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    A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla)


    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla) Empty A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla)

    Post by Artemis 10th February 2015, 10:13 pm

    "Ok there should be enough bottles in the fridge to last at least two days maybe a bit more, I more or less milked myself dry so you shouldn't run out until we get back. You know where Diapers are, but if we run out there should be more in one of the hall closets, if not get Orin to run out and grab some. Now I prepared some basic sandwiches and placed them in the fridge for you but if you want anything more it's on you. This right here is her favorite blanket. Make sure if you move it that you grab the blue blanket with red kitties on it. If you give her the red blanket with blue kitties she won't be able to sleep. Speaking of which make sure you sit or lay next to her till she falls asleep. Her toys are in her playroom and make sure you put the toys back after you are done playing." said Artemis. She was getting Rachael ready to more or less watch herself. But as she went on it wouldn't surprise anyone with half the stuff she said was really needed. But today was a big day. It would be her first day without the little Rachael and until now her and Priscilla could only disappear for 5 maybe 10 minutes at a time before something needed to be done and even then they just cuddled. Artemis herself was surprisingly dolled up. Even if she preferred not to today was a special day with Priscilla and she wanted to make it memorable for the both of them. Artemis' long hair which normally just fell to the side and had not much work done to it had been well brushed and braided. She wore a strapless purple dress with black embroidery that had a long slit in the side to make walking easier. It wasn't really her style of clothing but she knew Priscilla would be drooling over her the moment she saw her. She more a pair of Priscilla hadn't gone much into what was planned. Her only hint was that they would be visiting the place they first met but other then that she had no idea what else was planned.

    She finished handing Rachael all the stuff for her baby self before passing her the little one. She was nervous, she could feel the butterflies in her stomach as she waited for Rachael to finish getting ready. They had mostly avoided seeing each other today to make the night even more memorable. It was funny Artemis felt like she was going to explode from her nerves alone. Her life had changed drastically since Priscilla would more of less coaxed the shy wolf out of her den so to speak. And that could be taken in multiple different ways. Once Priscilla would show up Artemis would leave her poor daughter who was over encumbered by what needed to be done and head out for the night, possibly even two. But in all honestly she would probably drool over Priscilla's appearance, she would normally but when Priscilla wanted to get dressed up she always looked stunning and it would make Artemis wonder how she got so lucky.


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    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla) Empty Re: A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla)

    Post by Sumdumguy 11th February 2015, 8:46 pm

    Priscilla was quite literally running around, gathering the objects she knew the older Rachael would need while watching the littler version of herself. It was quite the situation that little doge was in, but nothing she hadn't handled before. Well, to a degree. She had never been left alone to watch the baby version of herself before, so this was going to be quite the trial. Artemis was currently informing the older Rachael about what she would need to do in order to get the little one to behave and stay quiet. Meanwhile, Priscilla, who was in her teenage form at the moment and not dressed up at all for her and Artemis' night out, was currently running back and forth, gathering the things for Rachael through the shadows as Artemis mentioned them. Well, most of them. The milk would stay in the fridge, obviously, but she was off gathering the diapers and blanket and setting them neatly on the counter next to Rachael before vanishing off into the shadows again to get something else. This lasted a while before Artemis finally finished and Priscilla was left, breathing a little heavy but not panting, just off to the side.

    "To think a once powerful vampire like me... made tired by a mere infant..." the ancient woman said with a chuckle. "How cute."

    Looking at Artemis, Priscilla was, much to Artemis' delight, having to actually restrain herself from staring too long. Not that she thought Artemis would mind, she just thought that they should really get on with their little escapade. Vanishing off into the shadows one last time, Priscilla re-emerged mere seconds later in her oldest form, the one that made her look more like a woman and less like a teenager. Her dress now was like her longer, red one that she usually wore in this form, but this time it was shorter and cut halfway down her thighs. There was a slit in the side to make it easier to walk, and it also was laced together in a black X style just for show. That and so her dress didn't blow up in the wind so the whole world could see her black laced panties. Meanwhile, the top was cut a little low to show off her well endowed chest, but the trim around the entire top of the dress was covered in a black fluff that hid her bust a little more, so she wasn't showing off too much. Her heels were just as red as the dress she was wearing as well. It was clear that Priscilla wanted to show off as much of herself as possible without going too overboard.

    "So, my love..." the woman said, approaching Artemis and marveling at her lover's looks. She truly was beautiful to Priscilla. "Shall we move along, now?"

    Meanwhile, Rachael looked a little overwhelmed about what was happening, but she knew that Orin would be nearby to help.

    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla) Empty Re: A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla)

    Post by Artemis 11th February 2015, 10:20 pm

    Artemis noticed Priscilla's eyes linger on her for a bit before disappearing to get ready. Artemis wished she could do what Priscilla did and take like two seconds to get ready. Even though Priscilla tried to keep things PG in front of Rachael, Artemis couldn't help it. The moment she formed back from the shadows, Artemis walked up and planted a kiss directly on Priscilla's lips, her breasts pressing against Priscilla's which dwarfed her own. She held the kiss for a good two seconds, slipping her tongue inside Priscilla's mouth for a moment before pulling away. She blushed a bit. If it was nearly a year ago she wouldn't of even considered doing something like that. But Priscilla dragged her out of her shell and at least around her she felt like it didn't matter what others thought of what she did.

    "Umm... yeah... well Rachael we'll be back by tomorrow might by the latest but the milk should last you to the afternoon after." said Artemis, collecting her things.

    Umm... yeah, later!" said Artemis, grabbing Priscilla by the hand and walking away even though she new Priscilla would be the main mode of transportation.

    ---A little bit later---

    The two had arrived at the bar where Priscilla and her first met. It felt strange coming back here. She never really returned since then. Although Artemis remembered Priscilla had found a... memorable if not unconventional use for the donuts they sold here. Although food wasn't really her thing when it came to having some fun Priscilla seemed to revel in it. The pair entered the bar and bartender looked up. He greeted them and Artemis sat at the bar. She didn't remember this place being so... sketchy. Not to mention her and Priscilla where over dressed. She inched closer to Priscilla, wrapping her arms around Priscilla and holding her close like a safety blanket. She ordered a drink.

    "It should be fine after the alcohol leaves my system. But even then I want to milk myself again before feeding Rachael so I guess you get a treat. And is it just me or is this place sketchier then I remember?" whispered Artemis.


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    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla) Empty Re: A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla)

    Post by Sumdumguy 20th February 2015, 8:19 pm

    Time passed and the two arrived at the bar, clearly overdressed for the occasion. Priscilla already had several excuses lined up to make them look less... ridiculous, at such a sketchy looking bar. Wait, was it this sketchy last time they were here? Artemis seemed to notice too, and Priscilla couldn't help but smile at the wolf's offer of a little "treat" before looking around the room. Indeed it was a little bit more... suspicious looking than before, but Priscilla really didn't mind. She'd been to these places before, and had anyone tried anything funny they would simply find themselves faced with a situation they couldn't quite handle. Or they died. Or something else, but any situation other than those two were rare to come across.

    "I look forward to this 'treat' then, love. And yes, you are right. It is far more suspicious than before, but you need not worry." Priscilla said, holding Artemis close to her body. "I'll make sure nothing happens to you. Especially not after... that."

    Of course Priscilla was referring to when Artemis was made a vampire, but that time was long gone. Now the two were happily together again, and with two (or one, depending on how you looked at it) new members to their little family. As Artemis ordered her drink, Priscilla ordered a glazed doughnut just for fun, as well as a little alcohol just to have fun with a little beer buzz tonight. Normally she didn't get drunk, as she could just flush the alcohol out of her system with her masterful control over her body, but on occasion she did it for fun. Tonight was one of those nights. It wasn't long until their drinks arrived, as well, and it wasn't much longer before Priscilla was nibbling into her doughnut.

    "Say, love. How did we get so attached to each other after just that one night?" the ancient vampire asked, hugging Artemis a little tighter to herself. "Not that I'm complaining, though~"

    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla) Empty Re: A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla)

    Post by Artemis 27th February 2015, 9:37 am

    "No idea." said Artemis, snuggling up to Priscilla. She grabbed the beer once it was placed down in front of her. With in a matter of moments the beer disappeared down her throat. Artemis eyes glazed over a bit, it seemed even though she could drink beer like she used to she had lost a bit more of a little bit of her alcohol tolerance.

    "One more please!" said Artemis, her voice slightly slurring. She cuddled up to Priscilla again, although this time resting on her chest instead of her shoulder. She was depending on Priscilla to stop her from doing anything stupid though.

    "Maybe ish because you're so comfy." said Artemis with a slight yawn. Once she second beer was delivered she grabbed it and held it in her hand, taking a smaller sip this time. She tried to move off her chair and sit on Priscilla's lap, slipping a bit of her beer as she attempted to do so.

    "Aww... I lost some." said Artemis with a slight giggle and trying to take a bit out of Priscilla's donut.

    "Maybe ish because I can feel like Artemis when I'm around you." said Artemis, in a partially drunken stupor. She didn't really talk about her past much and she was glad Priscilla never really asked. Her tailed swayed slight as she tried to climb onto Priscilla.


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    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla) Empty Re: A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla)

    Post by Sumdumguy 28th February 2015, 7:07 pm

    Priscilla giggled cutely as Artemis' drunken side surfaced and attempted to climb up on her. She really did think her lover was adorable like this, the way the wolf would cuddle up to her making her melt every time. Helping Artemis up onto her lap, Priscilla smiled and started stroking the strange wolf's hair. The statement of how Artemis could feel like Artemis around her aroused curiosity within the vampire, but she knew to keep it quiet. She could live without knowing Artemis' deepest darkest secrets, despite wanting to know about them. It was more of a curiosity of if people used to hurt her or if Priscilla needed to know if she was being hunted down for some reason. Anything to make sure Artemis was alright. With a slight smile, Priscilla took her own drink and quickly drank it all, feeling the after effects quite quickly. Tonight wasn't a night to worry, but rather a night to be happy and spend quality time with her lover while she could.

    "You're such a shilly puppy~" the woman slurred in a slightly drunken stupor of her own. She giggled, hiccuping a little while doing so, and hugged Artemis close to her. Any and all warmth radiating off of Artemis only made Priscilla smile even more, as it was making her melt into a big puddle of love and joy.

    "But you're the besht puppy too..." she giggled with another hiccup. Leaning her head on top of Artemis', she slowly drew the slightest tip of one of her lover's ears into her mouth and nibbled on it. "And the sexiest puppy..." Knowing full well the consequences of doing so didn't stop Priscilla's teasing, ever so slightly sadistic nature. She wanted to feel Artemis squirm in her arms, not because she liked the feeling of power, but because she liked the sounds Artemis would make.

    "I luff listening to you talk, and moan, and shtuffs..." she said, letting up a little with the ear nibbling so Artemis wouldn't make herself too embarrassed in public. This wasn't the first time that Priscilla had noted how she liked Artemis voice, as she would often mention this during their private times. "I really really *hic* do..."

    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla) Empty Re: A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla)

    Post by Artemis 1st March 2015, 12:39 pm

    "Prissy shtap it." said Artemis, she squirmed a bit in her arms but not really enough to escape. Her face turned a red color and she took another sip of her beer. Artemis' breathing got heavier the more she was teased.

    "Prissy thaf's not fair!" protested Artemis, her voice pitching up with each other word. Artemis hiccuped a bit then pulled her head away. She finished up her beer and another one was brought to her which she also quickly drank. After a few moments of Artemis trying move her body around she was finally able to look at Priscilla directly.

    "Prisy yous ish cheathing and need to needsh punishment."
    said Artemis, her words barely making any sense. She leaned up and kissed Priscilla, her tongue invading her mouth. After a few moments of that Artemis got up and began to wobble towards the door, barely keeping her balance.

    "Nows you sath that more places to go now, lets go to other places." said Artemis. It was a miracle she was keeping any sort of balance but as she moved so did her ears and tail, maybe that was what was keeping her standing.


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    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla) Empty Re: A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla)

    Post by Sumdumguy 1st March 2015, 9:33 pm

    The moment Artemis kissed Priscilla, the vampire quickly made the effort to kiss back, happy to feel Artemis' tongue probing around inside her mouth. It was exciting to her, and she wanted more. Alas, it only lasted a few short moments. Afterwards, Priscilla was having a hard time processing what Artemis was saying to her. The alcohol was affecting far more quickly than she thought. Maybe she was getting drunk a little too quickly. The thought was erased from her mind as soon as Artemis managed to get off of the vampire woman and wobble over to the door, surprisingly not falling over at all. She looked like she'd be absolutely wasted and passed out soon, and Prisci was only somewhat buzzed. Standing up was a trouble, even with this buzz. Things were spinning and her head felt increasingly warm, only adding to the slight headache she had already. Nonetheless, she had to put her pain aside so she could assist Artemis in her walking endeavors.

    Quickly, with surprising elegance for the condition she was in, Priscilla managed to stride over to Artemis and help her with walking. Letting the wolf use her as a support while they walked, Priscilla sighed and managed to find a careful pace that Artemis seemed comfortable with. The last thing she needed is Artemis falling over and hitting her pretty little head on something hard.

    "You alright, love?" the woman managed to ask without a slur for once. "Where are you leading ush, anywaysh?"


    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla) Empty Re: A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla)

    Post by Artemis 1st March 2015, 11:09 pm

    "I is fine and Ihs don'ts know. I am gohing to the next place you said you wereh takin' me." said Artemis. She leaned on Priscilla for extra support. She honestly had no idea where she was going. The pair walked through clover town. The street lights were on at this point and a bunch of couples were out together. There was a fancy water fountain in the center of an upcoming section of the town.

    "Hey Prishcilla, look! A bathtub, lets go take a bath." said Artemis trying to wander in to the fountain.

    "Come up Prishy, we can makesh another sishter for Rachale in the tuhb." slurred Artemis.


    Rank ups::

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla) Empty Re: A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla)

    Post by Sumdumguy 7th March 2015, 9:25 pm

    "Oh, right..." Priscilla mumbled as she listened to what Artemis had to say first. She almost forgot she was taking Artemis somewhere else. The time she was spending with her lover and the alcohol were really messing with her brain right now, contributing to her dizziness and infatuation with the wolf. However, it was when Artemis brought up the prospect of having sex in a water fountain in the middle of a park that Priscilla decided to stop the wolf.

    "Nononono." Priscilla said, pulling the wolf back into her side. "Not in public, at least." Making sure Artemis couldn't go back to the fountain, Priscilla kept pulling her along with surprising strength, even if she kept trying to go back to it. "Maybe another day, love~"

    It was here that Priscilla kept dragging Artemis off further and further into the park. The lights were becoming few, but it was still somewhat bright here. Shortly afterwards, Priscilla stopped and looked at a particular tree and smiled.

    "Do you remember this place, Artemis?"
    the woman would ask. "It's not our next stop, but I wanted to at least come by here just for the memories." Hugging Artemis close to her, she gave her lover a little peck on the nose and pressed her forehead against the wolf's. "This is where we came and snuggled and mated after meeting in the bar..."

    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla) Empty Re: A Well Deserved Day Off (Priscilla)

    Post by Artemis 7th March 2015, 10:36 pm

    "But bath time Prissy! You can show everyone that thing you do with your tongue and your thing! where's your sense of fun!" giggled Artemis in her drunk stupor. Artemis was pulled away, flailing her arms towards the fountain. After a bit Artemis stopped and calmed down, snuggling close to Priscilla as she walked. She seemed to be making a bit more sense now, but was still complete and utterly drunk. They stopped in front of a tree and Priscilla turn to her, resting her forehead on Artemis'.

    "I remember, although I don't think my ears could take much for teasing." smiled Artemis, covering the tops of her ears. She moved closer to Priscilla. She leaned over to whisper in her lovers ear.

    "Usually I need Rachael now so I am kinda feeling a bit sore around my chest area." said Artemis.

    "Shall we disappear for a bit? Not for to long you still have many places to take me. Besides are you thirsty?" said Artemis in a drunken stupor.

    *Fade to black, 30 minutes pass*

    The pair reemerged from the strange shadow dimension that Priscilla had control over. They where fully dressed, maybe their clothes where a bit off but not much would have change.

    "One of thes days I will teach you how to touch my tail without causing me to do that." panted Artemis drunkenly. Her hair was on edge and a small amount of sweat covered her body from the attention she had been given.

    "Lets go! You said we got more places to go!" said the drunk Artemis excitedly, nearly pouncing on her partner.


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