, Air walk.
    Mana Used: 5%
    Mana Remaining: 90 %
    Health Healed: 5%
    Health Remaining: 75%
    WFE Duration: 3/3
    AW Duration: 2/2
    SHB Cooldown: 2/2
    HW Duration: 1/2


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Liberation of Slaves 15n28na

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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by Z3R0169 18th February 2015, 4:23 am


    For a second Carver felt a chill run down his spine. "Whats up with that weird stance, and why is it giving off such a dangerous aura." He thought to himself. "No matter. I kill em any way." Carver careened his way towards Ezeakieal when he was within four feet of him he jolted at top speed. "I knew it!" Ezeakieal exclaimed. His eyes had no trouble seeing Carver's movements, the dual cutlass became a stream of a speeding silver light in the moons illumination. Ezeakieal reached out in an attempt to grab his fore arms, but he was too slow to react. The blades tore up the front left side of his chest ending around his shoulder blade. Ezeakieal cursed "Damn. Too Slow." He turned to keep track of his opponent body "Okay round two." Carver dashed back in to range aiming for Ezeakieal's neck he spun with his arms and weapons fully extended. Ezeakieal was too fast this time, but he managed to slap the cutlasses blades to a lower position. The jagged blades tore through the flesh of his abdomen as a slurry of blood stained the deck red. Ezeakieal however didn't show so much as an ounce of pain in his expression.  "Next time for sure!" Ezeakieal said extending his telekinetic hands around his fist. The sky began to darken as drops of ice cold rain fell from the clouds, the rain drops hit Ezeakieal's wounds, sending a wave of relief through his battered body.

    OCC:250 Words



    Liberation of Slaves 1ezsig10
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by GraveDragon 18th February 2015, 5:24 am

    Conrad stood there ready for another attack, his feet sinking into the sand. The flames from Dyrnwyn died out, it's power drained from the fight.

    " Looks like your fires out! " Captain Scarlet yelled trying to goad Conrad.

    Conrad ignored her and concentrated, planing his moves in his head. He calculated where his opponent would attack next and readied himself. Fire roared to life behind him, due to the explosions from her guns. Droplets of water poured from the sky, slowly extinguishing the fire in the jungle. Scarlet waited for him to make a move, the two staring each other down. Conrad began running toward her, the wet sand slowing him down. She fired her guns at his feet, attempting to stop his charge. Sticking his sword into the sand, Conrad launched himself into the air over her bullets. As he jumped Scarlet fired another volley at him. Thinking quickly, he used the rain to his advantage. Before the bullets could hit him, he held out his hand and used his spell "Cone of Cold". The area in front of him and around Scarlet froze instantly. The bullets exploded on contact with the frozen rain, as well as freezing Scarlet in place. Quickly making his way across the ice covered sand, he stopped Captain Scarlet from taking her own life. One swift punch and she was out cold. He relaxed as he finished the fight.

    " Phew... That was a tough fight. " Conrad thought as he retrieved his sword Dyrnwyn from the sand.
    OOC: 251 words.
    Spell used: Cone of Cold
    Spell Maintained: Healing Water.
    Mana Used: 10%
    Mana Remaining: 80 %
    Health Healed: 5%
    Health Remaining: 80%
    CoC Cooldown: 1/6
    WFE Cooldown: 2/5
    AW CoolDown: 2/4
    HW Duration: 2/2


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Liberation of Slaves 15n28na

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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by Z3R0169 18th February 2015, 6:04 am


    The two stared one another down as the down pour raged on harder every second that passed. A puff of hot steam rolled out of Ezeakieal's lungs as he exhaled deeply. He hardened his body with his Ki, however this felt different than his usual Ki, it was hotter, more intense. A small trickle of blood ran down his nose. Carver took that as a sign of weakness as he leapt forward with his twin cutlasses posed in a stabbing stance. He was moving in for the kill this time. "Yes! That's exactly what I wanted you to do." Ezeakieal smiled, Carver sped towards him at top speed. Seconds away form piercing through his heart Carver had begun to quake in fear. It was over in an instant Ezeakieal held on to his fore arms with his hands of force, and lifted him a few feet from the deck. He than squeezed tightly as he pulled Carvers arms out ward, forcing him to drop his weapons. He pulled Carver in and wrapped his arms around Carver's under arms and placed his hands at the front of his throat, the back of Ezeakieals foot placed firmly behind Carvers leg. With great force he thrust Carver into the deck holding one hand on his neck Ezeakieal freed the other to assault the slaver's face with a series of Sok ti (Slashing Elbows). He than lifted him into the air with his feet and kicked as Ezeakieal rolled onto his back throwing Carver violently threw the air. His unconscious body landed on the beach far form the boat.  

    OCC:266 Words



    Liberation of Slaves 1ezsig10
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by GraveDragon 18th February 2015, 8:23 pm

    The beach side exploded in a hail of soaked sand particles as Carvers limp body crashed beside Captain Scarlet.

    " Nice shot man! " Conrad shouted.

    Zeak peered over the railing of the ship at Carver's unconscious body face first in the sand. Conrad went to grab some rope from his backpack, only to realize that his pack was destroyed in the fight.

    " Zeak, look around for some rope up there! " He shouted.

    Zeak looked around the deck, finding a large coil of rope near the mast. He retrieved the rope and headed down to the beach.

    " Is he supposed to bend that way? " Zeak questioned as he ran up beside Conrad.

    Conrad laughed and grabbed the rope from him. The two tied up the all the slavers nearby to the mast of the ship. Traveling back to the slaves they saved, they told them that it was safe to return to the ship. Conrad armed the slaves with the weapons on the ship so they could defend themselves.

    " Everyone wait here on the ship, we will save the rest of your people. " Conrad announced to the group.

    The team traveled back down the path toward the base. They walked past the devastation made from Scarlet's pistols.

    " Yeah they most likely heard that, so we should be expecting heavy resistance. " Conrad said pointing at the charred trees.

    " Your probably right about that one. " Zeak said looking down the path.

    Conrad looked back down the path. The strange rock formation was lit up with torch light.
    OOC: 253 words.
    Mana Remaining: 80 %
    Health Remaining: 80%
    CoC Cooldown: 2/6
    WFE Cooldown: 3/5
    AW CoolDown: 3/4
    HW Cooldown: 1/4


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Liberation of Slaves 15n28na

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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by Z3R0169 18th February 2015, 11:31 pm


    Ezeakieal and Conrad headed deeper into the islands terrain, slowly gaining distance towards the torches light. They stopped when the two were close enough to see the makings of a small fort. Ezeakieal pointed to a large hill side that overlooked the fort's location. They quickly jumped their way up the cliff landing on spots big enough to hold their bodies with out having to worrying about the slickness of the rain drenched stone. They reached the top of the hill and cast their gaze towards the slavers fort. Surrounding the fort was a wall of wood spiked barriers fenced around a large complex structure built into the cliff of a small mountain. There were four floors above ground and an unknown number of basement floors. The fields outside of the slaver's residence were lined with dozens of active members of the band of villains. "How many do you think there are?" Conrad asked. "I don't know, but I can find out." Ezeakieals eyes shimmered as he switched to infrared sight. He looked over the building seeing a large mass of heat huddled to together near the lowest basement. They were sectioned off by two to five heat signatures in a eight foot by eight foot rooms. Ezeakieal returned his eye sight to it's regular state. "It's not good." Ezeakieal said. "How many?" Conrad asked. "Allot, and to top it all off the slaves are on the lowest basement level, probably a dungeon."  Conrad cracked his knuckles and took a large drink from his canteen. "Lets show them how Fairy Tail says hello."

    OCC:262 Words


    Last edited by Z3R0169 on 18th February 2015, 11:33 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Liberation of Slaves 1ezsig10
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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by NPC 18th February 2015, 11:31 pm

    The member 'Z3R0169' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by GraveDragon 19th February 2015, 9:03 am

    Conrad stood upon the rain soaked hill. He looked down, trying to see what Zeak saw. Small lights pierced the darkness, torches held by slavers outside their base. Ten flames bounced around the fields. Conrad squinted trying to see more but to avail, heavy cloud cover blocked the light from the moon.

    " You've got some good eye sight Zeak, I can't see a thing from up here. " He said still trying to see the slavers.

    " Maybe if you had two eyes buddy. " Zeak laughed.

    Conrad laughed along with Zeak, their voice's echoed through the hills as they leapt down near the slavers. Conrad could see them a lot clearer then he could before. The light from their torches dance around frantically at the sound of their laughter. The slavers looked around trying to find the source. Zeak rushed off into the fray and Conrad quickly followed, both fighting separately. Conrad ran toward the nearest light to him, finding himself between two slavers wielding guns and swords. Before they could react, Conrad quickly spun slashing them across their chests with Dyrnwyn. Their bodies collapsed to the ground with one swift attack. Conrad hurried to the next source of light. This one alone but with the same weapons as the previous slavers. Leaping into the air, he flew at the slaver with a flying kick. The kick connected on the slavers back, slamming him into the ground knocking him unconscious.

    " That's three down, who's next! " Conrad yelled catching the attention of two other slavers.

    OOC: 252 words.
    Mana Remaining: 80 %
    Health Remaining: 80%
    CoC Cooldown: 3/6
    WFE Cooldown: 4/5
    AW Cooldown: 4/4
    HW Cooldown: 2/4


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Liberation of Slaves 15n28na

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    Liberation of Slaves Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves

    Post by Z3R0169 19th February 2015, 10:02 am


    A group of five slaver charged at Ezeakieal screaming at the tops of their lungs like a bunch of raving mad fools. Ezeakieal started his combat with a vehemently powerful rolling helicopter kick. The kick hit the first slaver straight through his legs knocking violently into the cold wet stone terrain, he switched from his Capoeira to drunken boxing he trough out a comb of lightning fast kicks into the next opponent, the slaver behind him swung his blade though his ally gut in an attempt to cut Ezeakieal down. Ezeakieal countered the attack by pulling roughly on the front of the slaver's shirt towards him while placing his foot in front of the betrayed ally's to ensure his fall. The blade passed by the back of the slaver's neck nicking the tip of it's skin. The slaver's face hit the stone hard breaking his nose. Ezeakieal kicked the sword sending it straight back at the slaver with even greater force. The blade Pierced the foes arm while his hand still firmly held on to the grip. "Stop stabbing your self." He taunted the the slaver that tried to kill his own ally,just to get a shot at Ezeakieal. "HAH!" Conrad chuckled in the distance. "Scum, your all of scum!" Ezeakieal said with a vile tone in his voice as he stomped on the back of the slaver he saved knocking the man out. He waved his hand at the two in front of him in a challenging manner.

    OCC:250 Words



    Liberation of Slaves 1ezsig10
    (Never Say Bye Till The Day you Die.)

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