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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]


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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Artemis 22nd January 2015, 8:15 pm

    Over the last few weeks Artemis had been kicking it into overdrive with Rachael. The little one that is, she had gotten into the habit of breast feeding the child but since she still got nervous around people whenever she brought Rachael out in public, she would set up multiple bottles to last her to the trip, but today she didn't have time to prepare any bottles. Although having a baby wasn't as bad as Artemis thought it would be, especially with all they help she was getting. Her personal life with Priscilla had even spiced up a bit. Apparently she was a fan of Artemis' milk production. Anyway all of that is extremely off topic. Artemis was currently visiting Hargeon Town with Rachael, again the little one. She had never really went to the sea but thought it was important to expose Rachael to as many places as possible, even if Rachael was barely pushing a little over two months.

    Artemis herself was wearing an ocean blue dress with some green tones. It was a modest dress but it didn't look bad on her. Her tail fit through a hole in the back of the dress. Rachael was dressed in a fluffy onesie with small purple bats on it. Artemis bought it as a joke to tease Priscilla, although Artemis ended up using it a lot. Despite being two months old, Rachael had a lot of tail between what was on her head and tail. Currently Artemis was pushing Rachael in a stroller down the boardwalk. The breeze was light but it felt nice, the smell of sea salt and the sound of seagulls filled the air. Maybe she would pick Priscilla up a souvenir from here. Artemis didn't exactly say where she was going, just felt a note saying she was taking Rachael out for the day. Stopping at an Ocean side cafe, Artemis order some food and took a seat outside, sitting in the back area where she wouldn't be in direct veiw. It was about lunch time and Rachael had woken up from her nap was was acting fussy, or in other words, she was hungry most likely. Placing the bag off baby supplies down she pulled out a blanket, covering herself she fed Rachael while waiting for her own food. After a couple minutes Rachel was done, and Artemis put her back in the stroller, facing it toward her so she could watch Rachael. Shortly after her food arrived.

    "You eat to much girly, you are going to be  fat." teased Artemis to the baby, taking a bite out of one of her fries and making a face at Rachael. She was greeted with laughing and cooing, which just egged Artemis on to make more and more faces.


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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Arianna 22nd January 2015, 9:54 pm

    Arianna shielded her eyes as she looked up to the sky, squint from the glare of the sun. “Why is it always so sunny here?” The unamused Nephilim had a scowl on her face, hidden from view as she lowered her stare with her white cloak’s hood still over her head. This had been the second time in the past month she had visited the harbor city, and it wasn’t because of the fish. Arianna and her lover had fallen in love with a certain shop’s sweets.

    They chocolate was so sweet, the caramel was creamy, and it seemed to only make things much more exciting when they tried some new ‘Things’ for the both of them. One would think that not having a real home to stay would limit how much they could take, but Arianna always had her pocket dimension to throw extra sweets into. But even then, the pair’s appetite had burnt through their supply quite fast, and money wasn’t easy to come by.

    She hadn’t been in town for long, but was already trying to make her trip as fast as she could. If there’s one thing she didn’t enjoy, it was being out in a crowd, especially now with her and Rachael being former dark guild members. ’Just keep your head low…’ It had worked perfectly so far, she hadn’t even came close to being caught yet.
    She suddenly stopped where she stood as she looked around suddenly, realizing something was off. “Where’s Rachael?”
    Le Doge
    Le Doge

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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Le Doge 23rd January 2015, 9:57 am

    Handing over the little sum of money, Rachael took the bag of sweets and quickly headed back to where Arianna had said she was going to walk to. Today was a fine day to have gone shopping, and the two decided they would take the opportunity to go on a sweets run. Rachael's obsession with chocolate could hardly be sated, if at all, so that was mostly what she was buying. Of course, it was to share with Arianna, too, but Rachael couldn't help but buy mostly chocolate.

    Spotting Arianna not too far off from where they agreed to meet, the doge quickly tread over to her lover and wrapped her arms around her from behind. "Hey Ari~" the doge chimed happily. "I got the sweets for later, and I have somewhere special I wanna take you!"

    No more than a few seconds later, Ari would feel the little doge girl pull her along the sidewalk and towards one of her favorite restaurants. It had this chocolate cake that was to die for, and Rachael wanted to share it with her nephilim lover. Normally Rachael would be wearing what she always wore, but her pink outfit was stored away for today. Instead, the doge wore a nice white dress that hung from her shoulders via two straps and went all the way down to her knees. Her feet were covered with glass heel-like shoes, and her hair was neatly combed to show off her perky little doge ears. She knew how Ari adored her little doge ears.

    As the two reached the restaurant, Rachael quickly moved towards the outside and the back, wanting to stay out of sight of any law enforcement despite only two or three people actually knowing their faces. Approaching the back, Rachael froze as she saw the face of someone familiar to her. Someone she had bonded with for a little over 9 months now and knew pretty well.



    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] WPcNzH2
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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Artemis 23rd January 2015, 10:27 am

    Artemis jumped when she heard the word Mom. It was something she was getting used to hearing but the voice is what caused her to jump. She was in the middle of making a funny face to, which was making making Rachael laugh and gurgle at her. Looking up she saw Rachael, the older one, but not the oldest one... god this was going to get confusing.

    "Hey Honey. Come on, sit down, order some food. I can cover you." said Artemis with a smile, gesturing for Rachael and her friend to sit down. She reached over and ate another fry real fast. Taking the smaller Rachael out of the stroller she put her on lap and turned her towards the older version of herself.

    "Hey Rachael look who it is." cooed Artemis. The baby Rachael made gurgling and cooing noises. Although much to Artemis' surprise the baby Rachael was more entranced by the covered up woman who stood next to her. The baby was reaching out towards her, making gripping motions.

    "Hey Rachael who is your friend." said Artemis. Now that she thought of it Rachael's friends never came up in the past 11 months. Although Artemis had never seen baby Rachael so captured over someone that wasn't Priscilla or herself. Even then the only person Rachael seemed to like more then them was Orin.


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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Arianna 23rd January 2015, 11:53 am

    Arianna's eyes glanced around as she tried to pick out her cute little puppy in the crowd, remembering that she was a little less caution than her about being in public. Her eyes perked open a little more as she heard her pup coming up from behind, turning to see the adorable Rachael carrying a fair amount of sweets with her.

    The Nephilim girl didn't even have a chance to give her a proper greeting as the doge quickly dragged her hand and started pulling her off in some direction. "H-hey! What do you mean something special?" Arianna wasn't exactly ready for the sudden pull, tripping slightly before regaining her composure and keeping up with the doge.

    It didn't take long before Arianna caught onto where she was being taken, as the turned towards a restaurant. The idea of some food sounded wonderful, haven't had a bite to eat all day. Even better that there were out of sight in the back as she flipped her hood down, revealing her short blue hair with a small green twinge.

    Arianna couldn't help but glance around the place, noting it really wasn't all the bad looking before running into a frozen Rachael. "H-hello? What's wr-" Arianna froze too when the word "mom?" came out of Rachael's mouth. "W-What?" Her eyes went between Rachael, her mother, and... a baby with a familiar tail. "R-Rachael... is that... you?" She made a small gesture towards the giggling baby.
    Le Doge
    Le Doge

    Quality Badge Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Le Doge 23rd January 2015, 12:20 pm

    Rachael nodded as she heard Arianna's question. "Y-Yeah, that's me..." she said before sitting down, offering Arianna a seat. It would be impolite to avoid her mother, especially after coming here intentionally and just stumbling upon her parent. As Arianna sat, she looked at her younger self and noted how she was reaching for Arianna. A little smile crept up on her lips as she looked at her newborn self. "I see she wants my friend here just as much as I do." the doge teased before sitting closer to Arianna, their chairs almost touching now. Leaning into the nephilim's arm and hugging it to her chest, Rachael looked up at her mother briefly before blushing. With averted eyes, the doge managed to stutter out a quick sentence, kind of embarrassed about being caught out with Arianna.

    "Arianna this is my mother Artemis. Mom, this is Arianna my..." Rachael's face flushed a bright red and a warm smile graced her lips. "...girlfriend."

    After uttering this word, Rachael hugged Arianna's arm closer to her body and sighed dreamily. "How's the kid been?" Rachael asked, referring to her little self. "She seems to be coming along nicely." The little baby was giggling happily, meaning Artemis was doing quite a good job at raising her so far. That much, Rachael appreciated. "She... I... we... ugh. The kid seems to be doing great." Rachael said after failing to find a proper way to address the little one other than as "the kid". Leaning her head into Arianna's shoulder, doge ears tickling the girl's cheek, Rachael looked up at her mother with a friendly smile. She really did miss some of the times they spent together during those 9 months of pregnancy. They were rough, yes, but still great nonetheless.


    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] WPcNzH2
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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Artemis 23rd January 2015, 1:32 pm

    Artemis could help but giggle at the older Rachael's shyness when Artemis asked about her friend. Usually she was more like Priscilla and out going, but it was nice to see a bit of herself in her.

    "Oh I see. So sh is the reason you have been going mia the past few months with out letting anyone know. You have been running Orin into the ground with extra work." said Artemis with a mischievous smile on her face. She turned her attention to Rachael's girlfriend, Arianna.

    "So Arianna, I hope you are letting Rachael get away with to much. I know how much of a perverted girl she can be. I would apologize for this but I am afraid she gets it from her parents." teased Artemis, mainly to get a rise out Rachael.

    "Either way, I just sat down. This little one has just finished eating not to long ago and I have had barely any time to eat myself." said Artemis motioning to her fries and burger that sad to the side of her.

    "Feel free to order food, I have a pretty good amount on me at the moment so I can cover you two. I was going to buy you an souvenir Rachael but it seems you already got yourself one."
    said Artemis, referring to the bag of candy. Picking Rachael up (the little one that she) she held her under arms and faced her towards herself.

    "So since your older self got herself something how you like another toy?"
    asked Artemis, making another face at the child much to it's enjoyment.

    "Say Arianna, would you like to hold Rachael. The little one that is." asked Artemis. Which was kind of unusual since Artemis was usually extremely protective of her. But she doubted Arianna would do anything bad. She turned her attention back to the older Rachael, although if Arianna took the little one she would still be keeping an eye on her.

    "She is doing well, you would know if you where at home a bit more. Between Orin, Priscilla and myself she has us running all over creation. Although I won't lie, Priscilla and myself still tend to disappear for some amount of times. I guess the months we were apart made us miss each other more then we expected. Although keeping up with how she was before she was born, she loves to keep all of us up at night, although you have been sleeping through the night more. If we are lucky we can get four hours of sleep before you wake us up. But poor Orin has been picking up your slack. I just had to get you out of the house today, mainly to give Priscilla and your sister a break." said Artemis.


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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Arianna 23rd January 2015, 9:16 pm

    Arianna was having a bit of a surreal moment. Here she was, meeting her lover's mother.... and her lover. She slowly took the seat that her Rachael had offered, sitting down slowly as she felt a little weird. She had known that there was a little Rachael out there, seeing as her Rachael had been away for so long helping take care of her, but actually meeting her was quite something. Her eyes were practically glued to the little pup, seeing her reach out to her. A warm smile had formed on her face, showing that it was indeed the one and only Rachael that laid in the stroller. Arianna's face was just as red as Rachael's as the doge introduced her to her mother, as her girlfriend. "H-Hello..." Arianna could feel Rachael grabbing her arm as she brought herself to break eye contact with the baby.

    Arianna's face grew to match that of a beet as Artemis told her about who her Rachael had inherited her pervyness from. "R-Really?" Her eyes darted between the three, looking a little wide eyed thinking about the things they've done. That's when an idea popped into her mind as she mentioned feeding her. 'Is that where Rachael got her obsession with breast milk from?'

    "I D-don't really know what I'd get here, honestly. Rachael just kinda pulled me along." Arianna was quite flustered from everything happening, not wanting to embarrass herself for once infront of Rachael's mother. She couldn't help though but to smile as Artemis made little Rachael giggle in her stroller.

    Arianna hadn't even looked away until she was suddenly popped the question. Her mind went blank for a second. "S-Sure!" Gingerly, she reached her arms out and accepted the small doge into her arms, keeping one under her to support her head while the other kept her from falling out. She carefully brought baby Rachael closer to her, smiling as she felt her little body press softly against her own. Ari was off in her own little world while cuddling with the little ball of joy.
    Le Doge
    Le Doge

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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Le Doge 25th January 2015, 11:59 am

    Rachael blushed upon hearing Artemis mention how perverted her family is, and even more so when she saw Arianna's eyes go wide. "Mooooom!" the doge whined, looking at her mother. "Stop embarrassing meee!" The little doge was burying her cheek in Arianna's arm at this point, heart racing within her modest chest.

    As Arianna was offered to hold the littler version of Rachael, the older Rachael's blush vanished and she looked down at her little self. She was so adorable in her eyes. Was it weird to think like that? Seeing her own self as cute sounded like narcissism. Even as Arianna took the little her into her arms to hold her close, she couldn't keep her eyes off her little tail and doge ears. They, along with her newborn self in general, were a sign that her and the oldest version of herself's plan went off without a hitch. It was rough at times, sure, but here was the newborn version of herself, along with Artemis, her mother who originally died in the future.

    Upon hearing that Orin had been picking up her slack, Rachael frowned and sighed. "I knew she'd try and pick up all that work by herself... Tell sis' I'll be there tomorrow so she can have a break for once. She deserves it." the doge said before looking back up at Arianna who was completely infatuated with the baby doge. "Is that okay Ari? Ari...?" Rachael asked before realizing her girlfriend was completely lost in the little baby her. Giggling to herself a little, Rachael turned to her mother with a little bit of a blush and a smile before saying, "Ari's always been obsessed with my ears and tail."


    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] WPcNzH2
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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Artemis 25th January 2015, 4:24 pm

    Artemis couldn't help but giggle at Rachael's reaction. Oh being a mother is going to be fun, Artemis could just feel it. She smiled when Rachael sighed, acting like this was nothing knew when it came to Orin. And to be fair, it really wasn't. Either way since Arianna was holding Both Rachaels Artemis took a chance to eat. She devoured her burger, which shows how much she had eaten today. But slowed down when it came down to the fries.

    "Sorry, I don't get much time to eat and and I have to prioritize the little you." said Artemis, slowly eating her fries. Trey were nice and salty, which for a fry was rather plain but it was perfect for her. A surprised look appeared on Artemis' face when Rachael said what Arianna was obsessed with her ears and tail.

    "Huh... your Mother is the same way..." said Artemis remembering back to when she first met Priscilla not to long ago really. But it sure felt long ago.

    "Did Priscilla ever tell you how we met?"


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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Arianna 30th January 2015, 6:29 pm

    Arianna cradled the little pup gently, unsure if she was holding her to tight. She was so worried about the little thing that she had no idea what to even do other than rock her softly back and forth. She loved seeing that little smile on her face, promoting her to wave her finger up near her face, only to have it grabbed by the little hands of baby Rachael. "D'aww, she so cute." The baby's giddiness almost seemed to be contagious with how big of a smile Arianna had.

    Arianna didn't even notice Rachael asking her if it was alright to go take care of little Rachael. "Oh, of course, that's fine Pup~" Ari went right back to the little one and ran a hand through her hair and scratched her ears a little. "Maybe... I could come along some time?" Arianna kind of trailed off a little at the end, feeling a little embarrassed now that she has been so fluffy about this little puppy in her arms. She went back to playing with the little puppy as her puppy went back to speaking with her mother, peering up finally as Artemis brought up the subject of how she and Rachael's 'father?' met.
    Le Doge
    Le Doge

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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Le Doge 3rd February 2015, 1:19 pm

    Rachael looked at Arianna as she looked up in confusion about the question of how Artemis and what she assumed Arianna thought was her "father" met. She had never explained it to her lover. Oh how fun this explanation would be.

    "No, mother never did explain how you and her met." she said, grinning as she looked up at Ari. "Oh by the way, love, I have two mothers. If my wolf-mother would let you help babysit the little me, then you'd get a chance to meet my vampire-mother. You'd understand then." Looking back at Artemis, Rachael sighed happily and waited patiently for her mother's story. She was eager to hear how one of the most powerful vampires in the world came to fall in love with this young little wolf woman. Personally, Rachael was expecting some fairy tale full of grandeur and wonderment, but she knew deep down that it was most likely just them hooking up after a night. And that's exactly what it was. Rachael just didn't know it yet.


    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] WPcNzH2
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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Artemis 4th February 2015, 10:50 pm

    "Oh of course!" said Artemis happily, her ears perking up.

    "Priscilla and I would love to have you over to help watch Rachael. She can be a pain in the rear oh about most of the time but I still love her."
    said Artemis, her smile almost hiding another emotion. The emotion would be lack of sleep, so not really an emotion rather then a state of mind.

    "You and Rachael can share a room if you wish but don't make to much noise ok?" said Artemis. Her tone of voice sounded like if she even heard a peep out of either of them she would murder them. Yet she sounded so sweet as she spoke. It wasn't normal for Artemis to make threats but maybe it was the wolf part of her that was extremely protective of her young.

    "Ah and now for the story of how your mother and I met..." said Artemis, turning her attention to Rachael. It was obvious she was trying to remember what happened, she was to drunk at the time it happened so it was foggy and she only had what Priscilla told her. Her ears went back as she tried to think.

    "Well it was around the time I moved to Clover Town, I had just join Blue Pegasus and my guild mates decided 'hey lets drag the new girl out for drinks' and took me to a local bar that was a friendly place for animal eared people. Sadly what they didn't know is that I liked to drink and when I am drunk I am a slightly uh... different person." said Artemis, although slightly didn't exactly cover it.

    "I was wasted at this point so I don't remember much but Priscilla helped me piece it together. She was there, surprisingly for donut cause apparently that bar had good donuts and I guess all the bakeries where closed at this point. So she ends up sitting next to me at the bar and I notice her looking at me. So I think she is looking at my... well... assets. And to a degree she was. She was looking at my tail and ears. Turns out she was obsessed with them so that was one of the reasons she was there. So I call her out on staring and she asks to touch them. This of course catches me off guard. But after a while I say ok, obvious thinking something else and well being drunk. So she starts to touch my ears, which a long side my tail I don't like people touching. Mainly because they can be and usually are really sensitive. So that goes on for awhile. Priscilla keeps touching my ears and tail and I start to make uh... some loud noises, Priscilla buys some donuts to go and drags me to cuddle with her under a tree, mainly so she can enjoy petting me. She keeps going with the ear and tail touching and gets me uh... past the point of making loud noises. Then uh... yeah just fade to black cause the rest of this story isn't exactly pg. But the point is after that we became practically inseparable." said Artemis, not looking to see if Arianna or Rachael had any reaction to what she was saying. She was still trying to make sure she pieced everything together properly.

    "Also now that I think of it Blue Pegasus probably thinks I am still dead... I haven't contacted them after going MIA almost a year ago. This year has been busy..."


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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Arianna 12th February 2015, 2:55 am

    Arianna was thrilled to hear that Artemis wouldn't mind her coming over to help with the little doge, giving her yet another pet on the head and a small scratch behind the ears. "I can't wait!" She had a huge smile on her face while looking down at the little Rachael, excited at the prospect.

    "Oh, and don't worry, I'll keep this one nice and quite~" She nudged her elbow into her doge, giving her a slightly pervy smile in the process. She calmed herself down quickly afterwards as she turned her attention back to the baby and towards Artemis as she told her story.

    As the story had finished being told, Arianna's rocking of the child slowed as she had a bit of a surprise look on her face at the story. Arianna blinked a few times before a smile slowly grew across her face with a held back giggle behind it after thinking about how quickly Rachael's and her's relationship took off.

    "I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?" Arianna giggled as she teased her pup, leaning over to her and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
    Le Doge
    Le Doge

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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Le Doge 12th February 2015, 2:04 pm

    Rachael blushed a little as she listened to Artemis explain the story of how her and her vampiric mother met. It was pretty much what the doge expected, she just didn't expect it to get so lewd for them so quickly. Though, her and Arianna weren't much different. As Arianna said she'd keep the doge quiet, Rachael blushed profusely and her ears flattened against her head. "Ariiii!" the doge whined. "Stoooop!" The doge was simply greeted with more perverted comments from her lover, making her face turn about as red as a tomato. The kiss on the cheek she received made her smile and her blush fade, but only slightly.

    "Y-yeah, me and Arianna met kinda similarly. We were sent on a job together as a representative of our different guilds, and neither of us were really happy about it. But... after a little bit we kinda warmed up to each other and... some things happened and... yeah..." Rachael said, averting her eyes and smiling lightly as the memories came back to her. The feeling was a little nostalgic in a way, having been with her love for almost over a year now. "It was... nice..." It seemed at this point that Rachael was just staring off into space, clearly daydreaming about that day. How would the other two know? Why she was blushing and her tail was wagging a little bit behind her, and she even leaned into Arianna's arm a little as she did so.


    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] WPcNzH2
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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Artemis 15th February 2015, 6:46 pm

    Artemis giggled slightly, before reaching over and grabbing a fry from her plate. She was almost done eating and she did feel bad that Rachael or her friend hadn't gotten anything.

    "I would say it is to similar, I might Priscilla by random chance." said Artemis. After a few more bites of her fries before an idea struck her. Her face lit up and she smiled, turning her gaze to Arianna.

    "I got it! I haven't had much time to spend with Priscila thanks to my lovable little terror you are holding. We get to snuggle on occasion but it doesn't last more then a few minutes usually. How about you come over next weekend and help Rachael watch herself. I can get Priscilla to myself and for the most part you will get Rachael to yourself until other Rachael needs yeah. Orin will be there but she probably will just stay out of your way and TAKE A BREAK UNLESS SHE IS ABSOLUTELY NEEDED, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME RACHAEL." said Artemis, her words sounding harsh near the end as she addressed her daughter.

    "So whatca say? It's a win win for both of us don't you agree?"


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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Arianna 22nd February 2015, 2:29 am

    As Rachael told a shorten up version of their story, Arianna couldn't help but blush a little. While it wasn't exactly as cheerful, with the doge actually almost killing the mixed blood before the tense finally broke between them. She turned away in a bit of embarrassment thinking about it, bringing her attention back to the little doge as she held a hand in front of her face to play with her a bit, getting a small hand to grab her finger. "Aww, she so cute~" It would probably be a shock to anyone that knew her before to see her so happy with the little child.

    Arianna's eyes glanced up as Artemis directed her voice to her, blinking as she felt the tug of the young child on her fingers. She giggled slightly as the mother finished, finding her raising tone of voice to her daughter funny in some way. "I'd love to! Anything to spend even more time with my puppy." She leaned over and rested her head on the shoulder of the older Rachael. "Both of them~" She said with a smile as she looked at the baby in her arms.
    Le Doge
    Le Doge

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    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] Empty Re: A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge]

    Post by Le Doge 11th March 2015, 5:43 pm

    Rachael could be seen sweating a little as her mother's voice rose and seemed quite threatening. She understood that Orin really needed that break, now.

    "Y-Yes mom..." the doge said hesitantly, a little sweatdrop running down her forehead. "I'll come home and help Orin tonight, and Arianna can come with since she's so infatuated with me anyways. I'm sure she'll have fun meeting my big sis, too..."

    Feeling Arianna rest her head on her shoulder, Rachael leaned her own head into her lover's and sighed contently. It was often that they'd cuddle in a position similar to this, much to the older Rachael's enjoyment. Her doge ears flicked lightly against Arianna's cheek every now and again too, tickling the woman. Rachael would do this just to mess with her, and every now and again use her ears to tickle Ari under the nose to make her sneeze. Though, the nephilim woman sneezing wasn't the best of things, sometimes, due to... reasons.

    "Heaven forbid those two getting ahold of little me..." the doge mumbled to herself, closing her eyes and snuggling up to Arianna even more. "That'd just be a mess... right Arianna?"


    A little Adventure [Arianna, Le Doge] WPcNzH2
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